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The press asking the wrong questions in international management

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Before 2017 comes out, I’ve been having a game of FM 2016 as the Algerian national team and after playing as various international teams on 2016 (England, Wales, USA, Scotland, Brazil, Netherlands, Haiti) one thing I’ve noticed whichever team I am is I’m always asked by the press if a particular player who I’ve dropped has to move to a bigger club to restart his international career. This is rarely the case though, as more usually, the player in question needs to move to a smaller club to get more game time, but that option never comes up in interaction with the press. Will this be rectified in FM2017? Both prompts have their uses, but the smaller club one never comes up and is more useful.





In an unrelated note, the Nigerian national football team is greyed out in my new game in a similar manner to Germany. Is this universal to everyone or a glitch I have to report?

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