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[Suggestion] Twitter auto updates to include date.


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[Suggestion] but feel free to discuss.

I really like FM's use of Twitter, but I think that they are missing a trick. 

First and foremost, I think that a date should be included in the tweet in some way. It doesn't have to be a full date, but ideally would include both the month and the year, even if abbreviated.

Today could be 19/10/17 but I know depending on where you are in the World the date might also be 10/19/17. The game already has our instructions for this so either way, the date still shows the correct year even if an American was viewing a UK tweet or vice versa.

It could even be simplified further to Oct 2016, Oct 16, or even just 2016/17 to indicate the season. All these would have a significant impact on those who follow blog and forum updates by twitter.

The last thing is that we should have a dedicated #FM day in which we try to get #FM17 , or a future FM trending. It's such an easy way to advertise and the most successful bloggers and YouTubers use it to great effect.

It really wouldn't take much to get it going. 

For those who use Twitter but have never thought to search Twitter for FM content, I can really reccomend it. It's really quick and easy and you just scroll through until something catches your eye. It's a great tool for finding great new content providers who are as yet under the radar.

Lastly, I would like to see the @FootballManager account used to advertise some of these content providers on a more regular basis and I don't just mean the big guys with thousands of folowers. 1 Re-Tweet per day by @FootballManager of just a random pic, post or link to a blog/video/stream would really help kick-start a content creator. As it is, it's almost as if it seems beneath @FootballManager to advertise those who are doing a great job, in my opinion), of advertising the game for free. Surely 1 re-tweet per day of a random article/pic/link isn't too much to ask. Is it?

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