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Falling out of love with FM. Need help.

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After over 20 years of playing FM I've started to question what I'm getting out of it lately and I'm worried I'm falling out of love with FM. It stems from the lack of feedback which leaves me wondering just what my input is really achieving.

I had a run of five convincing victories in a row and then I get thrashed and have no idea why. Same line up, same tactics, good fitness and condition. With no concrete feedback everything just seems a bit pointless as if no matter what I do anything could happen. I've had these thoughts before and then it leads to me wondering if all I'm doing is repeatedly clicking an arbitrary game where my input is as random as if I just went on holiday and left it to the AI.

You constantly think that the outcome of games are for this reason or that reason but with no telling feedback it could potentially be anything so that I'm just wasting my time and just blindly clicking away.

Does anyone ever feel the same? Can anyone bring back the love for FM. I nearly failed Uni because of this game. It can't be all over now can it?  

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Yeah it's FMM. I just don't have time in my life for the full version any more. FMM fits the bill perfectly.

FMM still has an amazingly believable world going on with realistic transfers, huge database and all the rest. I can still lose days setting up my team and scouting new players. But it just becomes incredibly frustrating when I have no idea why I'm doing well or doing badly. I've deleted then reinstalled and then deleted this game again so many times through being annoyed with the game not telling me why things are or aren't working. It's got to the point where it feels like guesswork and I question what effect my input is really having on the game. Yes football has millions of variables that can affect things but it would be nice to have some way of knowing during or after a game why things are happening. 

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While I don't disagree with the lack of feedback, that feeling gets amplified knowing that it's all an algorithm and feeling that it's not "realistic".  But random things happen occasionally in real life too.  Case in point, Manchester United's last two PL matches.  Mourinho put out a similarly defensive line-up as he does in big away matches.  It worked wonderfully (zzzzzzzzz) in the Liverpool match and failed tremendously in the Chelsea match with the entire team putting in probably the worst performance of the season by a title challenging team.  And just like your confusion, I'm guessing Mourinho has very little idea why the two matches were so different.

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I kind of like how the PC version does it. Assistant manager pops up to point out a couple things that are going wrong. Would be nice to have a screen at half time similar to the one on the match report screen after the game. Or even an option to look it up at any time during a match by "consulting" with your assistant. 

Some stuff could be inferred from stats during the match. Possession and total passes are a decent proxy but it's not perfect. Especially short passing messes everything up since you can get Barcelona-like passing totals even when playing with 10v11. 

I personally play on a fairly slow speed with extended highlights turned on. I like how it builds the tension. And how possession and passing are shown in the highlights are very indicative of where you may be having a vulnerable spot so I've been able to adjust. But I understand I'm probably in the minority and most people blast through matches in a minute. That's where some actual feedback in writing would be especially helpful. 

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An assistant manager monthly report with info like you suggest would be nice but probably not as useful to me. I try to rotate the squad and not start anyone below 90-95% so long term fatigue isn't an issue. Similarly, I know if I can't keep possession if I'm constantly at <50% and having low # of passes in a game. What I'm missing is feedback to adjust in-game to improve that possession.

And again, I do play slow with extended highlights and I like to micromanage so my "pain point" is individual matches (takes me 24 real hours to go thru 1-2 seasons) since I'm very involved on the meta level. For people who blast through a season in a few hours, I can see how a summary monthly report may be useful. 

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If you are concerned about posession, be aware that long goalkeeper distribution often gives the ball away (so use short distribution), and that an attacking mentality will encourage players to move the ball forward more quickly, thus increasing the chance of losing posession (so if you want the ball, use balanced, and obviously short passing). Player roles like BBM and IF are more likely to lose posession than others, although they can contribute to more goals.

Beware that posession in FMM is not calculated like on the TV where they click a button every time a pass is made and then add it all up at the end. In FMM, the posession is calculated by the time that your team holds the ball for, compared to the other team. So if your players don't dribble much, that could mean lower posession, even if you play a short passing game. As a result, posession stats between two teams in FMM are often much closer than IRL.

Onto your point about lack of feedback, try looking in the section in the match engine on the little tab on the right,in the "Away stats" or "home stats" sections. Things as simple as the player's rating can tell you where the weak point is, and I find pass completion and shots/shots on target ratio can provide further feedback about what is going wrong. 

I know these sorts of solutions aren't perfect, but think of it as the mobile version's primitive response to Prozone ?.

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