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Corporate facilities - long-term database problem

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Why is the lowest possible setting for corporate facilities set as "Basic corporate facilities" and cannot go any lower?

As far as I know, corporate facilities in terms of FM represent executive boxes that are rented out for matchdays and can bring in additional matchday income and it DOES NOT stand for shops, bars etc. that work during other days where there is not a match on. However, I have visited more than enough stadiums in my life that simply do not offer those kinds of facilities. Stadiums just have seats and stands and possibly a seated VIP section for club executives - no boxes for higher prices.

Therefore, is there any chance of  including a "No corporate facilities" option so that researchers and modders can actually present those stadiums in the right way? If it is something introduced prior to the release of the game, then FM researchers will have a full year to scale down their stadiums for this setting accordingly, some even for the release of the game.

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I might be mistaken but I have not seen a single club with that setting in the game and I had found out that you cannot go below "Basic" right on this forum.

Beta does not have editor access so I cannot check that. Maybe someone with FM16 editor knows more.

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I like to create very lower league leagues and set clubs with rep 1 and 1 of everything. We're talking park football, jumpers for goalposts etc. Even with attendances in single figures, corporate facilities are still part of the 'stadium'. A agree that there ought to be a level where no such facilities exist at all. 


In fact I've just had a look at Spey Valley, a new Scottish non-league club with FM Club rep 1. "Average Corporate Facilities"!

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6 minutes ago, Eborg said:

Can this be logged as a bug so that database values are presented differently?

E.g. Automatic "No corporate facilities" if corporate facilities value is left on default (1) OR stadium capacity is below 5,000.

I agree. Actually I use FMRTE in-game editor to make sure my club starts off with minimal everything; oddly despite using the pre-game editor  the game sets all other facilities at 1 but corporate facilities at 6, so an in-game editor is the only way to deal with it, and that sets it at 1, not zero. Basically it's something SI has never looked at.

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Ultimately SI definitions will rule, but I've played at Sunday league grounds in the Netherlands that had potential basic corporate facilities in my mind, I.e. A small encloseable seating area and a bar. Not corporate if the bar was open to all, but they had potential to change it. This would be basic in my mind, and was in ~200 seat grounds not 5000.

Played in one or two that had glass enclosed bars in second floor of training complex, still Sunday league and they were incredible. 

My point is any ground with a defined seating section and a bar has basic corporate facilities based on my definition. Doesn't need to be padded just defined/reserved 


It could be SI feel the same, or maybe they just haven't ever thought about it. 

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To be honest, it depends on fan culture as well.

For example, you will probably not find a single corporate facility in 95% of the top-tier clubs in Balkans, not to mention those lower leagues. Perhaps only a few stadiums have those in that part of the world even with national team games and Champions League matches being played there.

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On 10/25/2016 at 11:12, Eborg said:

Can someone from the moderation team move this topic to the "FM 2017 Bugs" forum so it is something logged for future releases as it is not a feature request?


Anyone from the moderation team?

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