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Design a son / generate a son

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I bought the generate a son add on and with it came the design a son add on. I can apply the generate a son add on and it gives me a prompt to input a name, which I do and then I get a kid in my youth team.

But I don't know how to edit him at all or design a son? In the downloads menu it says the design a son has already been applied but I haven't had access to it.


any advice would be appreciated

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  • 5 months later...

I've just come across the same problem.

I've unlocked 'generate a son' and received a son, then around a season later 'design a son' unlocked, but I'm unable to find where I can actually design a son. It already says its 'applied to game' in the store.

I'm presuming it's because I've already received a new son and you can't have two sons?

Also please fix the achievements that are not unlocking.

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