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Graphics query thread - for beginners


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Evening all,

Thought I'd set up a thread for basic graphics questions, as there are various random queries dotted around the forums and it would be great to have a 'catch all' thread for easy queries.

Mine is this:

I am a sucker for graphics, I just can't play FM without kits, faces and logos - not too fussed about the 'latest', but I just need to have something. I am familiar with the process of putting files where they need to go, but that is where my technical knowledge ceases. At the moment I am caught between two stools - I have a huge megapack of 2012-13 kits which I have been using, but I've recently updated that with a new 2015-16 megapack.

I found the 2015-16 megapack was less comprehensive than the 2012-13 version. I was playing around with merging files and creating new config files but wasn't getting quite the results I wanted. In the end, as a shot in the dark, I dumped both  megapacks into the FM17 graphics folder and lo and behold it seemed to work well, filling in a few blanks. But here's the query...if I have two versions of, for example, a Bayern Munich kit in two separate folders and with two configs, how the hell does the game 'know' which version to use. And, more importantly, is this likely to cause any aberrations in the game?

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Been playing the game for years but still consider myself a beginner graphics wise so two questions if I may?

1.  Have pre ordered and uploaded the beta of FMT  and would like to add the files for real names fix for the Cups, etc.  Got it to work fine in FM16 but I am wondering if changing files in the game like you have to do for this is better left until the full game is released rather than mess around with files in the beta?

2.  At the start of the game in create manager in FM16 there was an option to use your own photo rather than having to use the 3d manager.  This year you can use your own photo but only in the 3d manager generator and I come out like something from the Dawn of the Dead.  Is there an option somewhere to just use my photo or if not is it something that is in use once the full game is released?


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Thanks guys.  Last year you could just choose a picture instead of the 3d manager but all you have this year is this awful 3d generator where you can use a picture but only to generate a 3d face.  Look what it's done to me, As I said I look like something out of Dawn of the Dead!!!!


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@Sussex Hammer - I thought this would be an easy fix, much akin to adding a facepack. However, the manager profile doesn't appear to have an ID number, nor does the option 'show unique IDs' appear within the staff dropdowns, as it does for players.

On another note, I have just created a facepack from scratch for Argentinos Juniors, so, progress....!

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If you go to your Home Screen or your Manager Profile Screen with Unique IDs turned on the game will show your id in the titlebar.

However at the moment the manual method of adding a manager picture isn't working, the issue has been raised in the bugs forum and hopefully SI will change it so you can add back a standard manager picture like in the past, but at the moment there is nothing we can do.

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I have dug up a couple of threads mentioning it and apparently there is no fix although hopefully SI might look at bringing back the option.  It's a strange thing to omit though because I suspect a lot of users use face packs which of course are photos so all players would have photos but the real person playing the game is represented by a zombie!!  Bizarre...

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On 11/1/2016 at 08:56, Sussex Hammer said:

I have dug up a couple of threads mentioning it and apparently there is no fix although hopefully SI might look at bringing back the option.  It's a strange thing to omit though because I suspect a lot of users use face packs which of course are photos so all players would have photos but the real person playing the game is represented by a zombie!!  Bizarre...

it is very bizarre and there are loads of requests made for new/improved features that constantly get overlooked

and they spend time doing this:seagull:

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22 hours ago, kingrobbo said:

it is very bizarre and there are loads of requests made for new/improved features that constantly get overlooked

and they spend time doing this:seagull:

I know.  I have just uploaded a mega face pack and it looks brilliant.  1000's of player faces and you scroll through the teams and there are photos for managers, players even physios, it really adds to the game and yet the one person who doesn't have a photo and is represented by a really ugly 3d image that looks nothing like me is me!!!   

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Well they didn't give us the option but Lucas Wetherby said you can add your photo like you can add others.  Not an expert graphics wise so don't want to pfaff around unless something is guaranteed to work so has anyone got a solution to this and has a definite way of adding your photo as a Manager?

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