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Question regarding CA/PA

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Hey all!


Hopefully I'm posting this in right place, I've done a search but not been able to find anything on the topic so thought I'd ask here.


So here's the thing - I use FM Scout sometimes to find hidden gems in the game (I know, I'm sorry!) and I sometimes notice players with very low CA's but high PA's. I usually never bother with them, as I assume the gap is simply far too wide and they'll never actually fulfil their full potential.


Recently I've been playing a bit of FM 2007 and I found a 22 year old, using the FM Scout Genie thing, who has a ridiculously low CA but high PA (something like a CA of 20 and PA of 180). What made me curious is the fact the FM Genie has the option to show you their attributes if they were to "max" out their PA. So my question is - will this player with said CA/PA ever actually amount to anything ? Or am I right in thinking the gap is too big for them to actually reach their full PA. Would a similar player but aged 16 reach the PA with the extra time on their side ?


Thanks for any help in advance! :) 


TL;DR - Will a player with very low CA and very high PA ever be any good ?

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It depends on many variables such as "exposure to senior football, injury, personality/professionalism, coaching levels, training facilities, What you set as individual training" etc etc etc.

Generally though, a player should have done the bulk of his developing by 24 and the rest is just fine-tuning, so if he is a long way off the finished article at 22 years old, then I would suggest the ship has sailed on that one. Sorry. 

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Hey Jimbo, thanks for your reply mate!


Yeah, I guessed as much to be honest. Fortunately he's not a member of my squad, just someone I figured could be worth a punt at minimal cost if there was a chance he might make it anywhere near his PA! I sometime find out of contract youngsters (15, 16) in similar situations.. Maybe next time I'm at a top club with top facilities, coaches etc I'll get one of them in my youth team and see how he actually turns out!

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One thing I do every year is create a club to put in the lowest league and create  a teenager with CA1 PA 200. What always happens is that they develop reasonably well due to getting constant first team exposure. However, due to the very limited training facilities, coach and standard of play, they're never going to be a world-beater.

If you manage a 'big' club and come across a kid with low CA, high PA you're left with a dilemma; to maximise his potential you're going to have to play him in the first team a lot thereby weakening the team. I suppose the alternative is to do a Chelsea and loan him out to a high-rep club, but then you can't control his training.

About GenieScout 'projecting' the attributes when PA has been reached - this doesn't account for redistribution of points via training, so it's not wholly accurate.

Plus, 22 is too old to significantly develop, and if you're peaking at his hidden attributes, check 'injury proneness' - that's a killer!

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