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[Suggestion] Change circular Fitness icon to vertical bars


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The game currently uses a circular icon in a couple of locations to indicate a player's fitness and match sharpness. To me it's not doing a good job of quickly showing what the approximate levels are. I have to stop and think to what the inner section refers and to what the outer section, and I don't find it as easy as it should be to spot to what amount each circle section is filled. This has caused me to ignore the circle completely, and always look for the actual percentages.

I believe this graphic can be improved by using two vertical bars instead. I think that way it will easier to interpret at a glance what the current levels are.

Where the game currently shows fitness and match sharpness in numbers, the former is always on the left and the latter on the right, so it will be natural to interpret the vertical bars that way, making it possible to very quickly assess a player's current fitness state, doing away with the mental step the current circular display requires.

(To be fair, I would actually like it if the game would do away with the current discrete fitness percentages, and would instead just show a rough fitness state, but that's something for another topic.)

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