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Playing against teams who park the bus

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I'm in my second season playing as arsenal having won the league the previous season.

Whilst my tactic is still effective, i've noticed teams tend to park the bus much more against me. Fair enough, seen as i'm considered a bigger threat. 

I play a 4231 with a DLP (s) and BWM (d). 

I use wing backs, left on support and right sided player on attack. 

I use an IF (s) on the left side and a winger (s) on the right wing.

Adavanced play maker (s) in the AMC position with a defensive forward (s) up top. 

I've also wondered if i've got too many support  duties but considering i want my players to play less risky passes and not do anything too ambitious i haven't felt the need to change it. 

Team instructions include, passing short, exploit both wings, look for overlap and work ball into box. 

The tactic itself is still pretty solid but i've noticed i'm not scoring as many goals as i used to. 

I also forget to mention that i usually play on control and flexible. 

So tips please on breaking down stubborn defences? 

Teams who line up against me usually opt for a 4-4-1-1


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Maybe you should consider to create space from behind because if you start to cross a lot it's not a good idea IMO.Do you play with a slow tempo?

Maybe makig drop deep your forward could be a good idea while your  if go on attack  duty  IMO.

Maybe giving to your Ap an attack duty could be a good idea. You shoul think  how to break down her defend. Maybe giving less pressure to make them go little up to have space behind their defensive line...

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It's a little bit passive duty wise, you don't want to go from extreme to another and load up on attack duties because that'll make it much worse. Possibly try using an Attacking midfielder on attack to try and get him past the defensive forward more often and give the opposition defence a little bit more to worry about


Normally, when people struggle to break down the opposition defences irs because they're too aggressive and compound the lack of space by forcing everybody into the same area. If you notice a lack of space for your players drop from standard to counter to   draw the opposition out a little bit.

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The use of a forward who drops deep to create space behind and gaps in the defence would be useful i.e. a false 9 or a deep lying forward on support. Even if the defender chooses not to follow there is a chance for effective link up play with your striker and midfielders. 

Using a more patient build up and when around the box can be useful to work your way to scoring, especially if the opposition over commit after you've had the ball for a while. 

24 minutes ago, Shameless1 said:

Maybe you should consider to create space from behind because if you start to cross a lot it's not a good idea IMO.Do you play with a slow tempo?

I actually quite like the idea of crossing a lot against teams who park the bus, in real life anyway. It's not always effective but if you've got big targets in the box it can be useful, it's hard for defenders to constantly defend crosses for a large period of time. 

You also want to stretch the opposition if possible as they will most likely be playing very narrow to avoid being over run in the middle so increasing the width setting might help with this, although may end up with your wingers having less room if the opposition to start to stretch. 

Loads of possibilities if you put your mind to it and think about how teams do it in real life! :) 

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