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Self Created Face Packs won't show


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I can install downloaded face packs with no issue, but when I add them myself, they dont work

files are saved as .png in photoshop, 180x180 with transparent background

the config file is copy and pasted from downloaded face packs .. but still won't load

any ideas?

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16 minutes ago, VudoBadger said:

any ideas?

I guess you did the double check of all pictures .png, not .PNG and also the xml file, no ´, just '.

If so, try this:

clear the cache, move your graphics folder on the desktop, close and restart the game

move the graphics folder back, empty the cache again, close and restart the game

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no, didn't work :(


    <!-- resource manager options -->


    <!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->

    <boolean id="preload" value="false"/>


    <!-- turn off auto mapping -->

    <boolean id="amap" value="false"/>


    <!-- logo mappings -->

    <!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions

             in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any

             place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics

             files from the correct places



    <list id="maps">

        <record from=“1394631848” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631848/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631853” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631853/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631863” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631863”/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631862” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631862/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631854” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631854/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631859” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631859/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631856” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631856/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631850” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631850/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631847” to="graphics/pictures/person/1394631847/portrait"/>

        <record from=“1394631868” to=“graphics/pictures/person/1394631868/portrait”/>




thats the config file, saved as .xml in Word (I'm on a Mac)


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16 minutes ago, VudoBadger said:

yea I'm using them from in game IDs

The problem is the standard Mac TextEdit, it makes this changes. Download another free editor like TextEditor and it will work.

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