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Norwegian league restructure in FM17

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I just bought FM17 and I noticed the relegation places in Div 2 are extensive. I've seen that there are plans to restructure the Norwegian leagues but I want to know how this fits in to FM17.

Will all the new leagues be playable, or will it just be less playable teams in the Norwegian leagues in FM for the restructure onwards? I've seen people say they've been sacked for being relegated in season 1, but I want to be sure before I pick a Norwegian club to manage.

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Nevermind, I didn't realise it would be so quick to run a test start to see how things work as of 2017. Did so and realised the game will only simulate the divisions it does now. If I get relegated in Norway then it's the same as being relegated out of the game.

Shame there'll be less playable teams in Norway. Always one of my favourite countries to manage in. Big challenge to survive as an unemployed manager first season, but a big risk when it took me 20 minutes to create my save.

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