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A Life Sentence


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This takes place in place of the original story that was being posted here - Dumping Off A Dead Body Down At Hendon.

It is a revamped version, with the story changing (as well as team as I dont have the same save) but the main focus staying the same. It is something different to your usual managerial career and that's why I have chosen to re-do it.


I lay on my tattered bed with my eyes barely open. I kept day dreaming, back and forth. It helped clear my mind, at least for a moment.

I climbed out of bed and on to my feet, slowly walking towards the end of my new, dark room.

It was going to be my home for a long time now. You could say I had deserved it for what I had done. It wasn’t intentional.

It happened over a year ago now.

I was in Tamworth and there was a football match going on between them and AFC Wimbledon. I went to the match and saw a dismal Tamworth loose 5v0. For the manager, it was his last chance and he blew it. Absolutely blew it.

Full time was over and I stayed sat there, for some reason I was emotionally attached to the loosing Tamworth players and fans. The pitch emptied and a steward asked me kindly to leave the stadium.

As I made my way back to my battered Peugeot, I was greeted by the chairman of Tamworth. He questioned me, asking me all sorts. I got worried but after a ten minute chat he invited me back to his place for a drink. I agreed in the hope a pint would be available.

On arrival at the chairman’s house, I was greeted by numerous people from the team. The chairman stood up and announced to the players of the managers sacking. I stood there alone, still wondering what I was doing there. It was then that the chairman pointed to me and said ‘Mr.White here is pleased to be the new manager of Tamworth’. I stared on out of amazement. Me? But I’m not Mr.White I thought. I never said anything and I was the new players’ boss. I had been totally mistaken for someone else, but what the hell, its every mans dream to be the manager of a football club I thought.

The ‘party’ continued for hours and by this time I was desperate for the loo. I walked up the stairs to the toilet of which was occupied.

The chairman’s house was rather grand, but nothing too special to be honest. Outside of the toilet stood a cabinet. I opened it and there it was.

There it was, the thing that put me where I am today.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

After opening the cupboard out of curiosity, I saw the chairman’s rifle that he must have used for hunting when he was younger perhaps.

I picked it up slowly. I took my hand and moved it down the gun slowly. I looked down the barrel. It was a beautiful gun.

The toilet door burst open. My hands clenched the rifle tight. I had pulled the trigger in shock.

The bullet ripped straight through the emerging man from the toilet, tearing a hole right through his chest. I stood still as everything moved in slow motion. The body dropped to the floor making a thud as it hit the floor.

I stood there.

Still as a leaf.

Then, from my right another person appeared.

“Wha.- What have you done!?” he called.

I turned to face him, pleading him not to call for help, “I… I… I didn’t mean to. It was an accident. P… Please help me.”

The man shook his head in astonishment, walking towards me to see the chaos that had just occurred. He slowly walked to the door and as he saw the body, turned and gagged.

“You sick bastard!” he claimed.

“I told you I d-didn’t mean to.” I stuttered.

“Your sick!” he called.

“You wont tell anyone it was me will you… will you?” I asked, worrying for my life.

“What? How can I not tell anyone.” He said in shock. The man put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his mobile.

“What are you doing? Please don’t. Please.” I begged.

He dialled 999 and I pulled the gun on him. He kept the phone to his ear.

“Stop it!” I screamed. “Stop it!”

I had to. I had to do it. It was the only way. So I did. This time I tore a whole through the mans head, obliterating the phone on its way through.

I stood there.

Still as a leaf.

But not for long.

No one else had heard the gunshots. The music was too loud and a lot of people had already gone.

I picked up the first body, dragging him out of the bathroom and down the stairs. His head thumped each step that was taken. A trail of blood started to appear from the murdered man. No one was inside the house and everyone was in the back garden under the gazebo. I picked the man up, slinging him over my shoulder. I ran out to the car, dumping the man in the boot.

I locked my car and went to walk back in to the house. I noticed the blood stains that covered my white shirt, but I needed to get the other body before someone found him. I got to the front door. I looked through the glass window to see somebody about to go up the stairs.

“****.” I muttered to myself.

I ran back to my car and got in the drivers seat, firing up the car as quick as I could. The engine started and I drove away from the house before anyone could catch me.

I had driven two miles when I saw the first set of blue flashing lights coming from the other way. The sight made my heart pump even faster but the police car flew past.

I arrived home safely, unlike the two men stuffed in the boot of my car.

I turned the engine off and sat there for a moment.

Still as a leaf.

What had I done?

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Thanks naspa, glad your enjoying it. I suppose you wont find out much here, but I guess that means you will have to wait till my next post to see what happens.


It was 6am and I still hadn’t got a wink of sleep. It kept me up all night. Thinking about their families, their lives and what the hell I was going to do to get myself out of this mess. The hours went by and the same thoughts repeated themselves.

Hour after hour, minute after minute it haunted me.

I put the TV on to try and take my mind away from everything. Flicking from one channel to the next, I found a news report of the two men that lay dead in my car. It was all over the news, every channel. They suspected that the two had got in a fight, noting that they were currently unsure if both the men were dead and who or what had caused the bloodshed.

I sat in my chair knowing everything that had happened. Knowing that the news was wrong. I knew I had done wrong. But I couldn’t just hand myself in.

One part of me told myself to hand myself in. But the other side told me to hide and dump the bodies somewhere. It sickened me to think this way. But it was then that my thought was interrupted by my telephone ringing.

I answered with a croaky voice, “Hello?”

“Hello, its me, the chairman from Tamworth. I was calling to make sure you were ok because of what happened last night. I never saw you leave or heard anything from you so I was making sure it wasn’t you that got in to a tussle.” He swiftly said.

I paused for a moment, thinking of what to say, “Well, I left early” I lied. “I had to get home and get some rest, I was knackered.”

“Oh, thank god for that.” He replied. “And there was me thinking you could have been either dead or the killer!” He laughed, calling it “Paranoia!”

“Yeah, paranoia…” I repeated as I rolled my eyes, knowing what he had said was actually true.

The chairman chuckled, going on to say “So, with this in mind I have cancelled all training for the next two weeks so the team can get themselves back together and in one state. So, I will leave you be too till then, unless anything comes up. Ok?”

I had totally forgotten about the job I had been given by mistake last night. It was a boyhood dream, to be a football manager. It was the perfect job.

But there were still two dead bodies in my car.

I needed to dispose of them. Quickly.

But where?

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The sun grew higher and the day became clearer. It was time. I had to do it. I had to.

So I walked over to my coat, sliding my arms in slowly. I reached for my car keys and walked over to the garage door. I stood there looking at the car, thinking of what was inside of it. As I climbed in to the drivers seat, I thought about where the best place to dump a couple of bodies off would be. Typically thinking a lake or a ditch. But that was typical and the first place anyone would think of.

I drove for hours not knowing where I would end up. I had travelled over 300 miles from home till I saw a sign that shouted ‘yes!’ to me.

The sign read ‘Disused Mining Quarry.’ Perfect.

I followed the signs and travelled down a long winding dirt track that hadn’t been used for years. Perfect.

It began to rain, and through the speckled window I could finally see the quarry. It had been filled with water.

‘Warning, Disused Mining Quarry. Do not swim.’

The sign had been a welcomed guest. The quarry was bound to be deep, no one would ever be found down there. Nothing.

I got out the car and peered over the edge, pausing for a moment more. It was a long way down and the water was black as anything.

This was it I thought to myself. This was it.

I hurried back to the car and checked to see if anyone was around. Nothing.

I opened the boot to be faced with an awful stench. I stood there momentarily, questioning if throwing them in was the best way. I had nothing to way them down, they would just float there. It had to be the car. I had to drive the car in to the quarry to have any chance of getting rid of the bodies here.

I sat in the car for half an hour, contemplating getting rid of the bodies.

It was an accident; the judge would understand that I told myself. Hell, I was being fool again, of course he wouldn’t. I killed two men, ran away from the scene and am about to dump them in a quarry.

There was no turning back now.

So I started the engine, putting the car in to reverse, giving myself a good run up. I fired myself up, persuading myself this was the best thing to do for myself.

The wheels spun and the car hurtled towards the end of the cliff face.

There was no turning back now.

I got to 60 mph and the edge was far too close. I tried opening the door.

It wouldn’t give way to the force. I tried opening the door again..

I had to get out… I scrambled one last time to try and force open the door, "Open you f**ker" I screamed, using all my force...

But it was too no avail; we were already plunging down in to the vast, ocean like quarry beneath.

My mind told me it was over.

The car crashed in to the water head first, throwing my body forwards. In seconds, everything went dark.

It was over…

It was over.

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Last update this week I think :)

I had hurtled in to the steering wheel. It had knocked me out cold…

The car filled with water, but I sit there useless to myself, unable to move, unable to escape the water filled lungs that lay just minutes away.

The water was up to my chest when I regained consciousness. I breathed heavily, questioning where I was and what had just happened. It was too late to panic; I had to get out of the car before it took me down.

The door was still jammed. I kicked the door and window in the hope it would smash, nothing.

The water filled the car at an ever increasing speed. It was already at the level of my mouth. With no time left, I took a long, hard, deep breath and kicked the already cracked windscreen. The windscreen cracked further, but it did not break.

With little to no room left to catch a breath, I took my last breath, kicking the windscreen one last time, smashing wide open.

The car had already sunk to a depth where the top was just a blur. I pushed my way out of the broken windscreen, swimming as fast and as hard as I could.

I burst through the surface of the water, claiming my life back.

I had made it. Alive. But they were not. They were dead and never to be found and it was all my fault.

I swum out of the quarry and stood over the point where the car had plummeted in to the water. I looked around me once more, checking if anyone had seen or heard anything, but there was no one. All I could think about was how I had just committed a crime that will have devastated two families, and many more. But I had a managerial job, all be it one in the Blue Square, but I had one and that’s what mattered now.

I walked out of the quarry site, soaked in dirty clothes with minor cuts and bruises all over. I needed to get out of here quickly and back home. The taxi ride wasn’t going to be cheap, not at over 300 miles.


I arrived home later that day, with a taxi ride cost of more than I could afford. But I had done what needed to be done. All that I needed to do now was relax, take it all in and move on. Try and forget about it. Try and manage a football team with no more distractions.

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2-Weeks Later…

The news was that the two men had been killed by someone, still unknown to the police who kept asking for witnesses and the murderer, or should I say, me to hand myself in. However, there was apparently, to them, still a chance that the murder was committed by one of the missing men.

The news was good for me, no one knew or suspected anything, thank god.

The two week ‘break’ period was up, and I was about to start my boy hood dream job. My boy hood dream that I wasn’t going to let the ‘past’ interfere with, it was the past now.

I had to walk down to the training pitches in Tamworth, a good five miles away. But I got my exercise for the day I suppose, making the assistant take the training as a whole, to give me an overview of the players.

The pre-season training had already started a fair few weeks back and the transfer window had already been open.

I told the players not to worry, “no one here is a murderer. Everything will be ok. Now lets play some football and forget about what happened two weeks ago and enjoy yourselves”.

Although what I had just told them was a lie, and I knew I should have felt bad for the murders. But I didn’t. Two weeks ago, yes I would have done and I did. But now, now I was stood in front of a squad of players, managing a football team and there wasn’t the slightest feeling of guilt for what I had done.

It was a boyhood dream that nothing would get in the way of. Nothing.

After a long two hour training session, I sent the boys home for the day, telling them to come back tomorrow morning for a swift start at 9:00am.

With the first training session over, me and my new assistant manager went through the list of players, compiling a team report


Danny Alcock: Good shot stopper however is poor at organising the defence. He is twice the player of second gk Kieran Thompson. Overall, a good player. **** (4Star)

Kieran Thompson: No where near the standard of Alcock with very little determination. Reasonably good at dealing with crosses and high balls in the penalty area, however is poor at being in the right place at the right time. * (1Star)


Graeme Law (DR): Ambitious player, twice the player of Brendan Murphy and is a very high working player however can be poor in the air. **** (4star)

Matthew Paine (D/ML): A much better player than Jordan Young, another high working player with a sporting attitude. Again, poor in the air. ***** (5star)

Callum Burgess (DC): Ambitious and very much a team player with strong defensive abilities. However, often lacks intelligence on the pitch and rarely thinks outside of the box, seeing only what is in front of him. However, he is a quality player. ***** (5star)

Dominic Langdon (DL/C): Second strongest central defender after Burgess who is again, another team player who lacks intelligence on the pitch. Also, lacks movement. **** (4star)

Craig McAughtrie (DC): Loyal, team player with a low level of intelligence on the pitch again. ****(4star)

Michael Wylde (DL/C): A professional player with a high level of Athleticism but poor intelligence, making the decisions he makes poor on many occasions. ****(4Star)

Chris Smith (DC): A fairly sporting personality that comes with, for once, a high level of aerial ability. Again, lacks intelligence on the pitch and can be referred to as being ‘fairly blinkered’. ****(4star)


Bradley Pritchard (DM/MC): A good team player that lacks ability whilst in the air. Regarded as a good player. **** (4 star)

Matt Birley (AMR/L): A very sporting player with a high level of pace, however like most players, lacks aerial ability. ****(4star)

Jordan Young (WB/AML): a lot of potential in the 18 year old who could be as good as Matthew Paine. A good team player with a high work rate, again disappointing in the air. ****(4star) with a potential *****(5star).

Chris Nurse (AMR/C): An ambitious player with a large amount of pace but poor intelligence on the pitch, lacking focus at times. ****(4Star)

Martin Foster (DM/MC): old at 31, however a star player that is determined and very much a team player. Over the years he has lost his aerial ability. *****(5Star)

* Tom Shaw (MC): professional player with his desire and bravery to help his team mates out. However, can be slow at times in anticipating situations. ******(6star)

Gareth Sheldon (AMR/L/C): A fairly balanced player with a great ability at taking free kicks. Very much a set pieces man who again, like the rest of the team possess poor ability in the air. ****(4star)


* Nick Wright (AMR/ST): A professional personality that comes with a fair amount of pace, great for a striker. However, he stays clear of aerial challenges, another poor player in the air. Overall, ****** (6Star) player.

Stefan Morrison (ST): A fairly sporting player who again, possess a hight level of speed. Also holds the ability to be a key team player. *****(5star) with the ability to reach ******(6star).

Stuart Nicholson (ST): Fairly professional player with high speed like the other strikers, with again, poor aerial ability. **** (4star)

Mark Rawle (ST): Speedy player that lacks aerial ability like the rest of them. ***(3Star)

Overall, the squad had a pleasing amount of depth and the media’s prediction of finishing 8th was a sound one, with the players being capable of achieving this and more.

We produced a possible starting XI, 4,1,3,2 with attacking wingers:


Law Burgess Smith Wylde


Birley Shaw Paine

Wright Morrison

**** **** **** ****

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