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Is there a way to disable background pictures for some screens/panels?


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We just introduced city pics to the next update of Vitrex, as seen in the screenshot. The problem is that many club screens also draw from these, as they are under 'backgrounds' in the folder setup of graphics. As many of these pictures are relatively small, and therefore look very grainy and poor when blown up to a 1920x1080 resolution, we are looking for a way of disabling them on all screens they show (as a background).

We have found a relatively easy workaround for this on the same sceen shown below (club overview) by adding a custom background overlay to the whole panel - but will we have to do this on every screen we want to remove it from?

Before overlay (ugly and grained):

After overlay:

And another thing: Which logic is used to decide when to show the club background (the one mentioned before) and when to show the background of the competition, the club is participating in? This is a little messy imo, and there is no clear consistency in it.

For example these screens show the background for Premier League (given backgrounds for the competition are present in the graphics folder):

Team Squad (in the sidebar) - > while 'International', 'Players on Loan' and 'Extended Leave' in the same section, if clicked in the tab bar, show the grainy background we want to avoid.

Staff (in the sidebar) -> All screens here show the ugly grainy club background. I mean logically, is the 'Tactics' panel not as much a part of the club as the 'Staff' panel - but one shows the competition background, the other the club background - doesn't really make sense.

Scouting (in the sidebar) -> All screens show the club background.

Transfers (in the sidebar) -> Once again no concistency. First tab option 'Transfer Center' show the club background, while the next, 'Director of Football' show the competition one, just to revert back to the club one for the next 3 tab bar options ('Loans', 'Clauses' and 'Transfer History').

Example (2 tabs under the same main panel of 'Transfers'):

Transfer Center tab:

Director of Football tab:

What is the idea behind this?

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There are two types of backgrounds for clubs, one called 'club' and the another called 'team' - team ones should be linked to team like screens (tactics, fixtures, squad etc...) with club linked to general club screens (finances, overview etc), I'd also expect the background that shows to depend on what panels folder the corresponding files are located in either club or team.

What lines are you using in the config file to display the city and country information as it is possible what you have used is also being linked to the club and team screens, depending on what you have done I'd suspect assigning club/team backgrounds to the clubs in question should stop the city/country images from showing.

Also again depending on the lines you are using you might be able to use a different code so they don't display on the backgrounds, for example stadium images have two different codes:

<record from="stadium_blue" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/90024350/background"/>

<record from="stad_stad_yellow" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/680/stadium"/>

First one displays on the stadium/match screens as a background, whilst the second one only displays the small image inside panels (like on your overview screens above).

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45 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

There are two types of backgrounds for clubs, one called 'club' and the another called 'team' - team ones should be linked to team like screens (tactics, fixtures, squad etc...) with club linked to general club screens (finances, overview etc), I'd also expect the background that shows to depend on what panels folder the corresponding files are located in either club or team.

What lines are you using in the config file to display the city and country information as it is possible what you have used is also being linked to the club and team screens, depending on what you have done I'd suspect assigning club/team backgrounds to the clubs in question should stop the city/country images from showing.

Also again depending on the lines you are using you might be able to use a different code so they don't display on the backgrounds, for example stadium images have two different codes:

<record from="stadium_blue" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/90024350/background"/>

<record from="stad_stad_yellow" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/680/stadium"/>

First one displays on the stadium/match screens as a background, whilst the second one only displays the small image inside panels (like on your overview screens above).

@michaeltmurrayuk Thanks for the response.

This is the code being used to show the small city picture in the club overview panel:

	<widget class="background" file="backgrounds" id="bgnd">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
<integer id="set_property" value="file" />

These are the codes in the cities config files:

<record from="57" to="graphics/pictures/club/57/background"/>

Is there some other way to show it? - But regarless of this code, the background of the city shows none the less, as the pictures are present in the graphics folder, making the game use them as backgrounds automatically, without me doing any manual panel/xml coding for them to show - it happens all by it self as you know.

The problem is rather than as soon as the 'cities' graphics folder is put into the 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\graphics\pictures\cities' path (or actually a config file within the graphics folder tells the game to use these as backgrounds), the game automatically draws from it, and use them for backgrounds at the above mentioned screens. So it's more about that, rather than the piece of code in the panel itself, showing the city pic i guess.

Can the config files of the citi pics be changed, so they are not background images anymore, but rather just a stadium picture, only being used to be shown in the widget on the club overview? Without having to manually assign it to each club, but let the game draw from the folder on its own, like it does now with backgrounds. If it makes any sense?

To clear up what i want is:

Only show the city pics in that one small panel, in the upper right hand corner of the club overview, and NO other places what so over - is it possible? 

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This is the code the game uses to display the stadium on the home screen for example:

  <widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="top, centre_x" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
    <record id="object_property">
      <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
      <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

So you'd need to find an id and possibly a widget class that allows the game to grab the stadium pics (if one even exists as I don't think there is a city screen anywhere in the game?).

I think the problem with your code is it is just grabbing the background image for that screen which in your case also happens to be the city image. I've had a bit of a play around and I can get the default small image to display on the manager home screen whilst having a team background assigned, but the club screen just shows the club background for both the background and small image, as does a team screen so I'm not sure if there really is going to be anyway to do it, meaning you can either use bigger pictures so they aren't blurry on the background or add overlays to all the club/team screens so the background doesn't show.

Though I've still no idea how you are getting city images to show up as when I put an image in that folder named by the city id the game doesn't pick it up.

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5 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

This is the code the game uses to display the stadium on the home screen for example:

  <widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="top, centre_x" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
    <record id="object_property">
      <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
      <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

So you'd need to find an id and possibly a widget class that allows the game to grab the stadium pics (if one even exists as I don't think there is a city screen anywhere in the game?).

I think the problem with your code is it is just grabbing the background image for that screen which in your case also happens to be the city image. I've had a bit of a play around and I can get the default small image to display on the manager home screen whilst having a team background assigned, but the club screen just shows the club background for both the background and small image, as does a team screen so I'm not sure if there really is going to be anyway to do it, meaning you can either use bigger pictures so they aren't blurry on the background or add overlays to all the club/team screens so the background doesn't show.

Though I've still no idea how you are getting city images to show up as when I put an image in that folder named by the city id the game doesn't pick it up.

If you look at my config file above, you'll see they are not assigned as city backgrounds but as club backgrounds. So they show through a simple piece of code, which shows the background in a panel basically. Here it is again:


<record from="57" to="graphics/pictures/club/57/background"/>

This leads me to another question then. Do all the underpanels/tab sections of let's say the Club Overview screen (General, news, Facilities, Affiliates, History and so on) have an "overview" panel file, or are they generated ad hoc - i'm asking because i've look through the panels folder extracted from the FM17 .fmf file, and i can't seem to locate any of them really...

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1 minute ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

That'll be why then, what you are basically doing is telling the game to display the background image in the small city box you created, and because you have assigned it to the background image it will then also show as the background unless you use an overlay to hide the background.

Thanks Mic. Thats also what i figured out from start - hence the question about if it's possible to put in some piece of code on the different panels/screens, telling the game not to use a background on that particular overview, making it fall back to the 'default' one. But it doesn't seem that way then?

And again, do "under pages" from the tab bar so to say, have a "overall/parent" overview.xml file:  General, news, Facilities, Affiliates, History ect. Because i can't seem to locate them...

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Most if not all of them will have their own xml files

General should be panels\team\team container information overview panel club.xml

Facilities; panels\team\team container information stadium panel.xml

History: will be the various team container records files in the same location.

Affiliates: panels\club\club affiliated clubs panel.xml

News should just use the general news panel from panels\competition\competition news panel.xml

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2 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

Most if not all of them will have their own xml files

General should be panels\team\team container information overview panel club.xml

Facilities; panels\team\team container information stadium panel.xml

History: will be the various team container records files in the same location.

Affiliates: panels\club\club affiliated clubs panel.xml

News should just use the general news panel from panels\competition\competition news panel.xml

Ok will have a look through, thanks Mic.

And one last thing.

Do you know if any code exist, where you can make a screen draw from a specific type of background.

Right now we would have to cover the above mentioned screens, with this:


  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
  <!-- background box - covers entire screen -->
  <widget class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/club/solid/paper"/>



 But obviously this will make them all static, pointing to a specific file.

Is there a way to for example tell the Club Overview screen to draw from the competition backgrounds, in stead of from the club background as by default - overriding that?

Just like it's possible to insert a small box/panel to show a stadium/city - wouldn't it be possible to blow that panel up to cover the whole screen, insert is at the top of an overview panel (to have it in the backgound of that) and then by code, let it draw from for example competition backgrounds?


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What are the widget class codes for showing the different type of pictures? Is there a place/way to find them all - or how do one figure out which possibilities to play with? It seems a jungle at times.

Backgrounds is (are there different sub-genres of let's say the 'backgrounds' code - competition, stadium, person ect.?):

	<widget class="background" file="backgrounds" id="bgnd">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
<integer id="set_property" value="file" />

Stadium is:

			<widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="top, centre_x" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
					<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

Where as National flag is "just" a picture widget:


		<widget class="picture" id="flag" height="" image_alignment="top" scale_picture="false">
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="2" />
										  <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true"/>
										  <flags id="image_alignment" value="top"/>
										  <record id="object_property">
											<integer id="get_property" value="flag"/>

And further more club logos is a whole third kind of widget code:

              <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pclB" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" width="85" height="85" wants_mouse_events="true" embed_in_frame="true">
                <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" embed_in_frame="true" />
                <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pclb" set_property="objt" />


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The backgrounds are assigned by what is in the config file these are the four options I am aware of:

<record from="club_red" to="graphics/pictures/club/5100214/background"/>
<record from="club_red" to="graphics/pictures/team/657/background"/>
<record from="stad_stad_yellow" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/657/stadium"/>
<record from="stadium_blue" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/657/background"/>

For the background images the game just assigns them depending on what screen you are on but there is nothing in the xml files to determine which of them it calls. There might be other options but I don't use backgrounds so haven't really looked into them, there did use to be more options but I think they were removed due to legal issues after the split into FM from CM. You can try taking bits from the logo/face config files to see if you can assign comp or player backgrounds.

For the skinning xml files finding the classes and ids is guess work for the most part - some parts of the game use unique four letter ids, some just use generic ids for that screen with the data called by the game code we don't have access to.

There are a couple of ways to try and find the ids and class types most of them are listed inside the xml files within the sections.fmf file, the other way is to find somewhere else in the game that displays the item you want and then look in the xml file for that panel to see how it is displayed, you can also check the xml file where you want the item to display to see how the existing code is done as sometimes that file uses modified ids that you need to work the pattern out to add extra items.

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9 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

The backgrounds are assigned by what is in the config file these are the four options I am aware of:

<record from="club_red" to="graphics/pictures/club/5100214/background"/>
<record from="club_red" to="graphics/pictures/team/657/background"/>
<record from="stad_stad_yellow" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/657/stadium"/>
<record from="stadium_blue" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/657/background"/>

For the background images the game just assigns them depending on what screen you are on but there is nothing in the xml files to determine which of them it calls. There might be other options but I don't use backgrounds so haven't really looked into them, there did use to be more options but I think they were removed due to legal issues after the split into FM from CM. You can try taking bits from the logo/face config files to see if you can assign comp or player backgrounds.

For the skinning xml files finding the classes and ids is guess work for the most part - some parts of the game use unique four letter ids, some just use generic ids for that screen with the data called by the game code we don't have access to.

There are a couple of ways to try and find the ids and class types most of them are listed inside the xml files within the sections.fmf file, the other way is to find somewhere else in the game that displays the item you want and then look in the xml file for that panel to see how it is displayed, you can also check the xml file where you want the item to display to see how the existing code is done as sometimes that file uses modified ids that you need to work the pattern out to add extra items.

Ok thanks again, useful info in deed! But there must be other kind of background possibilities, since there are so many different background packs out there - for players, competitions, clubs, nations and so on. Would really like to know if these could be activated manually on any given screen, in the form of either a small panel showing a picture (like the stadium or city), or as a background for that screen. I'm using competition backgrounds right now for example, and the code there is:

         <record from="fifa world cup" to="graphics/pictures/comp/1301385/background"/>

But how to convert that into a widget like these, i have NO IDEA!:

	<widget class="background" file="backgrounds" id="bgnd">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
<integer id="set_property" value="file" />

Stadium is:

			<widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="top, centre_x" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
					<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
	<widget class="background" file="backgrounds" id="bgnd">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
<integer id="set_property" value="file" />


			<widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="top, centre_x" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
					<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />


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I don't think there is anyway, you'd need to find something like the stadium_picture codes from above, but as they aren't used anywhere in the game the code likely doesn't exist, the only other place I could thing to look is in the touch mode as that tends to have a more graphical appearance to its data, but I don't use it so don't know if it has any of the other items assigned like the small stadium pics.

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15 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

I don't think there is anyway, you'd need to find something like the stadium_picture codes from above, but as they aren't used anywhere in the game the code likely doesn't exist, the only other place I could thing to look is in the touch mode as that tends to have a more graphical appearance to its data, but I don't use it so don't know if it has any of the other items assigned like the small stadium pics.

You're probably right about that.

In regards of all this, i've begun to cover the different backgrounds with the static one, to hide the city pics. I came across something a little weird:

In the scouting section all worked fine. I managed to find the panel file (person/scouting person search.xml) and changed the default code:


  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="0" gap="1" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" layout_children="true" />

    <widget class="team_scouts_panel" id="left" late_loading="true" width="280">
      <animation class="size_animation" />
      <record id="object_property">
        <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
        <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

    <widget class="person_search_panel" id="pspa" type="1" late_loading="true">
      <animation class="position_animation" />


to this:


  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
  <!-- background box - covers entire screen -->
  <widget class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/club/solid/paper"/>

    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="0" gap="1" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" layout_children="true" />

    <widget class="team_scouts_panel" id="left" late_loading="true" width="280">
      <animation class="size_animation" />
      <record id="object_property">
        <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
        <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

    <widget class="person_search_panel" id="pspa" type="1" late_loading="true">
      <animation class="position_animation" />


Giving me the desired outcome, from before:


To what i wanted:


So far so good.

But when the same is done on the staff overview screen (team/staff overview panel.xml), changing the default coding from:

  <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0" gap="1"/>
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1, -1, -1" offset="0" gap="1"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc1" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>
    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc2" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>
    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc3" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>

  <container id="btns" height="35" class="bordered_box">
    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="5"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>


To this:

  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
  <!-- background box - covers entire screen -->
  <widget class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/club/solid/paper"/>

    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1, -1, -1" offset="0" gap="1"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc1" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>
    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc2" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>
    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc3" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>

  <container id="btns" height="35" class="bordered_box">
    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="5"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>


The result is at follows. Before:




It's as if the background is actually on top of the panels as all icons,bars, buttons and text has become much darker - i don't get how that is even possible, as the background picture set, is not see through at all - it's a solid, coloured background???

I'm aware the coding of both panels ((person/scouting person search.xml versus team/staff overview panel.xml) starts of in different manners - so that's probalby why it works perfectly on one and not on the other, but anyway i don't get how it can affect the last screen in this odd, transparent way!?

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Changed it to:



  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
  <!-- background box - covers entire screen -->
  <widget class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/club/solid/paper"/>
		<container default_height="60" priority="3">
			<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1, 35" offset="0" gap="0"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="-5" layout_children="true"/>
					<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1, -1, -1" offset="0" gap="1"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc1" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>
    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc2" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>
    <widget class="team_staff_subteam_panel" id="soc3" file="team/team staff subteam vertical"/>

  <container id="btns" height="35" class="bordered_box">
    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="5"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

Now it works :-)

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It's really a pain to search for and find all the .xml files controlling the sub sections of every sidebar menu section - for example i'm already stuck on searching for the files controlling the "International" part, found in the tab bar under the Squad section.

Where can i find the files controlling which buttons/links are showed in the tab bar of each main section (Inbox, squad, staff, club, training and so on) - and which panels they lead to when clicked? Would be much easier that way around, in stead of guessing from file names.

EDIT: Ok found it - "team international form panel.xml" in team folder. Still it would be nice to know the question of the above mentioned question, for the future.

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4 minutes ago, D_LO_ said:

I'm in the process of doing my club overview, I had just added in a city pic section (without the graphics activated yet) After reading this thread it's coming straight out :lol:

Haha it's a pain with that city pic, unless you want 50% of your screens to look something straight outta Windows 95 :lol:...

Or you could of course also use 2 months finding hig res backgrounds of cities for thousands of clubs...hmmm maybe not.

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32 minutes ago, DimitriFromParis said:

It's really a pain to search for and find all the .xml files controlling the sub sections of every sidebar menu section - for example i'm already stuck on searching for the files controlling the "International" part, found in the tab bar under the Squad section.

Where can i find the files controlling which buttons/links are showed in the tab bar of each main section (Inbox, squad, staff, club, training and so on) - and which panels they lead to when clicked? Would be much easier that way around, in stead of guessing from file names.

EDIT: Ok found it - "team international form panel.xml" in team folder. Still it would be nice to know the question of the above mentioned question, for the future.

The files found within the actions.fmf file control the links found on the actionbar, in some of the files it tells you what the linked panel is, but for most of them it is guess work and trial and error :( (collecting a list of them is on my list, but there are a couple of thousand xml files so I never get that far before other things get in the way).

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3 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

The files found within the actions.fmf file control the links found on the actionbar, in some of the files it tells you what the linked panel is, but for most of them it is guess work and trial and error :( (collecting a list of them is on my list, but there are a couple of thousand xml files so I never get that far before other things get in the way).

Okay no worries. Once again, thanks for veryinformative support Mic!

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9 hours ago, D_LO_ said:

I'm in the process of doing my club overview, I had just added in a city pic section (without the graphics activated yet) After reading this thread it's coming straight out :lol:

@michaeltmurrayuk @D_LO_ FYI:

Ok Emil has found a workaround for this it seems. After some sparring with Flut and a couple of searches on the forums, in stead of showing the stadium pic as a background widget, he has remade all city pic config files to resemble background club logos, and changed the code on the club overview, from a background widget, to a background logo left picture. Problem solved! :-)

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12 minutes ago, Hliasp said:


  <!-- background box - covers entire screen -->
  <widget class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/club/solid/paper"/>


Needs to be pasted into the start of the panel file - after the ' <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />' part.

And make sure you have the corresponding background ready in 'boxes/club/solid/' ofcourse, and name it paper.

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  • 2 months later...

Did you ever get to the bottom of the logic used to decide on background selection?

I'm using the OPZ Elite Skin and have an annoyance whereby selecting to view the squad of the team I'm managing shows the competition my team's in as the background rather than the stadium. (i've obviously got stadium packs, competition packs, etc, saved in the graphics folder)

This is the same when I look at any other clubs squad, but looking at International teams it does show the stadium background... 

Would appreciate any thoughts.

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I've got the DS8 backgrounds super pack. I tried removing the competitions background folder and it defaulted to nations flags, I then removed the nations flags as well and it switched to confederations - so stadiums were definitely not showing up! Is it worth downloading a different stadium pack do you think?

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Its never worked. I think you're prob right I seem to remember it warning me of an issue (I think at extracting stage) when I downloaded everything in one go, but I carried on anyway and it worked in most cases - such as match background.

Yep I clear cache and reload every time. I have slightly played around with the configs - mainly around trying to add backgrounds for clubs getting new stadiums - but I think I had this issue before I started doing anything like that.

Just did a sample and this issue remains for all club sides I think, but works fine for international sides.

How do I try to open in internet explorer?

I just downloaded another backgrounds pack (without deleting the existing) and it made no difference - guess it might be worth deleting the ds8 pack then (esp if the test you mention via explorer shows its broken!)

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I wondered that, but I think switching from 'text edit' to 'text editor' has hopefully resolved any quote mark issues - I had a problem initially but saw a thread that suggested I changed to text editor and it illuminated a few errors in my config with quote marks - which are now resolved.

It's not telling me of any errors regarding the background packs - and it does work perfectly on the match screen (apart from the annoying 2d pitch, which partially blocks the stadium background, that cannot be removed it seems apart from 'split view' when playing a match with commentary only).

Is it not likely to be something caused by the skin I'm using?

Guess I can try a different skin again and also re-download the ds8 pack and reinstall having deleted any previous files next, failing anything else...

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I've tried 2 different stadium background packs now, and removed all other graphics files, clearing cache etc - so only having the stadium packs left in graphics - and it still won't show on the squad screen.

It defaulted to the default background picture in the skin, which I then switched to a clear one and I just had a black background.

Surely this points to the skin deciding to assign that particular screen away from stadiums backgrounds - i.e. I know it takes competitions then nations then confederations then skin default - in that order - but never the stadiums!

Frustrating, but I'll keep investigating & trying various ideas...

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you're absolutely right - just tried Flut dark 2.4.. and on the squad screen it had the competition background! Might try and redownload the ds8, but weird that the other packs didn't work either - maybe I didn't delete everything.. or I'm worried I could have affected one of the configs outside the backgrounds pack somehow. 

one clue is that the international teams backgrounds do work with the stadium background showing...

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Sorted! By comparing my edited version of the ds8 pack with the original untouched version I realised I'd not included the folder called 'countries' from the ds8 pack for some reason and its from this part of the pack that the stadium background on squad screen seems to work.

Thanks for your help (& patience!). 

Can I ask a couple of other questions while I'm at it - looking at a past match, the stadium background doesn't show initially until I've clicked on the name of the stadium, and then gone back to the match again - I imagine the solution might be similar to the one I've just found - I've just altered something somewhere probably.

Also on match screen - is there any way to completely hide the 2d background match pitch which obscures the stadium background in all views apart from split view? Or is this completely fixed here?


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  • 10 months later...

Hi Guys!

Researching the site I figured this would be the best exchange of ideas on the matter I am struggling with, So Im rescuing this topic to ask if you guys have found a solution now on FM18 for the Club Overview background to show only a default image rather than City, Competition & Stadium pics.

Is there a way to have assigned and custom images for the club overview background and avoid the game to show other files instead of the default image when we do not set a image for it?

I have got, the overview with city and stadium pics working fine, then Id like to have club background customized. I have got Daz megapack and the only way to get it working is replacing every single pic...this would take days..


Thanks in advance!

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Pardon my ignorance..

I followed the instructions. Panel edited with the codes and created Paper in the designated path. it worked. Every club overview shows that image. BUT, now how can I get background images to work for specific clubs?

For example. With the Panel coding, every club overview has the same background BUT if I want to add a background only for AC MILAN club overview, how should I proceed?

Thank you very much for the help!


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30 minutes ago, D_LO_ said:

You're talking about background packs and configuring for specific teams again now, totally different... 

The club overview comes under one of the umbrellas, i.e team/club. They will take on the assigned image within the background pack. This image will appear on several screens (those under that umbrella).


You cannot assign specific images to specific club's overview pages (there's previous topics on this in the forum if you require more depth). 

Thank you!

Taking Italy as an example:

Inter, Milan, Juve - Have a background image in graphics/backgrounds

Serie A has an image as well

Fiorentina does not. 

Is it possible to have Fiorentina club overview display a default background? Without the panel coding, the clubs without an image in the graphics folder would display the competition image.

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