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Having a problem with starting games

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So... I am sure I am missing something obvious here, but

1. In previous editions of the game, when I started a new game, it used the league options I had selected from the previous new start. That is, if I had selected (for example) playable English leagues and view only German, Italian, Scottish, Spanish leagues, that would be the default. But on this game I have to reselect all of those leagues manually (and deselect the MLS, which it always gives me as  my "selected nation" even though I have never selected it) every time I start a new game. Since I restart a lot, this is a huge pain in the ass.

2. This may be related (because of the MLS issue) but the game seems to think I am American. When I get to creating my manager avatar, the only choices it gives me are American and American Samoan. 

How do I change that? Thanks in advance for any help.

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3 hours ago, PAULHOLMES said:

2. This may be related (because of the MLS issue) but the game seems to think I am American. When I get to creating my manager avatar, the only choices it gives me are American and American Samoan. 

This is because the "Select nationality" is now a text box. clear the text and all nationalites should become available again.

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