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Career ending injuries

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Anyone had any if so what was your compensation like?

I bring this up because in my save Jermain Defoe decided to retire with 19months left on his contract because he ruptured his cruciate ligament and was out of 9 so so months. In the previous season he was my top goal scorer and highest earner, this season he is still highest earner but he was second by 2 goals in the goal scoring charts. So when he retired due to injure I expected a decent payout, yes he was 35 but second highest goal scorer in my team about 20th in league (finished 3rd highest in first season) my highest earner and had just over a year and a half on his contract so he announces his retirement date and on that date I get a message from an insurer telling me about the payout. £223k he was on 80k a week so I got less than 3 weeks wages for him, couldn't help but laugh.

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Is the compensation a new addition?

I remember on 16 Badstuber is recovering from a cruciate ligament injury when you start up with Bayern and in his first game back for me he did his cruciate again and retired. 

I cant remember a payout.

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I don't think a player's wages would affect his compensation payout. Afterall that is what you are saving per week not losing. 

What you are losing out on is the player's transfer value. Unfortunately that's gonna be pretty minimal for any player over 30. Especially with only a short time left on his contract. 

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5 hours ago, Starby said:

had exactly the same happen to Zlatan in his first season at ManU - cruciate - decided to retire. Measly insurance payout although didn't mind geting him of the payroll TBH

Ahhh the laddie will end up with a serious injury irl though, innit? He is a danger to himself and others, pushing and shoving when it's toitally uncalled for. I reckon someone will punch him on the nose one of these days and I'm pretty sure it'll be a team from the midlands. He can afford to retire whenever he wants tho lol


His wife is an ugly gold digger unfortunately lol


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