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No pace tactic

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I recently started a save for a team which is technically good but slow. Pace per position is as follows, but in general 14 is the highest

CD - 6 to 11

FB - 14 and 12

CM - 10-12

wing - 14

striker - 10

basic tactic is as follows and my theory for each instruction. 433 dm wide seems to fit with the team I have but happy to change


rwb (s) - cd (d) - bpd (d) - lfb (s)


Bwm (s) - apm (s)

if (s) - wing (a)

poacher (a)

Contain and flexible (edit: I play with control not contain)

lower tempo and short passing - I want to build slowly to combat lack of pace and mobility

dribble less - as above. And my midfield was getting caught in possession so the other team countered

play high line - wanted to push the team up further, but was caught on the counter so this is now removed 

we have good build up play but most teams I play have 5 or 6 men behind the ball so cannot get through

striker is always offside when we try to break but changing to dlf keeps him too deep

Please let me know what you think and how I can tweak it to take more chances


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21 minutes ago, JWVG said:

Contain? Do you really play on the Contain-Mentality? I would change that first.

Yeah, my reaction exactly. Contain is so extreme. I get that you have poor pace and need a system to account for that, but contain is essentially a "let's never score a goal ever" type of system.  Even if someone does get forward, you risk tolerance is so low here that you will rarely see a ball in to them to create a chance.

The positives: I think you have the right idea about how to go about playing with a slow squad. Try a defensive mentality to keep a low block and your risk tolerance still pretty low per what you want. Flexible is okay, but if you find your slow defenders are getting beat over the top or nearly so, you can solidify this by going structured. This will also have the effect of your attacking players getting a bit more involved.

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52 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

Yeah, my reaction exactly. Contain is so extreme. I get that you have poor pace and need a system to account for that, but contain is essentially a "let's never score a goal ever" type of system.  Even if someone does get forward, you risk tolerance is so low here that you will rarely see a ball in to them to create a chance.

The positives: I think you have the right idea about how to go about playing with a slow squad. Try a defensive mentality to keep a low block and your risk tolerance still pretty low per what you want. Flexible is okay, but if you find your slow defenders are getting beat over the top or nearly so, you can solidify this by going structured. This will also have the effect of your attacking players getting a bit more involved.

Sorry, my mistake Control, I mean control

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Okay, then. Couple things I would try:

- The striker role. Poacher might not be ideal for your system. You maybe want a role that offers a little bit of build up play too.

- The CM setup. The AP(s) stays in the hole and the BWM(s) does not offer enough runs from deep. With a DM I think you can choose a more attacking setup.

- The fullbacks. With your slow passing approach you need width in the final third to stretch your opponent. I would try more aggressive FBs.

It's all about balance.

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20 minutes ago, JWVG said:

Okay, then. Couple things I would try:

- The striker role. Poacher might not be ideal for your system. You maybe want a role that offers a little bit of build up play too.

- The CM setup. The AP(s) stays in the hole and the BWM(s) does not offer enough runs from deep. With a DM I think you can choose a more attacking setup.

- The fullbacks. With your slow passing approach you need width in the final third to stretch your opponent. I would try more aggressive FBs.

It's all about balance.

Thanks, appreciate the feedback. Will try as you said. I got a few goals with a poacher and wanted someone to push the defensive line back. Can't take him being offside any more though so will try DLF or something 

CM - ok, the player I had was a good bwm but may try to create my own version but more attack minded. His finishing stats aren't great though. When playing a b2b he just shoots and wastes the chance, is that lack of options? because I have shoot less set for him

The attacking full back does get crosses in, just no one to aim at and it's cleared. 

In general it seems fine though? Logically most makes sense or I can see in game if there are any major errors, just struggling with finding the final ball and doesn't seem much movement

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So I played some more games, the deeper forward and more support for the CM helped and we played well but still lost 1-0

its now 8 losses in a row, no goal in 6 and only 2 league goals - and we've played mostly the teams I expect to be around us at the end of the season

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Try playing fluid with control so your midfield and Fb's will get up to support the attack and midfield will also push forward and also I would tick the roam from positions TI so players will look for space for a pass, and maybe play a b2b with your DM on a support duty.

I am no tactical genius by any stretch of the imagination just if your trying to control the play you will need more players upfield to support your attack





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I think at the moment you have no one in the box to get at the end of the cross from your winger, and if your forward is in the box, he is there by himself fighting off multiple defenders. 

Few things to consider:

  • Change WBs to FBa; Puts in a bit more crosses than the WB. 
  • Anchorman is pretty conservative, maybe use a DMd? You dont use very attacking wingsbacks so might not need the extra defense 
  • No runner in midfield; maybe worth looking into a BBM instead of BWM. Obviously not as defensive as the BWM, but he will still help out and will have a larger influence in attack. 
  • Have you tried a DLFa? He will still drop deep and be involved build up, but also push the opponents defensive line a bit. Hold up the ball for players to get up and support him. 
  • Worth taking a look at the TI ''Dribble less'' - A nice dribble to create space is sometimes what you need to unlock your opponents defense, especially your winger and inside forward could benefit from this. If you lose the ball in midfield because of too much dribbling, take a look a who loses the ball, maybe he doesn't have options to play to or maybe he isn't good a dribbling? Could always use a PI for a specific player to tell him to dribble less. 
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Update for anyone struggling with similar issues

I made the following changes which seemed to help 

fullbacks (a) - there is a lot more support and crosses. Two extra players to pass too in the build up phase

fluid - everyone is moving more in attack. Negative however is we seem a little 'ball chasing' while defending which may be due to closing down. Something I'll look into

deep lying forward (a) - there is more support from him and he has 2 more goals in the last games. He is still offside a lot , but maybe the nature of comprehensive highlights that I see it more. Also sometimes he is too deep and shoot from 40 yards. Again tho this may be the player or lack of options. 

After these changes I won 4-2 and drew 1-1 and having more shots and the ball in better places. so it's looking up but still not perfect 

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