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[Suggestion] Local Region range for players in semipro/amateur leagues


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Hi all,

I think this feature could add more realism at playing in our beloved low or vey low rep leagues like england 7th division or so.

Usually in the game we find amateur or semipro teams signing amateur or semipro players from the other side of the country, they travel and left the city they're living only by the proposal to play amateur football witch is not very realistic.

In real life generally this players are studying or working in their city and football is not the main way to earn money for them. So I think the range in miles that they could consider to move to play football would be smaller, probably only inside the local region that he is stablished.

Obviously if a pro team from the other side of the country make them an offer they could consider it but, if the offer is from an amateur team, it have to be more difficult.

Besides, Adaptability atribute is only referred nowadays to play abroad but maybe i think it could be considered for a very low rating like 1 or 2 for players reluctant to play very far from the city or the local region they are playing, including proffesional players.

Hope this could useful. Thank you!

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England is so small I don't find it very realistic that players don't move. I know here in Australia there are plenty of cases of players moving across the country (which the equivalent of moving to Moscow from London!) to play at the lower level of cricket or Australia Rules in the hopes of getting a call up to the professional leagues. People really wouldn't move from London to Manchester?

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2 hours ago, Shakes said:

England is so small I don't find it very realistic that players don't move. I know here in Australia there are plenty of cases of players moving across the country (which the equivalent of moving to Moscow from London!) to play at the lower level of cricket or Australia Rules in the hopes of getting a call up to the professional leagues. People really wouldn't move from London to Manchester?

I doubt if a player in the 8th/9th/10th tier or below would throw away all local connections (possibly work/family/friends etc.) to move to a completely different town "far" away to play football for another club on (basically) the same level. If you're talking level 4-5 or higher, of course, but down the pyramid? No.

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16 hours ago, Shakes said:

England is so small I don't find it very realistic that players don't move. I know here in Australia there are plenty of cases of players moving across the country (which the equivalent of moving to Moscow from London!) to play at the lower level of cricket or Australia Rules in the hopes of getting a call up to the professional leagues. People really wouldn't move from London to Manchester?

Really depends on the player & his family.

I know of a local player a few years ago who chose to stay at his club where he had been for around 5 years rather than move to a bigger club 200-300 miles away.  Why? his family were settled in the area, his wife had a good job which she liked and he had two young children who had just started primary school in the last couple of years.  To up sticks and move everyone to somewhere they don't know away from their work, school & friends isn't a decision to be taken lightly.

I also know of another player who had a 600 mile round trip to train & play with his new club because his wife refused to move to the area.  That lasted around a season before he moved on to a club much closer to where his family lived.

For others though moving is less of an issue and they don't have much of an issue with it.  It also really doesn't matter if the distance is 100 miles or a 1,000 miles, once you go past a certain distance its all the same.

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On a side note, in San Marino league I can't buy players living 5 km away because they don't want to change nation :D

I like the basic idea (amateur players don't travel so far for free), but this must be an exception.

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Thank you @michaeltmurrayuk for your quick answer, and all of you for your interesting comments.

Another point to discuss I think could be free agent players. How they work related with this.

If a player is a free agent, is keener to move farer? or does he moves related the city he was born or with the last team he was playing in his biography?



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