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Help With Re-Creating Klopp Tactics

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Hello everyone, I'd like some help trying to re-create Jurgen's high pressing tactics with Liverpool this season. I've come up with something already but I'll be the first to admit I'm no tactical genius. I've gone with a 4-3-3 quite a basic start. I'm looking for realism down to the T.


Here are my team instructions


I'd like some advice on what needs changing here, whilst I'm not doing too badly in the league I still feel this isn't close to what Klopp's trying to do at the moment. Position roles, instructions you name it, if you feel like I'm going in the wrong direction please put me on the right path.


Here's a few player instrcutions that I'd like help with. The first is Jordan Henderson. I want him to make us tick and drop a little deeper giving the fullbacks some cover. I'm not sure if he should be in a DM position or would that make him too deep. This is the first i'd like help with



The second is Lallana's position, I want him to knit the midfield and attack together whilst pushing on forward. So far he's the passenger in this team, doesn't contribute, goes missing. Would 100% appreciate some advice with this role, he's set to CM (A) and really should be getting better numbers. How can i re-create his ridiculous real life form?



  • My IF's seem to be doing well, you could argue Coutinho's being used as an Attacking Playmaker rather than an IF but do correct me if I'm wrong.
  • My CB's are getting high ratings in the league, they have high stats more most interceptions in the league
  • Top in least conceded in the league (un-realsistic seeming the way things are going in real life :lol:)


  • Usually hitting the low 50% in possession during games, I'd want this much higher to try re-create how Liverpool are playing
  • My CF isn't working, the goals seem to be coming from other areas. I'd be open to changing ideas with this
  • My midfield isn't working properly, the 3 of them have been very under-whelming. I'm not sure how to fix this
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You've made a good start and you have a plan, which is great.

Karius doesn't venture out of his box like Neuer would as an SK/A. I'd see him more as an SK/D.

Matip is more of a BPD than Lovren. The CWB's are much more like WB's, I'd even argue that Clyne is more of a FB, but that depends on your point of view. I think you midfield three are spot on, although with the way Henderson links with the defence when playing out, I see him more in the DM strata.

Remembering that the formation on the screen is your defensive shape, Liverpool deploy themselves in more of a 4141 than a 433. I'd probably go for Coutinho as a playmaker than an inside forward, but if you do choose inside forward, I'd probably choose a support duty due to the description stating that he "will cut diagonally into the space behind the defence and play through balls or take long shots if the opportunity arises" which sounded much more like Coutinho.

I think CF/S is perfect for Firmino due to his all round game and he's much more than just a False 9 as the media describe him, he's a great hard working centre forward.

Lallana is a tough one as I would say CM/A is good for him, but I'm not sure about the roaming from position.

For team instructions, I would probably drop the look for overlap as it will slow your play down in the final third. As you're playing control/fluid, if there's space there, your wing backs would overlap anyway as both of your wide men will be cutting inside. I'd turn off shorter passing as Klopp teams have a bit of range to them at times and aren't limited to just short passes. Tempo I'd keep an eye on and see if your team is making silly decisions by rushing things, especially in the final third.

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Definitly a popular system around here ain't it? :D

The bane of this tactic for me are Mane and Lallana. Can't find a right combination for these two. Mane can at times start his run from deep, wide areas on the pitch, but at other times he is the most advanced player. Lallana is probably a result of me over-complicating simple things, but I can't find the exact role that fits him. Maybe CM/s with some variations?

About formations, if we look away from the whole AMLR vs. MLR discussion, I think that Henderson is a clear DM. As for role, I've used DLP/d aswell, but support could be a better fit. It seems like Liverpool don't really play with a proper "anchor" in rl.

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Drop look for overlap and drop tight marking. Liverpool don't always ping the ball into space, only specific players. If you want to rep his pressing style then you also need to accept the weaknesses. 

Neither Milner nor Clyne ever deviate from the flanks, so its the wrong role, you should be looking at WB. In midfield I'd agree with your role dispersion. Up front you need to think of Cout more as a WPM, since he does a fair bit of attacks through the centre and he does a lot of final third passing. Remember that if you want to mimic Firmino dropping deep into the half to defend then there are ways of doing that. The goal has to be to see Firmino close down in your own half.

Karius is most definitely not a SK on attack, he rarely plays an attack pass from the back.

This is one of the first few systems I replicated with a gegenpressing style. Ask yourself this question.... how do they defend? That will tell you the mentality of the team.

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Thanks for the feedback, I can 100% see now that the look for overlap is the wrong instruction. I'm sticking with the Sweeper Keeper as I think that's Karius' role in the team. Maybe a SK (D), @Rashidi I noticed your comment about not playing attacking passes so changed to "Distribute Quickly" and "Pass Shorter" to keep the pressure and tempo of our play up.


@TheJanitor I can see why you think Henderson's role is more suited to the DM area and I created a separate tactic dropping him in there, I'll keep an eye and see how he does. I noticed against the 4-3 loss to Bournemouth Henderson dropped in between the CB's alot, I doubt Klopp wants that but it's convinced me he will always be the deepest of the midfield 3.


@jeid2000 You make good points about the CWB's and managed to convince me to change them to WB roles with automatic duties. As for Coutinho I kept him in the IF position but changed to support duty like you said and have noticed Firmino drifting left alot, this seems to be freeing up Lallana more in midfield.

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