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A couple of questions regarding human managers

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I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers for in the forum. I'd be thankful if anyone could answer even only some of these questions :)

  1. When you're unemployed and you go on holidays, you can automatically apply for jobs for lower reputation leagues, higher reputation leagues, etc.
    1. But what do these options actually  mean? Is "lower reputation leagues" from eg. rank 20 to rank 40 leagues, and "bottom reputation leagues" from rank 40 onwards?
  2. A human manager can take courses to improve his/her managing and training skills.
    1. What are the attributes that actually increase with the course?
    2. Do they actually increase at all?
    3. Do they increase progressively during the course or suddenly after the human manager passes the course?
    4. What are the odds of a human manager failing the course?
    5. Are those odds influenced by anything controllable?
    6. When applying for a job, do manager qualifications increase your probability of success getting the job?
    7. When applying for a job, do the human manager individual attributes influence his/her probability of getting the job?

Thank you in advance :)

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11 minutes ago, Zanman777 said:

Come on, people, 66 views and only one answer? I'd posted already on the Tactics & Training subforum and got a tip to post here instead...

10 minutes ago, Welshace said:

You posted it 5 hour ago.. in the middle of the week.. who do you think is responding to this at that time?

Mid-day aswell, most people are either at work or at school. Some might be able to read the forums while at work/school, but may not be able to supply an answer, and many will not be able to be in here at all.

If you haven't gotten a few decent answers come Saturday night, then you could be a little more obliged to ask again, but "nagging" usually won't do the trick.

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Ok, I apologize. But I wasn't exactly nagging. Midweek or not, 66 people had seen the post. But you're right, many might have been unable to find time to provide an answer despite having read the questions.

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On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers for in the forum. I'd be thankful if anyone could answer even only some of these questions :)

When you're unemployed and you go on holidays, you can automatically apply for jobs for lower reputation leagues, higher reputation leagues, etc.

But what do these options actually  mean? Is "lower reputation leagues" from eg. rank 20 to rank 40 leagues, and "bottom reputation leagues" from rank 40 onwards?

What Maaka said above, relative to your own reputation.



On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

A human manager can take courses to improve his/her managing and training skills.

What are the attributes that actually increase with the course?

I don't know for sure but past threads have suggested it raises your PA, maybe there is a slight increase in CA as well which improves the attributes.


On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

Do they actually increase at all?

Yes some increase but others are fixed.

Coaching attributes increase in the categories that you coach, others increase naturally over time.



On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

Do they increase progressively during the course or suddenly after the human manager passes the course?

No idea, I would guess it happens at the end.


On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

What are the odds of a human manager failing the course?

I've never seen a human manager fail a course.


On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

Are those odds influenced by anything controllable?



On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

When applying for a job, do manager qualifications increase your probability of success getting the job?

Again I don't know but gut feeling is that they do although it might just be a knock on effect of other things increasing.


On 14/12/2016 at 09:30, Zanman777 said:

When applying for a job, do the human manager individual attributes influence his/her probability of getting the job?

Thank you in advance :)

I doubt it.

Reputation is the main one + maybe the qualifications and then the answers you give in interviews add a small positive or negative.

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