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Conceding penalties on 17.2

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Has anyone else noticed a big increase on penalties conceded since the update? I'm using the exact system I've used since the beginning of my save, before the update I managed 3 seasons conceding around 1 penalty a season. In the 2 seasons since the update I've conceded around 7. I've noticed a fair amount are from my players handling the ball at set pieces which they didn't do before. Am I very unlucky or has anyone else noticed this? 

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Do you mean 7 total in those 2 seasons, or 7 per season?

Just checked the numbers, for 2015/16, each team conceded on average 4,55 penalties, slightly up from 4,15 in 14/15, and marginally below the average of the past 10 seasons (4,60). So 7 against of two seasons in a row would place you in the top 4-5 each year those seasons, but not some extraordinary numbers (Norwich conceded 10 last season, which stands as the record for that period - together with Blackburn in 06/07).

If anything, those numbers seem more reflective of real-life stats than 1 per season (11 teams have gone through a season with only one pen conceded in the same period, in addition to ManU's "perfect" record in 07/08, only Chelsea managed consecutive seasons with only one pen conceded).

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7 per season (do the in game conceded from penalties stat count saves? As I've saved a few as well) . I'm a team that dominates possession though, which I always attributed as the reason why I had such a good record of not conceding penalties - teams don't get into my box often.

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