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Fixed Amount of Wage Offerable

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I have come across this weird problem at least three times.

I am managing Vitesse Arnhem, a mid-table team in Eredivisie, and at some point I lose the ability to offer the spectrum of wage in accordance with the squad status proposed.

It gets stuck at like 32k p/m and whether it's a "decent youngster" or a "key player" you are in negotiations with, you are obliged to offer that amount of wage, no lower no higher no matter which squad status is in effect.

It has something to do with financial strain, I guess but I do not understand the idea behind the wage offerable getting fixed.

Enlighten please?

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There is a minimum wage rule for non-EU players in Holland so that might offer a partial explanation, what ae the wage limits displayed on yoru finance section & is the plater a non-EU national?

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