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Maximum amount of leagues?

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I can't be the only one running as many leagues as possible?

Since there's no longer any limit on the amount of .fmf-files you can load it's finally possible to do the whole world.
I'm currently running 179 countries and just over 450 leagues while retaining all players in the database.
There are still a couple of african countries that won't work in combination with the other leagues I'm loading.
Of course, not all of these leagues are active, only about 10 countries are currently active in my save.

I was expecting this setup to be extremely slow and unplayable but it actually isn't. I find it faster that FM16 running far fewer leagues.

I'd be very interested hearing from others trying the same thing :-)


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Shake my hand mate, I have been doing the same for a few years. I haven't "officially" started because there are still a few files I am waiting for. Removing the league limit and changing into 64-bit should make this version fun.

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