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[Suggestion] Match Stats Visualised


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With the release on FM17 we have seen the introduction of data analysts and some extra match analysis graphics, such as the passing network map. I would like to see this expanded further.

Before I get on to the main idea of the thread, I'd like the passing network diagram improved, so that it looks more like the following diagram:


Thus players who have passed and received the ball more have their player marker grow larger, and those less involved have their player marker shrink in size.

I also would like to see two versions of this diagram, one that shows players default formation position (as per the example above), and the other like it is now where it shows the passing network in relation to their average position during the match.

On to the main point, I want FM to have the ability to show all player match stats (where applicable) like the sample diagram above (minus the passing lanes). What I mean by this is, FM presents the team formation like above but then via enlarging or shrinking the player markers use this to illustrate a particular match stat.

For example, you could toggle Shots Attempted and then the team formation view would then change to show all the players that attempted shots at goal during the match, those with more attempts have a large player marker, those with less, a smaller marker.

The same could then be presented nearly all match stats, such as:

  • Shots on target
  • Pass attempts
  • Pass completed
  • Key passes
  • Headers attempted
  • Headers won
  • Crosses attempted
  • Crosses completed
  • Tackles attempted
  • Tackles won
  • Interceptions made
  • Fouls
  • Fouled
  • Mistakes
  • Player rating

This same stat representation can also be used outside the match to visualise the teams overall stats for the season or a particular competition. A good place for it to be added is the Team Report, and you could have the ability to display it against the Best XI or the currently picked match squad, in reference to the currently active match tactic. This way instead of looking at rows of numbers, we can have it graphically presented to us to get a better visual overview of how the team is looking in comparison to each other.

Currently FM really doesn't have anything like this, to visualise the match statistics more would be a nice boost to the game.


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