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Work permits again

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Following the other thread being closed, I would like to add something

Those people who said my point wasn't valid are Wrong. 

In the January window I had a bid for kovalenko accepted but work permit refused. Multiple caps for Ukraine and signing on high wages.

After that bid got refused I made a bid for Evander to see what happened. Work permit granted although he has no caps & he was signing on low wages. 

Can a fanboy explain that too me or are we going to admit Miles Jacobson has got the hump about Brexit & they have made drastic changes to the work permits. Yes I know Brexit isn't going to effect work permits for South Americans etc

His tweets leading up to & after the vote spoke volumes. Work permits have been changed drastically because of this

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9 minutes ago, stefczerpak said:

Il give this 10 minutes until is closed as I'm opposing something SI have done. Freedom of speech isn't allowed here

Yet again you have took a factual issue that could have been discussed and turned into a rant because of your personal feelings :rolleyes:

Calling people fanboys won't help you especially when facts are facts and nothing to do with personal feelings about the game.

Once again I'll also say it because you don't seem to understand - BREXIT & WORK PERMITS ARE NOT THE SAME THING

In the last thread when I told you that you said you understood and yet here you are again banging the same drum.

Work Permits follow the same rules for any player that needs one.


I don't know anything about your save so can't give you accurate answers unless you upload it somewhere but for Kovalenko:

A) What position are Ukraine ranked in the World Rankings?

B) How many games have the Ukraine played since the beginning of the save?

C) How many of those games has Kovalenko played?

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18 minutes ago, stefczerpak said:

I am not stupid. I know they are not the same things but a work permit is a work permit regardless. I'm saying it's strict so that when Brexit comes in then it will be near on impossible to get work permits.  Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot

Stop acting like one then!

If you know the difference between Brexit & work permits why post this (From your OP):



Can a fanboy explain that too me or are we going to admit Miles Jacobson has got the hump about Brexit & they have made drastic changes to the work permits. Yes I know Brexit isn't going to effect work permits for South Americans etc

His tweets leading up to & after the vote spoke volumes. Work permits have been changed drastically because of this


The work permits haven't been changed drastically because of Brexit.

They were changed because the FA changed them IRL.

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3 minutes ago, stefczerpak said:

I am not stupid. I know they are not the same things but a work permit is a work permit regardless. I'm saying it's strict so that when Brexit comes in then it will be near on impossible to get work permits.  Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot

Well then how about you stop acting like and idiot and actually give us some useful information so we can tell you whether there is actually a problem or not.

Answer the questions that Cougar posted up above and we can actually give you some useful feedback from that:

A) What position are Ukraine ranked in the World Rankings?

B) How many games have the Ukraine played since the beginning of the save?

C) How many of those games has Kovalenko played?

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24 minutes ago, Cougar2010 said:

Stop acting like one then!

If you know the difference between Brexit & work permits why post this (From your OP):

The work permits haven't been changed drastically because of Brexit.

They were changed because the FA changed them IRL.

Yes. SI have made another flawless game haven't they. Well done 

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31 minutes ago, stefczerpak said:

I am not stupid. I know they are not the same things but a work permit is a work permit regardless. I'm saying it's strict so that when Brexit comes in then it will be near on impossible to get work permits.  Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot

No, its not - How many times does this need to be repeated????

The rules are the same as real life, why can you not understand that?

If you want help answer my questions, otherwise I'll stop wasting my time, eventually the thread will get closed and you'll be in exactly the same position as you were the other day.

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1 hour ago, stefczerpak said:

How about you **** off. Ass licker

Well I can't deny, I do occasionally give my missus a bit of a lick so I can't really argue with you there.

However that doesn't change my point, without you giving any useful information nobody here can even attempt to help you understand the rules that you're clearly failing to grasp.

Also nobody on this thread, or your previous one, has said anything that even vaguely hints that they think the game is flawless. Personally I'm not even playing FM17, I've gone back to 15 because there are issues with 17 that I really don't like.

Now, let's see what "creative" insult you can come up with this time...

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