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The Rangers FC Thread - Season 07/08


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Guest sav112
Originally posted by Gary Toner:

The feeling after we beat Fiore will live with me forever as will the whole campaign.

Memories, even losing the final the joy, the feeling of the whole season was worth it.

Dam right there, Fantastic for the fans. Really enjoyed the last few days seeing all the cars, Mini buses etc heading down.

At least we can say we have been to a Euro final recently, Respect to the players and Manager after all thinking back to PLG who would have thought what we have achieved this season.

It might have cost us the League Title but for that Final and a chance I’d never swap it. Rangers have just taken the biggest away support out and given the Club mass Media exposure around the world.

Just as well, we’d be asking the Champions League next season if we had won it.

Great party for the Fans.

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Only saw the pics... but have some of our fans been painted in a bad light after the stramash over the tv screens?

About the game: Once again sick of finishing second, its such a Scottish trait. Nevertheless well done for getting there lads, now please just go out and win the trebel!

Once we do that, lets invest in some skill and flair!!

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Just got back. Atmosphere was amazing at Albert Square. Shame we played crap and did'nt win but Well played Zenit icon14.gif I think I would ahve been more bothered if we were knocked out ofthe semi final or quarters as reaching a final is excellent in itself icon_cool.gif


Crazy decsion by the GMP too turn off the tele at Piccadilly gardens, due to overcrowding, causing a riot. What did they think 4000 people who have been drinking all day are going to do if they turn it off. It's not like the GMP even bothered with any sort of segregation or crowd control icon13.gif Also the riot cops were being very heavy handed after the match, although a there was the usual idiot scum stood in front of them provoking them in certain instances icon_mad.gif

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Well, the European adventure for another season has finished so lets reflect on what has happened. Disappointed by last night's result but not really surprised. In truth, Zenit were the better team throughout and deserved their win because, despite a lot of endeavor, Rangers didn't do a lot in the last third. Last night was a mirror image of almost all the European games this season where they have been outplayed and have relied very heavily on not conceding and hoping to snatch a goal. The lack of technical ability throughout the team is more exposed the higher you go and this was seen a lot last night. Other teams appear to be able to pass the ball about for long periods and retain possession but after 3 or 4 passes, we feel a need to hit it long. This may be sufficient for the SPL but wont really do in Europe.

I sincerely hope that there is a sense of realism from the supporters about the European run and that there are no knives out for any of the players, all of whom gave their best in terms of commitment, work rate and effort- unfortunately this is not enough at the top level. The team over-achieved almost all season in Europe and it will be looked on as a great achievement in later years that Smith took a team, with only above average ability and took them to the final of a European trophy.

Apart from his lapse of judgment when he rushed out of his goal, Alexander was solid and we rarely noticed McGregor's absence. Broadfoot gave his all, and was decent throughout but gave the winger far too much room and was shown up for the central defender he is. The rest of the back four were pretty solid and Cuellar again was a rock. The midfield were poor in the first half and got better but again, there was little creativity and I cannot see where goals will come from at the moment. JCD worked very hard in a thankless task and might have got some reward for the work he did. The bottom line, however is that the team is good enough for Scotland and not for elsewhere. Serious work needs to be carried out on technical skills like controlling the ball and passing and there is an immediate need for a creative midfielder who can prise open a defense, something we don't have at the moment.

Disappointed also that a few hooligans will get more news coverage than the vast numbers of supporters who behaved well but then again, football supporters behaving well isn't news is it?

Smith and McCoist need now to get the feet back on the ground, the minds concentrated and the bodies prepared for one of the most important 9 days for a while- the UEFA dream is over but the dream of the domestic treble is still there and need their full attention.

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Guest sav112
Originally posted by FrazT:

Tommy Burns died this am


There are certain players in the Celtic side I can’t stomach due mainly to there arrogance at times but Tommy I always had time for. You knew he was there not for Money or because he was full of himself like the current Manager but because he was committed to the Club.

We now have a similar set up with Ally, he’s foremost and always will be a Ger……through and through.

I might have guessed My neighbour is a Celtic player and the cars are still here this Morning, just thought they might be off but probably due to this.

Tommy RIP……

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Originally posted by Bouncerboy13:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Asmodeus:

Unlucky gentlemen, try not to get too outraged at your portrayal by our wonderful press and the subsequent rabid reactions from the spoon-fed frothers.

Hahahahahahaha, funny fooker. I forgot you live in Manchester </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shouldn't you stop posting and be out leading the salvaging of your ravaged streets?

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the scenes last night were disgraceful but i find it pretty ironic that English fans are condemning you for it.

onto the game, i thought from watching it that you really missed some sort of creative player in the hole between Darcheville who could keep a hold of possesion further up the park, someone like even Buffel in his prime. you had Ferguson in that role and hes just not enough of a threat.

every time Rangers had possession they looked wary to play the ball forward , nobody really wanted to bust a gut to make something happen and a lot of the play looked hopeful rather than anything else

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Originally posted by tony_cfc:

the scenes last night were disgraceful but i find it pretty ironic that English fans are condemning you for it.

onto the game, i thought from watching it that you really missed some sort of creative player in the hole between Darcheville who could keep a hold of possesion further up the park, someone like even Buffel in his prime. you had Ferguson in that role and hes just not enough of a threat.

every time Rangers had possession they looked wary to play the ball forward , nobody really wanted to bust a gut to make something happen and a lot of the play looked hopeful rather than anything else

I must be unwell- I agree with this??- I will need to go and lie down!

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Disappointed also that a few hooligans will get more news coverage than the vast numbers of supporters who behaved well but then again, football supporters behaving well isn't news is it?

42 arrests out of 120,000+ people? Scottish tories of all people are questioning the use of the riot police claiming it only inflamed the situation. Kinda ironic really after Man Utd fans complaints about their own treatment in places like Rome. And also what Tony says, never thought I'd ever agree with him icon_wink.gif

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Right the actual game - which is what really matters. None of us expected to get the the Final so lets just enjoy the fact that we did get there and be proud of that.

First half was our typical dogged performance soaking up lots of pressure and wasn't overly unhappy with it. Started the second half well enough but eventually Zenit started to seriously rip open the defence. When Alexander came for that ball, and it was somehow cleared of the line I was begining to think that our name was on the trophy but the fact was Zenit were just too good in the end.

This match also proves how much we need decent wide men and a creative player in the middle.

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Originally posted by tony_cfc:

the scenes last night were disgraceful but i find it pretty ironic that English fans are condemning you for it.

To be fair bud, on here it's individuals commenting on it. I neither know enough or care enough to talk about the bad element Rangers fans' actions last night but it certainly wouldn't be ironic if i did.

Unlucky fellas. Zenit just a little too good for everyone in the tournament.

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Best team won and won well, that's about all there is to say. As comprehensive a win as I've seen in a European final for quite some time.

Still, you did well to get that far. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Peacemaker7:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Disappointed also that a few hooligans will get more news coverage than the vast numbers of supporters who behaved well but then again, football supporters behaving well isn't news is it?

42 arrests out of 120,000+ people? Scottish tories of all people are questioning the use of the riot police claiming it only inflamed the situation. Kinda ironic really after Man Utd fans complaints about their own treatment in places like Rome. And also what Tony says, never thought I'd ever agree with him icon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have listened to Sky Sports News most of this am and you would have thought from this that the scale of the problem was considerably greater than what it would appear. Not condoning any of it in any way, but, as always, the media need to make more of it that it justifies.

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Originally posted by FrazT:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Peacemaker7:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Disappointed also that a few hooligans will get more news coverage than the vast numbers of supporters who behaved well but then again, football supporters behaving well isn't news is it?

42 arrests out of 120,000+ people? Scottish tories of all people are questioning the use of the riot police claiming it only inflamed the situation. Kinda ironic really after Man Utd fans complaints about their own treatment in places like Rome. And also what Tony says, never thought I'd ever agree with him icon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have listened to Sky Sports News most of this am and you would have thought from this that the scale of the problem was considerably greater than what it would appear. Not condoning any of it in any way, but, as always, the media need to make more of it that it justifies. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly. I only saw a few idiots kicking off with the riot police. Most people just wandered off home/to the Curry mile. Probably a good idea to close all the bars in hindsight. Even the Police have stated it was a few idiots and not that large scale:

Assistant Chief Constable Justine Curran said the day had been "largely peaceful" with more than 100,000 fans behaving well in an atmosphere of "carnival and celebration".

"But I'm really disappointed that has been spoiled by pockets of disorder that have broken out in the city centre.

"A minority of thugs have overshadowed what should have been a great occasion.

The 'fans' who chased down and beat the Police officer are absolute scum of the highest order, but are probably the sort who would do this on any night out icon13.gif

However whilst these idiots bought sham e on the name of the club i'm still proud by the display that the vast majority of the fans put on over the day and hopefully anyone with the slightest amount of common-sense will feel the same.

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Thugs supporting Rangers, what's new? We all knew they existed. It's the ones who stabbed the guy inside the stadium as well. Scum of the earth. It's like I've said a million times - people like that are seen as representative of the Rangers support. Why anyone halfway decent chooses to be associated with that behaviour - and everything else over the last 100 years - is beyond me. But good luck to you.

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I'm not going to come and slate fans behaviour or whatever, I'm just genuinely shocked at the lack of noise being made about this stabbing, just because I'm imagining how big a fuss would have been kicked up if it had been a Rangers fan stabbed.

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Originally posted by BWCH:

I'm not going to come and slate fans behaviour or whatever, I'm just genuinely shocked at the lack of noise being made about this stabbing, just because I'm imagining how big a fuss would have been kicked up if it had been a Rangers fan stabbed.

Not much info on it yet as far as i'm aware.

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Sorry, not wanting to start anything or come across as a Tim desperately trying to get one over on you, just wasn't sure how many people had seen that and the other BBC videos.

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I didn't really see it all kick off, just the aftermatch once the game had finished and loads of idiots throwing this at the riot police who wouldn't let us through to go to the train station.

Ruined what should have been a good day as there was nowhere to go to get something to eat, have a drink or stay in late until our train in the morning. Had to find a spot at the train station and try and get some shut eye till the train in the morning.

Absolute filth. I was angry at spending nearly five hours in Piccadily Gardens and missing the start of the game but there is no reason no behave like a tool and start throwing things. There were even Rangers fans throwing things at other Rangers fans who were on top of the bar tent which was nothing short of disgusting.

If indeed the rumours are true and it wasn't a technical problem with the screens and they weren't put on for safety reasons then I think it was the wrong decision as the main reason for it all kicking off was caused by the game not being shown.

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Originally posted by HD:

Thugs supporting Rangers, what's new? We all knew they existed. It's the ones who stabbed the guy inside the stadium as well. Scum of the earth. It's like I've said a million times - people like that are seen as representative of the Rangers support. Why anyone halfway decent chooses to be associated with that behaviour - and everything else over the last 100 years - is beyond me. But good luck to you.

Every team in the land has a hooligan elemnet- the larger the support base, the more idiots there are. However, there are hundreds of thousands of Rangers supporters around the world who neither do not condone or support the actions of the idiots nor "everything else over the last 100 years" as you put it. What are these supporters to do?- if you read the posts in here, you will see univesal condemantion of the idiots and their actions and 99.9% of normal football fans of the team want nothing to do with the hooligam minority who tarnish the reputation of the club and its supporters.

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What are these supporters to do?

Support someone else is what Iain means. I can understand that pov tbh, actually quite glad we didn't win now, all we would have heard would have been the hooligan thing. You - not you personally Fraz, people in general - can make any excuses, but in the end these people are utter scum. Probably not a good idea to allow drinking all day mind, but that still doesn't excuse them. Sometimes I wonder why I bother really.

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Obviously every team has its share of idiots supporting them but last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

If uefa do throw the book at rangers then it will be justified. It was not the normal behaviour from away fans after one too many.

The cctv footage shows the numbers that were invoved and that was just one isolated incident.

Still a shame when a decent sized minority of fans ruin it for the non idiotic supporters.

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Originally posted by Peacemaker7:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">What are these supporters to do?

Support someone else is what Iain means. I can understand that pov tbh, actually quite glad we didn't win now, all we would have heard would have been the hooligan thing. You - not you personally Fraz, people in general - can make any excuses, but in the end these people are utter scum. Probably not a good idea to allow drinking all day mind, but that still doesn't excuse them. Sometimes I wonder why I bother really. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I and the great majority of supporters are not in any way making excuses for the hooligan minority- all I was saying that all teams, despite what their supporters will say, have got some idiots in their midst and the larger the support, the more evident they are. I cant accept that we should all go and support someone else because of a few idiots- a football team support is not something that you change like your socks

I will admit that I did stop going to games for about 3 months after witnessing some mindless violence in Edinburgh in 1974, which sickened me and was very wary of taking my son to the games until he was big enough to cope. The good supoorters must do more to isolate the idiots and drive them out of the game, but in all honesty, it is as much a social issue as a footballing one.

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Originally posted by Anton:

Obviously every team has its share of idiots supporting them but last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

If uefa do throw the book at rangers then it will be justified. It was not the normal behaviour from away fans after one too many.

The cctv footage shows the numbers that were invoved and that was just one isolated incident.

Still a shame when a decent sized minority of fans ruin it for the non idiotic supporters.

Taking the official figures it was 0.15% of fans involved in the trouble. An absolute minority.

120K fans and 200 involved (GMP reported figures)

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Originally posted by ibroxhero:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

Obviously every team has its share of idiots supporting them but last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

If uefa do throw the book at rangers then it will be justified. It was not the normal behaviour from away fans after one too many.

The cctv footage shows the numbers that were invoved and that was just one isolated incident.

Still a shame when a decent sized minority of fans ruin it for the non idiotic supporters.

Taking the official figures it was 0.15% of fans involved in the trouble. An absolute minority.

120K fans and 200 involved (GMP reported figures) </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Their are more than 200 in that one cctv video so you can quote any figures you want but its ********.

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Haha ITV news making it seem as if every single fan absolutely destroying the city.

Laughed at the sports car being wrecked. See GMP are being their usual brutal selfs though.

Not to sound like a smug tim or anything, but with that amount of fans going down the road, especially with the idiots that you get in Glasgow, it wasn't that surprising.

Would be the same if 120k of our lot went down.

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Originally posted by Anton:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ibroxhero:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

Obviously every team has its share of idiots supporting them but last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

If uefa do throw the book at rangers then it will be justified. It was not the normal behaviour from away fans after one too many.

The cctv footage shows the numbers that were invoved and that was just one isolated incident.

Still a shame when a decent sized minority of fans ruin it for the non idiotic supporters.

Taking the official figures it was 0.15% of fans involved in the trouble. An absolute minority.

120K fans and 200 involved (GMP reported figures) </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Their are more than 200 in that one cctv video so you can quote any figures you want but its ********. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

which CCTV video?

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I will admit that I did stop going to games for about 3 months after witnessing some mindless violence in Edinburgh in 1974, which sickened me and was very wary of taking my son to the games until he was big enough to cope. The good supoorters must do more to isolate the idiots and drive them out of the game, but in all honesty, it is as much a social issue as a footballing one.

I don't have a son, but I know for a fact that if I did he wouldn't be supporting Rangers.

It's very difficult to not support a club you've been brought up to support all your life, and whilst people will say 'oh it's only a small amount' and I can appreciate what Jeebs says because it's true whether other people want to admit it or not, this whole thing has just made me really angry. I've see sickening violence before from Glasgow fans - 1980 anyone - and I've seen some disgusting stuff from the sheep who are the worst scum I've ever seen in football, but really the behaviour of those 'fans' is pathetic. And the stabbing is just beyond belief. It's a ****ing game.

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Originally posted by Rage1999:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rage1999:


i agree </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seriously, when you start to reply to yourself on a message forum you have serious problems. Now bugger off.

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Originally posted by Gudge:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ibroxhero:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

Obviously every team has its share of idiots supporting them but last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

If uefa do throw the book at rangers then it will be justified. It was not the normal behaviour from away fans after one too many.

The cctv footage shows the numbers that were invoved and that was just one isolated incident.

Still a shame when a decent sized minority of fans ruin it for the non idiotic supporters.

Taking the official figures it was 0.15% of fans involved in the trouble. An absolute minority.

120K fans and 200 involved (GMP reported figures) </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Their are more than 200 in that one cctv video so you can quote any figures you want but its ********. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

which CCTV video? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Listen you muppet, the point is it is about 1% max of the fans. If that's not a minority than what is? Not that this minority can be justified in any way.

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Originally posted by HOORAY HENRIK:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jeebs:

Would be the same if 120k of our lot went down.

No it wouldnt. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seriously deluded, but if it helps you to believe that then carry on.

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Originally posted by djmac174:

Seriously deluded, but if it helps you to believe that then carry on.

I'll believe 80,000 fans going to Seville and being a credit to the club and country without a hint of trouble and gaining praise from the Spanish government/police and also FIFA/UEFA.

You can delude yourself that Celtic fans cause riots. I'll stick to the fact that Rangers have a notorious history of bad behaviour going from Barcelona 72 to riots at friendly games in England during the 80's to the Manchester 08.

I accept there were alot of idiots at last nights game, but there are alot of idiots in the Celtic support.

We dont cause carnage.

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Originally posted by Gudge:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ibroxhero:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

Obviously every team has its share of idiots supporting them but last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

If uefa do throw the book at rangers then it will be justified. It was not the normal behaviour from away fans after one too many.

The cctv footage shows the numbers that were invoved and that was just one isolated incident.

Still a shame when a decent sized minority of fans ruin it for the non idiotic supporters.

Taking the official figures it was 0.15% of fans involved in the trouble. An absolute minority.

120K fans and 200 involved (GMP reported figures) </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Their are more than 200 in that one cctv video so you can quote any figures you want but its ********. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

which CCTV video? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

granted, there are more than 200 people in that video, but there's not 200 people attacking the policce officer or throwing bottles

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