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The Rangers FC Thread - Season 07/08


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absolutely gutted.

i shed a couple of tears last night and had to endure abuse from smoggies at work today.

to be honest i would have preferred to lose in the semis than in the final. being there is an amazing experience, and i would have loved to be in manchester last night, but losing in the final is so hard to take.

broadfoot, for his misgivings as a right back done really well imo. caught out a few times but i dont think he looked like a weak link in defence.

wish novo would have started up front instead of darche, with the big man coming on as a second half sub. wee nacho has had a big influence in big games, scoring vital goals in important games.

disappointed with the violence. no matter how much of a minority, it was still too many... wouldn't have happened if the offy's stocked up icon_wink.gif

the important thing is that our boys done brilliantly to get there, and have still got 4 important games to play and the treble is still ours to lose.

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the way i see it is that a lot of what happened was inevitable but the stabbing was something else, thats not normal behaviour at any sort of game and a bit of a worrying element.

i live and work in manchester and found the rangers fans in general to be a decent bunch of lads. had a bit of banter with them, in really good spirits and seemed to have a really good day. but there was always a bit of an uncomfortable feeling (few bars near where i work erupted into violence during the day, long before the game) and women from our office were scared to walk around alone due to the groping they were getting in the crowds. no idea why because it was probably the only action they had got in ages tbf.

from the figures released i dont think there was anything like enough police on hand (especially riot police) and i dont think the screens are a good idea for any game as its always a flash point, sh*t loads of beered up young men in a tight space generally spells disaster. not that any of this excuses what happened, battering the coppers and destroying a few cars all a bit chavish.

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Doesn't matter what team you support Celtic, Rangers, etc.

This is the "culture" in our country, anywhere around Scotland you'll find idiots causing trouble on a Friday and Saturday night. The fight that Manchester was so accesible meant that these morons had easy acess.

It is all hypothetical to imagine each set of fans switched about, but the fact that Seville was abroad may have lead to it being more of a holiday atmosphere. You see the same level of drunkness in the Balearics and Costa del Sol in the summer as you do in Scotland the rest of the year but not the same level of violence, why? Probably because the idiots are out of their element and justifiably scared of spending time in a Spanish jail or being at the mercy of the Policia who are just a wee bit intimadating compared to our lot.

Manchester on the other hand was a home away from home for the bams, the tv breaking ( or getting switched off, whatever) just garnered the same reaction from the scum that closing time or getting told they were getting no more drink does.

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I accept there were alot of idiots at last nights game, but there are alot of idiots in the Celtic support.

We dont cause carnage.

If you lot were in a similar situation that happened last night then there's no doubt it would have kicked off. Pretty sure it would have happened with the fans of any club.

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Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I accept there were alot of idiots at last nights game, but there are alot of idiots in the Celtic support.

We dont cause carnage.

If you lot were in a similar situation that happened last night then there's no doubt it would have kicked off. Pretty sure it would have happened with the fans of any club. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I take you are aware a screen broke at one of the parks in Seville?

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I take you are aware a screen broke at one of the parks in Seville?

I'm sure when leaving the park with the broken screen you weren't faced with riot police who were more interested in swinging their batons than talking when trying to find somewhere else to see it?

More potential for scummy fans to make it to something just down the road than in a different country as well.

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Amid all the recriminations from Manchester, great credit to the decent Rangers fans who - after a depressing night and journey home - made the effort to go to Celtic Park to pay tribute to Tommy Burns.

Nice to see some mutual respect still exists and that not all Rangers (or Celtic fans for that matter) are moronic nutters.

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150-175k fans.. not all of them regular Rangers fans for certain

I think its a good chance that all of this was caused by drink and a set of people that probably believe they are Rangers fans, but probably have more important considerations going through whats left of their minds after guzzling drink all day.

Saying that, its an utter embarrassment for Rangers, and Scottish Football.

From discussions I have had with police friends in Scotland, Dundee United have the worst set of fans going, but they wouldn't take 175k to watch a final on a big telly out in the street.

So it is Rangers problem and I really hope they don't start sticking their heads in the sand about this and start slinging mud or it will only stay the same.

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So it is Rangers problem and I really hope they don't start sticking their heads in the sand about this and start slinging mud or it will only stay the same.

There is only so much that the club can do though. They've already condemned the trouble makers and praised the genuine fans who were just there to see the game and have a good time.

Not sure what the club could have done to stop someone putting on a Rangers top and driving to Manchester.

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I agree Ter, but I think what I was trying to get at was I hope Rangers dont start saying:

it's the police, its Manchester council, its a conspiracy, it was anything but us...

a good thing to come out of this would be if it strengthened Rangers (and Celtics) resolve in thier good work in recent years to get rid of the sort of supporters that would be accountable for this sort of thing in the past

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Problem is, even with the best will in the world, you will always have scum bags who want to start a fight or attack the police. Rangers, Celtic whoever can only really police fans by denying them tickets but nothing will stop people travelling to a place as Ter says and when they've been drinking all day and probably all the previous night as well, there isn't anything any club can do.

Manchester Council as far as I've read did the best they could given the circumstances of having so many people in place so they can't be blamed I don't think. Can't comment on the police, although even if they were 'heavy handed' as some suggest, thats still no excuse at all for the behaviour of those thugs.

The onces who stabbed the fan though, surely they would be season ticket holders or I guess they could have bought their tickets from a tout. I haven't even read much about that incident which is ridiculous really, you would think there would be more coverage.

Still totally ****ed off with the whole thing tbh.

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whoever was involved is scum in my opinion, if CCTV finds any season ticket holders/anybody who can be recognised from being at Ibrox (unlikely but maybe) then they should be banned from going to see the club at home and in Europe immediately

I don't blame the club for this as Ter says there is only so much they can do with policing and making sure the wrong people aren't there. It's a free country, there was a potential to cause trouble in Manchester which is a bus/train/car journey away and certain individuals decided to take it icon13.gif

and I doubt the club would start blaming the city, the police etc - it's the element of scum who did it

on a sad note, I'd like to express my condolences about Tommy Burns. Just noticed the news tonight and as much as he took light-hearted abuse from Rangers fans (mostly due to TV impressions of him) most geniuene Rangers fans would be sad to hear of his passing - my condolences to his friends, family and all at Celtic

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maybe its also a mindset thing

Scotlands fans in the 70's had a terrible reputation

but through some clever media work (dont be like the English!) Scotland fans demanded from themselves and those with them good behaviour

could the Rangers fans not also police themselves?

1,000 Rangers fans intent on trouble could be put right by the other 174,000 demanding they behave themselves.

It is a suggestion, not a criticism.

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could the Rangers fans not also police themselves?

in theory that is impossible, if it was fans who haven't been to games before/or in a while - how the hell would you know them and be able to say anything?

they might just glass you or something, I doubt anyone would want to get involved with that sort of thing.

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I'm not sure it is impossible.

Partick Thistle fans are so fervent in their 'we're not like Rangers or Celtic fans' (so much so that it can even be detriment to themselves) that if anyone started singing 'hello hello' in the Jackie Husband stand I'm sure it would be quelled almost instantly. I might be wrong, I haven't been to Firhill in 3 years.

Nobody wants to stand up to a mob.. I'm suggesting a different type of mob mentality than we saw last night.

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Originally posted by TM:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">could the Rangers fans not also police themselves?

in theory that is impossible, if it was fans who haven't been to games before/or in a while - how the hell would you know them and be able to say anything?

they might just glass you or something, I doubt anyone would want to get involved with that sort of thing. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i heard from some thats why some trouble started. the decent supporters were trying to stop the yobs throwing stuff but then they just turned on them.

if they are capable of kicking the crap out of a policeman then i wouldn't be so quick to tell them what to do thats for sure.

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I've often said there is little difference between the supporters of Celtic and Rangers. But for the first time I think I'm starting to disagree with that.

I don't think for a second Rangers fans are bad people, or even generally worse than us.

I still think that at it's core we are identical; We love to hate each other, love to think we are superior, love to take the moral high ground etc.

But I just feel that at times our support is headed in different directions.

I feel, especilly since Seville, and the whole Best Fans In The World rubbish, that there is a heightened level of us trying to almost 'self-police' ourselves.

I haven't been to loads of Celtic games over the years being down here in Bristol, but I'm sure from my point of view I've seen a change.

This is probably connected to the drop in IRA etc related stuff in our support. I still hear of it now and again, but it's almost a taboo now. People seem more willing to speak up against others who look to be denting 'our good name' (sic).

Obviously I can only look from the outside, but I don't get the feeling Rangers have the same sort of vibe. I wont deny that the massive majority are sound, decent, inbred icon_wink.gif, nice guys. But the fact is you don't have the same reputation as us abroad, for whatever reasons.

Allied to this I still reckon that a large number of Englishmen's second teams are Rangers.

You know, the moronic 'God save the Queen, we all hate the Irish/Foreigners' mob.

Being down here I've met a lot of people like that. I don't count them as true Rangers fans tbh, but it wouldn't surprise me that especially for a Uefa Cup final these idiots would not only join in, but be actively looking for trouble.

I'm probably miles off, and I'm not writing this as fact (ofc), it's just something I thought about briefly really.

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to be honest, Rangers seem to attract a lot of ned element for European games at Ibrox - I doubt we'd have had as many problems if the game was abroad somewhere as the Final wouldn't have been accessible (sort of like Celtic with Seville)

Nobody can say if Celtic would have attracted the element we did in Manchester if were in the same situation, so there is no point speculating - it might have happened, it might not have

we are connected with a few English teams as well like Chelsea and Spurs so that could be another reason for some of the fans attracted - although nobody has confirmed where the individuals (okay I won't sugarcoat it - scum) are from

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Manchester Council as far as I've read did the best they could given the circumstances of having so many people in place so they can't be blamed I don't think. Can't comment on the police, although even if they were 'heavy handed' as some suggest, thats still no excuse at all for the behaviour of those thugs.

They had the velodrome and buses from Picadilly to there as a backup plan. It was clear about 3 hours before the game that there were too many people in Piccadilly Gardens so the backup plan should have been executed then. Not 10 minutes after the game had started.

If they had done this then the screens in the gardens could have been switched on, everyone gets to see the match, there isn't as much overcrowding and no people getting angry.

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as has been said previously i believe there is nothing the club can do.

Its a tricky one, i believe the only thing that could possibly have any effect is for UEFA to get involved, but any punishment they give will be unfair to the club as your punishing them for something they cant do anything about

its similar to the previous UEFA thing with Rangers, the club cannot stop fans from singing whatever they want but they are the ones that was punished for it

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Within reason clubs can be held responsible. You can stop fans from singing, shouting whatever racist, bigotted chants because you simply evict them and ban them. Same with people causing trouble - as I said at Ibrox last night there were some numpties thinking it was funny to run onto the pitch, mostly good humoured apart from the one guy who thought it would be funny to attack the stewards - but you ban these people. What you can't do, and what no club can be responsible for, is stop anyone putting on a club shirt and causing a riot. I said early, I think Charnley said it too, I'd be willing to bet that most of those people involved in the 'rioting' have never even been to Ibrox, probably don't even know where it is.

And Ter I agree with what you say to an extent, and if it's true the screen's were turned off on purpose then questions have to be asked. It still though does not excuse people's behaviour, but as TM also says it will be interesting to see when charges are brought just where these 'fans' are from.

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And Ter I agree with what you say to an extent, and if it's true the screen's were turned off on purpose then questions have to be asked. It still though does not excuse people's behaviour, but as TM also says it will be interesting to see when charges are brought just where these 'fans' are from.

Of course it still doesn't excuse their behaviour. I was ****ed off and angry at standing there for nearly 5 hours waiting on the game to start only to find out it's not going to be on when it had already started.

I didn't start fighting with the police or throwing anything. I left and went to find somewhere that I could watch it.

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I didn't start fighting with the police or throwing anything. I left and went to find somewhere that I could watch it.

you aren't a brainless moron though icon14.gif was reading something in the paper saying that supermarkets in Manchester were moving booze to the front of the stores to make sure they would get sold and were selling out of packs of it because people were buying it like water pretty much. I know a business is a business, but it seems awfully irresponsible to sell vast quantites of alcohol to fuel people for their time in Manchester - obviously I know people would have probably have went mental if they weren't allowed it, but maybe a limit could have been a better idea in hindsight

booze + big crowd of people = potential risk for trouble whichever city you are in to be honest, it doesn't take intelligence levels to work that one out. Although as I said, if booze was being limited, you'd have probably got angry scenes before the game so I guess that's why there was no limit on what could be sold - I bet there is now though, seems a bit unfair on the Man Utd fans not being able to watch the big screens for their CL Final now though

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Yeah, there was no booze left by the time we got there (midday on Wednesday) and we had to get some wine instead icon_biggrin.gif

I don't really like wine much so I was pretty sober throughout the day.

The bar in the fanzone was closed well before the game was due to start and there wasn't any bother. Probably because most had already brought their own in icon_biggrin.gif

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tbf the booze was going to get sold whether it was at the front or back of the supermarket. However for supermarkets its a lot easier just having a herd of scots come in, pick up the crate, pay for it and leave rather than trekking round the store.

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One of the funniest moments of the day was when I was in Tesco looking for some beer (impossible quest) and ice-cubes and some guy came over the tannoy singing the sash. The whole store were pishing themselves laughing, even the people who worked there. icon_biggrin.gif

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Feel like McD does but I think I'll try and spend a few mins putting down my thoughts for the record... icon_wink.gif

Firstly the game itself. I thought we played reasonably well. First half we sat a bit too deep as usual and Zenit struggled to break us down. As such, they seemed to sit back a wee bit in the second half, allowed us more space and possession which then enabled them to play their effective attacking game.

Essentially the match came down to two mistakes. Our dreadful throw in which the Russians capitalised from. And Nacho Novo/Lee McCulloch getting in each other's way and missing the game's best chance. Who knows what would have happened if we'd taken that?

It wasn't to be though but we can hold our heads high and be proud that we managed to get so far and were just a ba' hair away from getting a result.

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As for the rest of the day/trouble I'd like to say the following:

1. There is no excuse for the behaviour of whatever fans caused the trouble at Piccadilly Gdns. I seen Rangers fans and Russian fans involved and these people should disgust any reasonable human being.

2. Quite clearly the local authorities could not cope with the incredible numbers of fans who travelled. Not sure what the final numbers were (it's impossible to say IMO) but there were too many fans in too few areas. I spent most of my pre-match time in Portland Street and next to the Piccadilly fanzone. It was all good natured fun but I was worried that hours and hours of drinking, coupled with the sun and minimal police presence could result in issues later. Trouble was inevitable IMO.

3. I was down with 4 mates - 3 of us who went to the game and one without a ticket who stayed behind to try and get into the fanzone to watch. He couldn't get in and quickly saw the screens were buggered. Unfortunately this seemed to cause problems with people throwing objects. My mate tried to tell a copper but the police sergeant was more interested in chatting up his female colleague. My mate then watched the game in Yates Bar and didn't see any trouble there - a hundred yards or so from the Gardens.

4. After the game we walked back towards the Gardens to meet my mate. On the way, around 5 or 6 police vans sped past us (they were based in a retail park - 60 second drive from the Gardens) so we knew there was a possibility of trouble. We kept walking though as we couldn't get through on the phone to our friend (the networks were problematic all day - still getting texts now!). Around 100 yards from the Gardens (CoM side) we could see the police vans halted but nothing seemed to be happening. We got a bit closer and then we could see around 100 fans challenging the police vehicles. We seen a few bottles being thrown by people with Rangers tops on and by people with Zenit flags. But the trouble was NOT that bad.

5. At this point one of the van doors opened and around 10-15 riot police got out. I thought thank goodness, they'll challenge these idiots and stop the problem. Bizarrely (and was actually very funny watching from the side of the street) they ran from one of the vans, across to another and got in. The vans then reversed, put their lights on and drove away - reappearing seconds later from another side street. It was surreal. Best way to describe the police response would be to compare it with a faulty GTA game engine. No organisation, little aims and crazy driving.

6. As this was happening, obviously we were a bit worried for our own safety so we doubled back 20 yards and walked round the block. By the time we got back round to the place where the trouble had been (2-3mins later) the trouble had ended (or moved). We found our mate and moved on to try and get the train back to Widnes (or elsewhere) since the city centre was still heaving and some pubs had closed.

7. We walked down to the Edwards train station to find all the trains had been cancelled. Replacement buses were to be used instead. Unfortunately, this was not suitable given the numbers of people still needing transport. Thousands of people were at the station but only 4 buses were put on in the 2 hours we stood there waiting for transport. One to Blackpool, one to Warrington, one to Liverpool and one which the fella said 'would go everywhere but take hours'. We decided to start walking out the city centre - still packed full of people trying to get transport home - and get a taxi asap. Eventually (and luckily) we managed to get one around 2 miles out and were over-charged by around £30 for the privilege.

8. All in all, we still had a great, great time. Our hosts were very hospitable and the craic between the Russians, Rangers and Mancunians generally excellent. Unfortunately, there was just far too many people and trouble was inevitable. I honestly think it would have happened with any club if they took this sheer number of fans to such a game. Law of averages suggests neds, yobs, hooligans and whatever would have had their small time of day and I'm just gutted it's the huge majority of decent, law-abiding Rangers fans (and Scottish people) who have their name tarnished by a small number of mindless idiots.

Fortunately, these idiots were minimal and hopefully everyone concerned can learn then lessons for future events. icon_frown.gif

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Fortunately, these idiots were minimal and hopefully everyone concerned can learn then lessons for future events

Firstly, and most importantly, I take it the friend you left out in the cold was ok?

Minimal or not, (and even if they weren't even real fans which I very much doubt they were) these people have once again dragged the clubs name through the mud. It sounds from what I've read and see that the police were way over the top and wholely inadequate - you would think that given the sheer numbers they would have been better prepared - and possibly just panicked. When you see that scene where those thugs battered that cop, the poor bugger had been isolated by his own comrades which seems pretty poor policing to me.

Nevertheless, there really was no excuse for their behaviour and whilst it was only a couple hundred our of something like 150,000+ people, the other 148,800+ people who were there all get tarred with the same stick and the gutter press leap on it with fervourous enjoyment. Probably was bound to happen when you allow drinking all day long, and then stupidly turn off the screen so people can't see it, what the hell reaction were the expecting and I think I can trust Ter enough to believe his account of things so the whole thing from the point of view was just shambolic.

Ah well, at least we probably won't have to worry about Europe for a few more years then.

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I just thought i'd come in to say a few words about my experience at the game on Wednesday.

I came through from Edinburgh to watch the game at Ibrox and during the game had a fantastic time. After the game on the way back into Glasgow city centre I was getting very annoyed at some of our "so called" fans with their continuous sectarian songs. I know the club has done alot to stamp out the singing of these songs at home games but obviously the crowd inside Ibrox on Wednesday night was maybe not the kind of fans who would normally go to see games.

On the train home to Edinburgh I sat next to a woman who looked genuinely terrified by the bunch on the train who were obviously in their element being in an enclosed space on a train with no police to discourage them from singing all the sectarian nonsense.

I was ashamed of them and hid my Rangers shirt under my jacket to disassociate myself from them. I was also annoyed when I got off the train in Edinburgh to hear some of the so called Rangers' supporters start singing Hearts songs on the way home. And overheard one of them saying "they wonder why they get themselves into trouble when EVERY song they have is sectarian". Hypocrytical to say the least.

Don't sing those songs in the first place if your going to all of a sudden take the moral high ground and make out as if your not a bigot.

It really annoys me that on the night of our clubs most recent successes it was allowed to be ruined by people who don't normally associate themselves with the general support.

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Oops... sorry missed that we found our mate next to the initial pub (now closed) who had been watching the trouble unfold. He was safe and sound. icon14.gif

I've actually spoken with GMP reps in the last day or 2 and the official fan figures are incredible. I won't post them until GMP publish them but let's just say when once considers the arrests compared to numbers the %age is minimal (almost negligible). However, small arrests don't account for some of the disgraceful behaviour we've all seen on the telly since Wednesday.

Lastly, Rangers won't be banned from Europe mate. UEFA are distancing themselves from what happened (as per usual) instead of looking to address what happened and ensure similar problems don't occur again in the future.

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Big Carlos is getting a wee bit carried away here

<UL TYPE=SQUARE>He said: "People say we will never get a chance like this one again and they might be right but football is not as easy as 1, 2, 3. Strange things can happen and maybe it is possible that we can get to another final next season.

"The manager will buy some new players and we will become even stronger. I expect us to have a very good team next season so it could be possible for us to win the Champions League or the UEFA Cup.

"I want to be a part of that. I have a contract with Rangers and I don't want to go anywhere else.

"It's a great club and I am happy here. I think there is a lot more we can do here."


Good to hear him talking about next season and staying though icon14.gif

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Lastly, Rangers won't be banned from Europe mate. UEFA are distancing themselves from what happened (as per usual) instead of looking to address what happened and ensure similar problems don't occur again in the future.

Yeah I was being facetious. UEFA have claimed it is 'out of their hands' because nothing happened inside the stadium, which I suppose in a sense is actually true UEFA aren't the Manchester polis.

On a different note, just read some comments that Fernando Ricksen made and tbh I hope he breaks his leg soon, piece of scum that he is and was.

As for Carlos, I think if he's allowed to stay he will. He's already played in the best league in the world, so why would he want to go anywhere else - unless the money men force him out.

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Disappointing to hear the RFC official line referring to "infiltrators" and people who "don't usually follow the club".

Don't they realise that it's these people, the ones who don't go to the games, but who are intent on trouble, sectarianism and so on, that most of us encounter on a regular basis in Glasgow and outwith the city.

To be honest I wouldn't have stepped within 200 yards of a pub in Ayr on Wednesday night, and that's quite sad to say.

These people who "don't usually follow the club" ARE Rangers supporters, they will mostly have union jack or red hand tattoos and will behave this way at home and anywhere else they happen to be.

Also, give over with the "Celtic fans would be just as bad" stuff. For one thing, who knows and for another, who cares? It wasn't them who were there and it wasn't them who caused the trouble. The focus should be on what did happen and how to deal with it, not what mibbes, coulda, mighta happened in entirely different circumstances.

FWIW, heard today that the technicians working to fix the screen had bottles, etc. thrown at them and had to run off, so no wonder they never got it back on.

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Sorry HD but that isn't true. Please don't generalise our fans like that.

Throughout Europe this year and at domestic games there is no trouble and our fans (though certainly not faultless) are generally very good people. Just like any other club.

Unfortunately, at any game - anywhere in the world, you'll have idiots (young and old) who embarrass their club.

To suggest the kind of people who cause trouble, are sectarian or have tattoos are genuine Rangers supporters is unfair and inaccurate. They aren't football fans - just selfish yobs. And it's impossible to expect Rangers FC or anyone else to be able to police these people.

We can condemn it (and every Rangers person has as far as I can see) but it's difficult to remove it.

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Just to give an opposing example actually...

A few years back - before I met my wife - I was down in Ayr with a few friends to watch a couple of mates play in the Scottish Bowls championships held there every year.

At night we all went out for a few beers in a couple of local pubs. Near the end of the evening, some local neds smashed the huge main window of the pub we were in (just off the main drag) and injured my mate's fiancé. A few regulars who we'd been having a bit of banter with, then went out and a mini-riot developed between around 30 or 40 local people.

Does that mean every person in Ayr is a yob or that these people aren't representative of Aye people as a whole? Or because of that incident and a few other fights we seen heading back to our digs, does that mean that all locals are trouble-making idiots...?

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Originally posted by Gudge:

I dont know why, but i'm more ****ed off about the rioting and violence than i am the result icon_mad.gif

Because all everyone is talking about is these morons who have brought shame on the name of the club icon_frown.gif rather than us reflecting on what was an upsetting in the end but very good European run.

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Originally posted by Gudge:

I dont know why, but i'm more ****ed off about the rioting and violence than i am the result icon_mad.gif

I think most bears feel the same mate.

I was gutted when we didn't win but took solace in the fact I'd had a great day, our team had played reasonably well and we still had a domestic treble to try and win.

To then witness the problems in the city-centre which I knew would blacken the name of the hundreds of thousands of fans who had had a great day, really annoyed and disappointed me.

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you could be forgiven forgetting that there was actually a game of football before all the trouble.

i think i've seen the goals once since then, however i've seen the cctv footage numerous times

you've also got a game just as important in about 22 hours time and theres been basically no built up to it at all

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To suggest the kind of people who cause trouble, are sectarian or have tattoos are genuine Rangers supporters is unfair and inaccurate. They aren't football fans - just selfish yobs. And it's impossible to expect Rangers FC or anyone else to be able to police these people.

The problem is that they call themselves Rangers fans, wear Rangers apparel and sing Rangers songs. What are they if they're not Rangers fans?

They're the people who stop you in the street and ask "Blue or Green?" with a genuinely intimidating demeanour.

All I can say is that if I had ever been a Rangers fan I would rather stop and support another team than continue to be associated with those people, no matter how important the club was to me and I certainly would not allow any child of mine to support the team. In fact I would not allow a child of mine to support either Old Firm team.

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