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The Rangers FC Thread - Season 07/08


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Originally posted by HD:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">To suggest the kind of people who cause trouble, are sectarian or have tattoos are genuine Rangers supporters is unfair and inaccurate. They aren't football fans - just selfish yobs. And it's impossible to expect Rangers FC or anyone else to be able to police these people.

The problem is that they call themselves Rangers fans, wear Rangers apparel and sing Rangers songs. What are they if they're not Rangers fans?

They're the people who stop you in the street and ask "Blue or Green?" with a genuinely intimidating demeanour.

All I can say is that if I had ever been a Rangers fan I would rather stop and support another team than continue to be associated with those people, no matter how important the club was to me and I certainly would not allow any child of mine to support the team. In fact I would not allow a child of mine to support either Old Firm team. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why? Because of the mindless idiots who spoiled the occasion?

You seem intent on tarring all Rangers/Old Firm fans with the same brush when that's extremely unfair on the MAJORITY who support the club properly.

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All I can say is that if I had ever been a Rangers fan I would rather stop and support another team than continue to be associated with those people, no matter how important the club was to me and I certainly would not allow any child of mine to support the team. In fact I would not allow a child of mine to support either Old Firm team.

Yeah, might as well just stop supporting the team I've supported all my life and pick someone else because of a few idiots at one match. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Gudge:

I dont know why, but i'm more ****ed off about the rioting and violence than i am the result icon_mad.gif

Absolutely the same. My wife can't understand why I'm so disgusted and ashamed by what happened outside the stadium as it had nothing personally to do with me. But no matter how intelligently and logically we break it down and blame infiltrators and a minority and such like, this is bruising to anyone, decent or not, associated with the club and, without wanting to sound melodramatic, will take a long, long time to heal.

The footballing side, we'll quickly recover from - there have bigger disappointments in the last two years alone.

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Originally posted by HD:

All I can say is that if I had ever been a Rangers fan I would rather stop and support another team than continue to be associated with those people, no matter how important the club was to me

I see stupidity isn't the sole domain of Rangers fans. What a ridiculous and unconstructive thing to say.

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Originally posted by HD:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">To suggest the kind of people who cause trouble, are sectarian or have tattoos are genuine Rangers supporters is unfair and inaccurate. They aren't football fans - just selfish yobs. And it's impossible to expect Rangers FC or anyone else to be able to police these people.

The problem is that they call themselves Rangers fans, wear Rangers apparel and sing Rangers songs. What are they if they're not Rangers fans?

They're the people who stop you in the street and ask "Blue or Green?" with a genuinely intimidating demeanour.

All I can say is that if I had ever been a Rangers fan I would rather stop and support another team than continue to be associated with those people, no matter how important the club was to me and I certainly would not allow any child of mine to support the team. In fact I would not allow a child of mine to support either Old Firm team. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Again with the tarring all Rangers fans the same as these thugs, give it a rest HD.

I'm appalled at the behaviour of these so called fans, I'm ashamed of them and heartbroken that theyve dragged Rangers through the mud with their antics.

Under no circumstances will I ever let people like this either intimidate or shame me into not supporting Rangers.

Thugs are thugs regardless of outfit/strip they happen to be wearing.

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I'm not tarring anybody. What I'm saying is that these idiots are there, they have always been there and will likely always be there. They attach themselves to Rangers (and some to Celtic, though not so much in my personal experience) and are the visible face of the Rangers support for a lot of people.

I simply say that I would not want to be associated with these people for the sake of a football team.

I'm a fairly smart guy, I know that there are people who support Rangers without causing problems, but if I have a difficult time seeing a clear divide between those people and the scum element then I'd suggest that the divide isn't there. Dismissing the troublemakers as a "minority" or as outwith control basically, for me, is as good as accepting them.

I'm sure Rangers FC are more than happy to accept the money these idiots shell out for replica tops, tracksuits, etc. so it's a bit rich to then try and disassociate themselves.

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a few idiots at one match

Way to miss the point. I think we all know that it's not just a few idiots and it's not just one match. At least I hope we all know that.

And another thing, I'm not suggesting anyone stop supporting Rangers, I'm only saying what I would do in the same circumstances.

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Originally posted by HD:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">To suggest the kind of people who cause trouble, are sectarian or have tattoos are genuine Rangers supporters is unfair and inaccurate. They aren't football fans - just selfish yobs. And it's impossible to expect Rangers FC or anyone else to be able to police these people.

The problem is that they call themselves Rangers fans, wear Rangers apparel and sing Rangers songs. What are they if they're not Rangers fans?

They're the people who stop you in the street and ask "Blue or Green?" with a genuinely intimidating demeanour.

All I can say is that if I had ever been a Rangers fan I would rather stop and support another team than continue to be associated with those people, no matter how important the club was to me and I certainly would not allow any child of mine to support the team. In fact I would not allow a child of mine to support either Old Firm team. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I refer you to my post about my experiences in Ayr.

Every team has their fair share of idiots. Your generalistions are completely inaccurate and unfair.

I don't blame anyone for being annoyed about the people who caused problems the other day. I am as well. However, to say the vast, vast decent majority should supporting a great Scottish team because of these incidents is somewhat silly.

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I don't blame anyone for being annoyed about the people who caused problems the other day. I am as well. However, to say the vast, vast decent majority should supporting a great Scottish team because of these incidents is somewhat silly.

I didn't say that. I said if I were a Rangers fan, I would stop supporting them rather than be associated with the idiots.

And, by the way, there are more than a few morons in Ayr, believe me. My firm represent a lot of them!

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Anyway, don't know if it's been posted in amongst all this rubbish, but Klasnic has told Werder Bremen he's leaving.


Klasnic to leave Werder

Striker Ivan Klasnic will leave Werder Bremen at the end of the season.

The 28 year old informed the club's management of his decision on Wednesday afternoon.

Allofs regrets Klasnic's decision

General manager Klaus Allofs, who had recently been in contract extension negotiations with the Croatian international, deeply regrets the front man's decision.

"In the last couple of days, we once again improved our offer but he has unfortunately chosen against an extension of his contract here. He had hoped to achieve a different result, as Ivan is an exceptional striker who once again proved his class at this level even following the serious kidney illness which befell him this season. We do of course accept his decision to go in search of a new sporting challenge after seven successful years here along with us and we wish him all the very best for the future", Allofs said.

Not sure about this one. If he's fully fit then he'd probably be great.

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Originally posted by Bouncerboy13:

Your small minority say hello

Half way down is the video, absolutely crazy scenes


If you'll check out all the official comments from GMP, UEFA, the officer attacked, the stewards at the Square and anyone else you care to mention, you'll understand the incidents shown in the video were perpetrated by a very small minority of fans.

Reports suggest 200,000 Rangers fans. I see around 50-100 idiots max in that video. That's hardly a majority is it....?

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by continuing to fan the flames. In this thread and almost everywhere you go, Rangers fans have shown their remorse and embarrassment for the scenes we seen the other night. Hopefully the people guilty of causing the problems will be found and jailed.

What else do you want us to say?

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Originally posted by TM:

seems a bit unfair on the Man Utd fans not being able to watch the big screens for their CL Final now though[/quote

to be honest with you mate i'm not sure the council ever intended keeping the screens up - this is just a very convenient excuse for them to use as a reason. the last game shown on big screens in Manchester before Wednesday was England's opener in the last World Cup, and there was practically a riot at that as well - plenty of scope for the same thing to happen next week with the moronic element of all the other local teams likely to be well up for a ruck.

shame the actions of a tiny minority in Piccadilly Gardens have cast a shadow over Wednesday, my own personal experience of Rangers fans in Manchester couldn't have been any more different. we were in the Albert Square fanzone from around midday until after the game and there wasn't even a hint of any trouble, just a fantastic atmosphere and your fans in that area were an absolute credit.

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My mates who were at the game reported back, one of them didnt get to see the game as he was at piccadilly. The guy next to him threw an empty wine bottle when the trouble was just kicking off icon13.gif

My other mates all watched it somewhere else, although were hard-pressed in finding beer. icon_biggrin.gif

They said interestingly that a lot of Chelsea/Milwall fans had travelled up and were right in amongst the angry mobs, which was well over 100.

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i think a lot of the 'normal' Rangers fans have got to worry about is what will happen in your next european away games.

will the countries even want to let you in? and if so, i dont see them putting on things such as fans zones which they have been doing recently.

this could just spoil not only Wednesdays game but a lot of games in the future for the decent supporters

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Originally posted by Nick OGS20:

shame the actions of a tiny minority in Piccadilly Gardens have cast a shadow over Wednesday, my own personal experience of Rangers fans in Manchester couldn't have been any more different. we were in the Albert Square fanzone from around midday until after the game and there wasn't even a hint of any trouble, just a fantastic atmosphere and your fans in that area were an absolute credit.

Most were mate.

As I said, I spent a bit of time before the game walking about just to take in the atmosphere. Although there were plenty of people drunk, plenty acting daft and plenty to be embarrassed of, generally the day was superb.

I missed the early trouble with bring at the game. However, the later trouble was minimal and only looks worse because it's probably the same area (just at the corner of the Gdns) being repeated as the GMP seemed to have no idea how to calm the situation down.

Some of the scenes are disgraceful but it was only a small minority and it's a shame that other people appear to allowing this to cloud their judgement of Rangers supporters generally.

There were just too many people and the authorities couldn't cope. Some idiots took advantage of that and that's what is most disappointing when your city welcomed us (and our wallets) down.

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Originally posted by Stan petrov:

They said interestingly that a lot of Chelsea/Milwall fans had travelled up and were right in amongst the angry mobs, which was well over 100.

I posted something similar in the match thread, mates gf was down with her brothers and got caught up in some of the fighting. Not only was it english accents they heard but these guys were also fighting other ranger fans.

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Originally posted by HD:

I didn't say that. I said if I were a Rangers fan, I would stop supporting them rather than be associated with the idiots.

And, by the way, there are more than a few morons in Ayr, believe me. My firm represent a lot of them!

Strange then that you would be happy to disassociate yourself from being a Rangers fan if your fellow supporters were idiots but you're happy to work for a firm that represents similar people?

Very principled of you.

The vast, vast majority of Rangers fans are great, genuine people. Men, women and children who love their team, support them strongly and make me proud to be part of them. Unfortunately, some are less so.

Same goes for any club.

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Originally posted by davidel:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Stan petrov:

They said interestingly that a lot of Chelsea/Milwall fans had travelled up and were right in amongst the angry mobs, which was well over 100.

I posted something similar in the match thread, mates gf was down with her brothers and got caught up in some of the fighting. Not only was it english accents they heard but these guys were also fighting other ranger fans. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can also hear the English accents in the video on that Sun site when the 'fans' chase the police down the street.

The details of those arrested will be interesting after the fact.

However, that's no getting away from many of our fans let us down the other day - arrested or not. Fortunately, we'll take responsibility for that, try our best to find the culprits and punish them appropriately. We've been doing that in recent years pretty effectively. We'll continue to do so and not let these yobs win.

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will the countries even want to let you in? and if so, i dont see them putting on things such as fans zones which they have been doing recently.

There was one in Florence and obviously Manchester.

I believe Rangers have put on fan zones for every visiting team this season and only had the favour returned once, in Florence. Which was a fantastic trip btw without any hint of trouble.

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Strange then that you would be happy to disassociate yourself from being a Rangers fan if your fellow supporters were idiots but you're happy to work for a firm that represents similar people?

Very principled of you.

Not even nearly the same thing. icon_biggrin.gif

Everybody, even Rangers fans, deserve access to justice and a fair trial if needs be. I'm actually proud to represent an organisation that gives a voice to people who are unable to say anything other than "****".

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Originally posted by Ter:

I'm too quick these days McD icon_wink.gif

Doesn't give up, does he? Full marks for effort.

When guys that thick and degenerate start trying to take the high horse, you know we're in a rut. icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">will the countries even want to let you in? and if so, i dont see them putting on things such as fans zones which they have been doing recently.

There was one in Florence and obviously Manchester.

I believe Rangers have put on fan zones for every visiting team this season and only had the favour returned once, in Florence. Which was a fantastic trip btw without any hint of trouble. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i think thats what should be done for all large travelling supports tbh.

i dont doubt it but its possible other countries around the world will see these incidents without knowing all the facts and tar all the decent fans with the same brush.

its unfortunate but its bound to happen i think, the turkish fans got a really bad reputation for a while down to the incident with Leeds

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I know every club has their idiots, but sorry Rangers should get a 1 year ban from europe for the other night. Hopefully that would stop the thugs for fear of being turned on by their own fans once the consequences are known.

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Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I accept there were alot of idiots at last nights game, but there are alot of idiots in the Celtic support.

We dont cause carnage.

If you lot were in a similar situation that happened last night then there's no doubt it would have kicked off. Pretty sure it would have happened with the fans of any club. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I could not see it happening at Norwich tbh.

And yes I know there was a few of our fans arrested after the leicester game this year, however many reports put that down to over zealous policing arresting people that happened to be near a situation.

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Originally posted by Jono:

I know every club has their idiots, but sorry Rangers should get a 1 year ban from europe for the other night. Hopefully that would stop the thugs for fear of being turned on by their own fans once the consequences are known.

wrong - if we get to a big Final in Europe then I'd probably worry (especially if it was in the UK) gone through 8 countries in Europe since July without not one hint of trouble and then it's the big Final, the accessible area and that's where it hits

it's not the clubs fault, it's not the majority of decent Rangers fans' fault so we shouldn't be punished for what a bunch of scum have done and I doubt we will be.

Love how random fans have become an expert on Rangers in the last few days actually, yes I know the CCTV footage doesn't lie and it was disgraceful to see such scenes - but the whole club/decent fans should NOT be tarred with utter scum. Unfortunately, we will be cause the media have decided to blow it up in England and Scotland

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The media have actaully been very subdued in their coverage up here.

There will always be instances of violance between a few drunk fans when large numbers congregate and drink all day. But groups of 100's of fans having running battles with the police is not normal and is a significant enough minority that a european ban would not be harsh.

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Originally posted by TM:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jono:

I know every club has their idiots, but sorry Rangers should get a 1 year ban from europe for the other night. Hopefully that would stop the thugs for fear of being turned on by their own fans once the consequences are known.

wrong - if we get to a big Final in Europe then I'd probably worry (especially if it was in the UK) gone through 8 countries in Europe since July without not one hint of trouble and then it's the big Final, the accessible area and that's where it hits

it's not the clubs fault, it's not the majority of decent Rangers fans' fault so we shouldn't be punished for what a bunch of scum have done and I doubt we will be.

Love how random fans have become an expert on Rangers in the last few days actually, yes I know the CCTV footage doesn't lie and it was disgraceful to see such scenes - but the whole club/decent fans should NOT be tarred with utter scum. Unfortunately, we will be cause the media have decided to blow it up in England and Scotland </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That was my point, if the thugs get stick off their own fans for causing them to be banned from Europe for one year then it might prevent it from happening again.

UEFA have nobody else to punish but Rangers, it may not be their fault or the majority of fans fault.

Its like at school when someone in a class does something and the teacher wants to know who it is but nobody owns up. They make the whole class stay in for detention to put the pressure on the original culprit to come forward.

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That was my point, if the thugs get stick off their own fans for causing them to be banned from Europe for one year then it might prevent it from happening again.

the thugs probably don't live anywhere near/or have been to Ibrox icon14.gif so the decent fans who go to games can't really put pressure on them if they don't know who they are

anybody who is a regular Ibrox visiter (if any of them are) will get dealt by the club I expect and probably severely

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Originally posted by Jono:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I accept there were alot of idiots at last nights game, but there are alot of idiots in the Celtic support.

We dont cause carnage.

If you lot were in a similar situation that happened last night then there's no doubt it would have kicked off. Pretty sure it would have happened with the fans of any club. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I could not see it happening at Norwich tbh. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

struggling to see Norwich getting to a UEFA Cup final tbh. i'm sure Ter didn't literally mean 'any club' (doubt Dog and Duck FC would be able to muster enough fans to cause too much of a problem), rather any team of a similar size, who are able to get to a european final and travel in such numbers. and he's right to be honest - had we got to the CL Final in 2002 similar scenes in Glasgow with the moronic minority of our support would not have been remotely surprising.

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Originally posted by Nick OGS20:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jono:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I accept there were alot of idiots at last nights game, but there are alot of idiots in the Celtic support.

We dont cause carnage.

If you lot were in a similar situation that happened last night then there's no doubt it would have kicked off. Pretty sure it would have happened with the fans of any club. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I could not see it happening at Norwich tbh. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

struggling to see Norwich getting to a UEFA Cup final tbh. i'm sure Ter didn't literally mean 'any club' (doubt Dog and Duck FC would be able to muster enough fans to cause too much of a problem), rather any team of a similar size, who are able to get to a european final and travel in such numbers. and he's right to be honest - had we got to the CL Final in 2002 similar scenes in Glasgow with the moronic minority of our support would not have been remotely surprising. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

We made the UEFA cup back in the glory days icon_cool.gif

Would we have seen any issues with Liverpool and United if that had been the CL final this year?

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I think it's quite interesting how things like this bring out the guys with genuine, sensible opinions who can constructively debate a contentious subject - and the total morons who have a brain the size of a peanut.

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Got this off FF and the guy is right, our reputation has took a severe kicking because of these assholes and he has a few good ideas.


Our reputation is in tatters thanks to a minority of arseholes. It tars the decent majority. If you see yourself as the decent majority you have 2 choices ahead of you. Do nothing or do something positive. If you choose the former can you really say you care about Rangers? If gestures are required but you don't do getures because that's what the ambulance chasers do man, then fine you get back to singing about bjk and the famine.

But if anyone is left would you support the following:

a) a collection fund aimed at raising $10k to give to the girl who's car was trashed. Her insurance will cover the car, the money will go towards a holiday. TBO and the RST have cash collection facilities so as a RST member why not go for it.

b) TBO to issue a statement to the club to help engage musicians with studio time to create new viable terracing anthems. Easy for the club to py for. If they don't then nothing will replace the current non Rangers stuff.

cL RFC to offer the 15 cops injured a weekend in Glasgow with full hospitality. Cost next to nothing. Some might say what about justice for the Bears injured. Perhaps GMP can reciprocate the gesture to them. Bridge building requires a first step.

d) RFC name the names of all prosecuted for violence. They must be shamed and humiliated. And banned.

e) top Bears, McCoist, Smith, RST, RSA make vocal shows of support praising the majority and calling on them to be ever vigilant in self policing the few scroats.

f) take time to persuade any Bears threatening to leave the Rangers family because of the minority that we need them now more than ever to beat the arseholes

g) a banner at fir park saying 'Thank you, Manchester, from the decent majority'. Because no city could have been prepared for 100,000 visitors in excess of the predicted 100,000. Sure the TV feed was a shocking error but life throws these things up and they don't excuse unruly behaviour. I am encouraged by more and more stories of people having a great day in Manchester so it wasn't all bad. Lets air the good experiences too.

I know there were a lot of factors that conspired to create the situation, much of it beyond our control or luck but restoring reputation requires a series of feelgood and positie acts. Are you ready to help?

I'd back a few of them especially naming and shaming.

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seriously don't understand that one icon_biggrin.gif

it will be their own fans celebrating a Champions League/Premiership double if they win it? more likely not to cause any trouble because all there will be Man Utd fans? CL/Premiership double would be possibly one of the most prestigious things you can win as well, pathetic decision

just continues the weekly view of making us look like the bad guys icon14.gif

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Originally posted by TM:

seriously don't understand that one icon_biggrin.gif

it will be their own fans celebrating a Champions League/Premiership double if they win it? more likely not to cause any trouble because all there will be Man Utd fans? CL/Premiership double would be possibly one of the most prestigious things you can win as well, pathetic decision

just continues the weekly view of making us look like the bad guys icon14.gif

what a stupid decision.

for a start, you would never get that many man utd fans in manchester

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I've heard the rumours as well, wouldn't be surprised if it was deliberately turned off because that area of the city wasn't equipped to deal with the numbers

but obviously that's not a reason for the complete scum behaviour witnessed cause they turned off a TV

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Originally posted by HD:

Thugs supporting Rangers, what's new? We all knew they existed. It's the ones who stabbed the guy inside the stadium as well. Scum of the earth. It's like I've said a million times - people like that are seen as representative of the Rangers support. Why anyone halfway decent chooses to be associated with that behaviour - and everything else over the last 100 years - is beyond me. But good luck to you.

Sorry, but I'm not going to let this comment slip.

If Ayr made a Scottish Cup Final and 3 of your fans attacked a few police as a result of drinking too much all day, would you be happy about the above being said about you, and the tens of other decent Ayr supporters?

Besides, why should the vast majority of us who love our club go and support someone else due to the behaviour of a minority of morons? Would you dare post on the Liverpool thread that all of them should go and support someone else, because some Liverpool fans to all intents and purposes murdered innocent Juventus fans at Heysel?

Anton, just fuck off.

last nights scenes can not be justified as a few fans tarnishing the reputation of the masses.

Even if there was 1,000 people taking part in what happened, that's no more than 1% of those who travelled down. Acceptable? Of course not, but there's no way that the actions of a few morons should be allowed to tarnish the reputation of those who went down, enjoyed themselves and behaved themselves.

Example: At work tonight, one of my colleagues asked how many cars I'd tipped over. I know he was bamming me up, but it fucking hurt to think that that's how ALL of us who went down, either to see the game or just to take in the occasion, will be percieved.

Jeebs has summed it up perfectly. Not for the first time on these forums, well said sir.

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And for what it's worth, Manchester City Council have to share in the blame for the shite that went on. Who in their right fucking mind thought that allowing offies to sell booze from 7am was a good idea?

Picadilly Station after the game was a total fucking shambles, and given the amount drank/emotions of us all, I'm amazed there wasn't a riot. For those of us who are Glasgow based, imagine trying to get back from Hampden, only for trains to be running 45 minutes late for no reason, with no staff anywhere to explain what the fuck is going on.

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