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Market value progress (visible chart/table)


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Hey there!

I always wonder if my players improve and how the market value changes. If you have more than 30 players, you often lose track of the market value change. I would love to see a chart or a table. Goes the value up, or goes it down? What was the highest value of player XYZ? Did the market value improves? And and and.. A table can contain interesting information, which I definitely miss in FM. Currently I take always a screenshot to compare after some years. It is not the most comfortable way, but I think this is the only way.

Example: On the site 'Transfermarkt', you can exactly see what I want in the game.

ss (2017-01-22 at 10.52.48).png

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It's one we'd like to have, but we've discussed it before and would take up a huge amount of game memory to store this data considering the number of players, even if you were only taking a snapshot once a season. Because of that I'm afraid it's just not feasible. 

Reviewed so locked. 

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