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Is there a bug for scouting for full knowledge?

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Although I wonder about this, I assume it must be working as intended, otherwise surely it would have been patched by now.

What I am talking about is scouting various players (not roaming scouts, etc, but looking a player you're interested in and asking one of your scouts/coaches to give your a report),  If I have my scout watch a player for a week or for 1-3 matches, by the end of that time he might or might not have knowledge 100% and zero areas left to assess.  That seems reasonable, no problem for me there.  If I ask a scout to watch of a week or a few games, it seems to take at lest that long to get 100% knowledge and all areas to assess..

On the other hand, if I ask my scout/coach to simply watch until full knowledge, he typically comes back with a full report of 100% knowledge and knowledge of all aspects of his game the very next day.  How can he get full knowledge in a day when it would take scouting for a week+ or multiple games to get full knowledge?

This seems too easy for me.  I see no point of scouting a player for a week+ or for 1+ games, because all I have to do is ask for full knowledge and I get it right away the next day,

Am I wrong about this?  Why would you ever ask a scout/coach to watch for a week or more of for 1 game or more, if you can just ask to watch for full knowledge and get 100% of the scouting report right away.

Again, it seems to easy.  Why would you ever would ever want a scout/coach to waste his time doing anything other than full knowledge.  

Does everybody agree with this observation, or am I missing  something here?  I know that 75% of you know more about the game than me, so I would appreciate some opinions on the subject.  

It seems that the only time I don't get a 100% complete scouting report after one day is with goal keepers, where it seems I need to have a goalkeeping coach do the scouting rather than a general scout or other coach.

Otherwise, scouting a player for more than one day using full knowledge sees pointless.




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scouting for longer will give you a more accurate report. by more accurate i mean the black stars, which are uncertain potential become gold stars eventually. 

this is REALLY important for youths, so you don't buy ever regen and then find out all those black stars were just media hype

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2 hours ago, Cougar2010 said:

Yes is the simple answer.

There is a bug with the bar reaching 100% but not all the areas completed.  The temp workaround is to ask for a basic report which will fill in the missing info.


The vast majority of the time as soon as I ask for full report, the next day it will show 100% knowledge and no areas left yet to assess.  However, sometimes I do see, as you say, it says 100% knowledge but still many areas yet to asses (again, this seems to be mostly with goalkeepers  [see attached screenshot], but I haven't paid close enough attention to be sure whether it's limited to Gk or other positions as well).  Just so I'm clear, in these situations where it says the scout has 100% knowledge but there are still areas to be assessed, I should just ask to "get scouting report," i.e. just a scorecard but not watch for week or one game or whatever?

Is this something I should post in the bugs forum or is it already a well known problem?   It seems such an easy exploit I am baffled that SI would know about it and not bother to have fixed it in the last major patch.  Hate to criticize SI, but disregarding such an obvious scouting exploit make no sense.


Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 6.13.02 PM.png

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just select for a week. if it is on, say 80 or 90 percent when you start check if there is anything left when you get the starts scouting message. 

if there is anything left, or enough to see you dont want him any more stop the assignment. if you still want more info let it carry on, simple

end of day, if you are looking to sign him the longer the better to leave it.  get as many black stars gone as possible. the longer the more accurate, the predicted stars will change even if it says no areas left to scout

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1 hour ago, b28937 said:

It seems such an easy exploit I am baffled that SI would know about it and not bother to have fixed it in the last major patch.

If I'm not mistaken the issue was actually caused by the last major patch. It worked fine before that.

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