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Restoring Nottingham Forest To Glory

Zane Sherratt

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So I am Pretty Late into this Save now with only 8 Games Left Until Season End But I kept save file Separate to re-load and Give you my initial Views of the Nottingham Forest Squad as well as finances, I will be going though step by step So with out a further delay the First Step The Squad.


So this is what I saw on start of my new career to restore forest back to top flight football it does not look to shabby to be honest a few injuries to Key players but I did note something of concern from this page and that was the wages and the amount of strikers I count 5 strikers fit up to 7 from injured and another one who can play in that position if need be a whopping five to six central midfielders but what caught my eye even more was the wages of some of these player like Nicklas Bendtner who to be fair is just Average and no where near as good as the player who would come back from injury and replace him but he's being paid 20,000 p/w :O what the hell so I go to look at wage budget and Finances 




So OK now I am really concerned hardly any sponsorship deals only 5mill in the bank a 380k wage What the Hell this is unsustainable so I set a mission right from get go reduce wage to around 200k-210k This is a massive reduction but so necessary if you wish to keep the club at least a tiny bit self sustainable in the league of course I got to do this while being able to compete at this level .

Tactic wise I chose to use a 4-2-3-1 wide and a 2nd formation of 4-1-2-3 DM Wide on a low temp short passing game.

So now I could go though all the changes but I won't I am gonna skip ahead to the closing of the initial transfer window and show you what the squad looked like and what the new wage bill was at.



So here it is I am quite a way to my Initial Goals of my 200k wage target but the team has changed quite a bit first think to note is most the loans are gone Pajim Kasami, Ross McCormack, Nicolao Dumitru and I thought about keeping Aaaron Tsibola but I had better youth of my own so he went as well this was a initial Saving of 55,800 P/W of wage bill seriously that is insane amount of wage's to pay for a loans in my eye's as your doing the club your loaning from a favour by giving there player match experience .

 I also offloaded a few player on free 


A Further 48,000 saving for what I saw as Average player on daft wages Matt Mill I would have kept but I managed to upset him so I just sold him.

Promoted many Youth Like Matty Cash Since 1.7.3 PA has had a major boost as well as CA Will get a lot of game time as I feel he got the ability to challenge at this level and rely want this Phenomenal talent to flourish

Dimatar Evtimov Who got injured pretty much straight away typical 

Alex Lacovitti Seems to be a massive Potential Talent plan to give some game times in squad rotation to see if he can reach it

Joe Worrall To be honest I am Disappointing with this update as it has not done this lad justice he now pretty much established himself in first team but he not got the Tender touch to his CA and PA of some of the other youths shame I don't think he will make it long term.

Ben Brereton Another Player who had a Big CA/PA boost since update Plus as I have not mention I am a Nottingham Forest Fan so I know of his talent all ready.

Jorge Grant I have mixed feeling about this kid but willing to give him a run.

I did promote Danny Fox to main team after I could not offload him even on a Free :/ shame could have been another 20k of wage

So how did the season start well to be honest Not good


Started with a win I was like yes could be a good season but then two defeats on a row one to Grimsby Town in the cup was embarrassing But then a scraped 1-0 Win against Brentford away no less I was like few looks like things are gonna start looking up how wrong I was, Games I was winning by 3 goals ended in 3-3 draws defence was leaking every where draw against Aston Villa I was happy with to be honest  but another draw against Rotherham then 3 defeats on the top it was at that point I did a team talk to raise Morale it worked pushing them back to Good-Very Good levels I was still sitting tho around Mid Table at this point Oh And Britt was back in action from the Sheff Wed Game so even his return did not turn it around next game after morale boost 1-1 Away at Bristol City Danny Fox being the scorer better than another Defeat btw in training I had been doing Solid Tactical Training pretty much on high for as long as possible and they had at this point started to get to grips with it.

So now I am gonna post the result up to the January transfer window and the closing of the window along with the rest of my transfers.


So as you can See I offloaded even more players in this window as well some loans for Joe Worrall and Jordan Gabriel who PA has been reduced it seems this patch same was a OK PA wise rb before.

Apostolos Vellios got unhappy form lack of first team so I sold him as with Zach Clough return and a surprise I will save for the Final Squad sheet 

Jamie Ward on a Free I was happy to get rid to be honest as I had loaned in Sammy Ameobi for the rest of the season paying 10k of his wage so ward out Ameobi in for no wage Reduction or Increase

Danny Fox to Cardiff for Free Yes was great news especially as Dani Pinillos was coming back and Cohan could do his role = as well if need be 20k off wage

Armand Traore Just not good enough to cut it in champ so let him go free

Damien Perquis same as Traore

David Vaughan 20k pw 33 and was declining fast let him go free + there a surprise here as well for who replaced him 

Mustapha Carayol 15k off wage budget and I found a 22 yo in u23 who replaced him and put better performances in I actually gone seen this player live in the Arsenal game I was not pleased with what I saw from him moment where he turned and just fell over not even under pressure I was shocked how bad of a player he is and while peeps have said he put some good performances in of late I am not convinced that he got what it takes should not have sold Oliver Burke to only replace with this sub par player in comparison. 

OK squad list time


So this is the squad I am using now until season end now for the surprise 

Matty Cash


OK I did replace my AM with Alan Robertson who has 18 ca and 19 pa Ability so those stars will be pretty dam Spot on my god look at him now I play him as  Roaming Playmaker 7+ avg form for a 19yo gained half a star in CA pretty much replaced David Vaughan being tutored by Cohen

Ben Brereton


OK this kid got game while Britt and Zach where injured and when others where not performing he Ability shot up he now a 3 star from 2 star PA and is not slowing I have Britt Tutoring him

Gboly Ariyibi new Guy Forest brought in has replaced Mustapha Carayol

Cohen Bramall Rotation option Winger has played a few Game seem to perform well Big hopes on his Potential

Jorge Grant is the let down tho PA declined to 3 1/2 stars still useful rotation option if Joao Teixeira is injured can also do central mid role performs ok

Alex Lacovitti


Progressing well was tutored by Jack Hobbs raising him Determination to 17

So there the final Squad list some player view on the high PA youth who are progressing what about the finances and wage budget 



No so good on Balance Negative 4mil but spent around 2mill releasing players from contract the rest is the huge wage drain just from end of first window to current window 7M drain just insane


But there we go target met it has now levelled off on losses I am taking have near enough stopped some better sponsor ships and the club back in a position to Make a + cash flow again

So what about form we left it in a pretty bleak State well I been playing and there only 8 games left in the season now so let me show you the form now and the league table


Just look at that the form picked up like magic Zach Clough coming back and taking the AMC role made a huge impact scoring straight away in the 4-1 victory followed by 4 more wins on the trot there been a few Blips but in general the form has much improved not bad considering the amount of players I offloaded :)



Here is the Table I mean wow I shot up the table to be in the playoffs with even a outside chance of a automatic I am super pleased with how things are going.


Well that is it for now I will update on the Season End thank you to all that made it this far and I hope it was not to boring of course if you have idea or things you would like to know please leave comment I will read and look to improve in various areas



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So I have finished the Season And Even I was Surprised with I Manage to get Promoted It was a dam Close call To even Get in the playoffs as this Table will show


So as you can See  there was nothing in it but 1 Goal Difference Talk about lucky :D

So how did my Form Fair after I left it last time well here the Schedule with playoffs removed will go though that after


So my Form pretty Much Declined over all Getting the odd win but mostly Draws so I was fortunate to finish where I did.

In The Playoffs I got Norwich and I got to start with a home advantage


Nothing it this at all if they had scored one more goal I feel I would have lost in the end but I did change formation to a more defensive one in the last 20 mins to keep my lead the goals where all scored by Britt Assombalonga Impressive hatrick hero

in the Final I got Leeds United After they had dispatched reading a 4 goal to one winning both there legs so there confidence would be high.


Here was the result again another close match it's like FM was trying to stress me out I was 2-0 up at half time then 3-0 from a penalty in the 60th min I thought it was in the bag then from the 71st min they score then Sammy Aneobi scores in the 74th mind so I am like few all over now then with in 3 mins 85-88 min they score 2 goal I was rather panicked at this stage but my Team held strong Achieving the amazing unexpected promotion in my first season in charge to the English Premier League also mean my financial worries are over kinda make all my effort pointless tho but oh well.

speaking of witch my finances end of season where not great


7,2 mill in debt would not get hit my FFP but there also a board take over in process.


Budget for next Season.


Squad Sheet with some youths promoted I got 2 Potential 5 star youths in my draft this year Kieran Quinn And Danny Grant

Toby Edser was here at start but not shown much progression yet

Artur Antunes was the youth I got on the free 4 1/2 PA maybe

Tyler Walker Will be looking at him next season as well 

Squad areas to strengthen Will be wingers a Extra MC possible AMC to back up Clough and 2 fullback and a extra DC and a very good GK one who could tutor my GK youth

 I've changed the images to links instead to make a more compact post thank you to those that have read it I have edited the initial post as well to do the same with images.








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So Gonna do start of Season Update as there quite a few new Faces at the club I have boosted my defence, central cid, attacking mid and wingers Kept current striker force as that is all ready strong


So here the transfers done there might be some more business as windows has not closed if any exceptional players are available I might try for them also might look to get some more experience backup players to tutor my youths

best bargain was Nathaniel Chalobah for 2.1M


So here my current squad lineup there quite a few young players in it as I am working to build a team with the future in mind.


Racked up 10mill but with the insane money that will be coming in this won't be a issue


Kept Wages low still so I am expecting to make 70+ millions by end of current season


Pre-Season did not go to well in the friendly but I feel it will improve as the player gel.

Also there was a board take over and they did choose to keep me on with a new 2 year contract


new board members


I will give a small update on first transfer window closing then next one will be at the end of the January window so here to hoping for I would like to aim for mid table finish.

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So here is a short update for closing of the first transfer window so I'll show the final squad list and a update on the initial start to the season


So only one edition really Callum McManaman felt like I needed a more experienced option for the right wing


So not much has changed in the Squad a few player have been moved to the reserves mainly the very young players I will feature them in some cup games and to cover injury's but I don't wish to commit them to first team football to early as it might hamper there development talking of Zach Clough finally finished learning to be a AMC and is now Natural at it pleased with this.


Start of the season kicked off with a huge win over Burnley I mean wow 7-1 Britt Assombalonga scoring 5 goals no less and continued from there until the Southampton game and I not feeling confident for the next game against Man Citys so will have to grind though it and hope for a more + result against Sunderland if it goes badly against Man City but you ever know might be a surprise win it is FM after all who know what will happen.

Well thanks to those who are reading my carrier update at Nottingham Forest if you have any question feel free to ask by the way.

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6 hours ago, deltablue said:

Well done on the quick promotion. 

Thank you was some luck involved but sometimes that is just what you need I was surprised to be honest but the youngster who replaced some of the players I got rid of proved there metal.

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 So it's update Time as The January Window closes


Unfortunately I was not able to make any Further signing as for what ever reason the board locked me out of making any budget adjustments


Not like I am in debt either 15dbe1b5a25de1b5d7d98cc8a669c40e.png


So not much could be done to Strengthen the squad further shame as I felt I would have liked to add another GK and fullback and at least one more cb but will have to look to that next season.


So here is the squad for the rest of the Season not much has changed a few of the youths have been loaned out one thing of note Ben Brereton is now rated as one of my best strikers


He is getting so dam good I did have him learn a PPM shoot with power I also had him train to adapt his weaker foot he managed to do it then for what ever reason forgot?


So here how the form has been since I last left it as you can see It was going very badly for quite some time with the odd moment of a inspired win like the Crystal Palace game but at the Newcastle game it seemed my formed pick up and I was able to get some result coming my way all tho I did just get my ass handed to me by Tottenham as my defence collapsed and my gk got a 5.3 he had way to many of them not a consistent performer it seems handed him a 2 week fine and rest of the defence a week fine they moaned but my private talks they took the criticism on board as they dam well should.


So I am sitting around mid table unless something disastrous happens I don't think I am in any danger of getting relegated so I feel I have done it and survived so I will be working on strengthening the squad to push up the table and secure a Euro/Champions league spot.

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So I've decided to share the two tactic I am using as you can see there very simple they will change as my team gets better I tend for the attacking one that I use the most to go more expressive and depending on my wingers and striker ability to run at defence later I will also when training facilities are better and more coaches will add a 3rd tactic.

So thank again for those who are reading and interested in this save of mine any question please reply and I will reply back when I can next update will be at season end :)


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End Of Season Update


So Form wise from where we left it was to be honest rather poor like most the season but we did enough to secure out selves in the premiership for next season 


So I got a comfortable mid table finish not bad at all it something to build on.


Squad has shown me many of my weak points I have a amazing attacking force but a terrible defensive record Britt is upset because he want's a new contract I will deal with that next season as I would like to keep him around so let go though some of my youths development as well as the player I feel contributed the most this season.


Ben Brereton secured himself young player of the year award for the premiership he is becoming a class striker rated a little better than Britt now.


Matty Cash has froze he had plenty of games but his development slowed a lot I am upgrading all the training ground thanks to the board tho so maybe that will help as he has such potential would be a shame


This Guy contributed so much scoring some stunner goals and great assists from balls that I thought where lost truly a bargain left winger his flair is what made him so dam good.


So next season I will be looking at my defence as I am concerned with how poor that area was I noted Sunderland got relegated and they do have 


This guy so could be worth a try for a new gk


I would like to sing Mario Pasalic from Chelsea but there not keen to sell and he not that keen to join but anyway season is done onto next season where you can expect many changes for hopefully a much bigger push to get up the table on the road to restoring Nott'm Forest back to the top of English and World football stage.




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So I thought I would give the End of Pre-Season Update Before the first game of the season

I've made quite a few changes to the Squad to strengthen the defence area as well as some more rotation options in midfield and on the wings


I did manage to sign Jordan Pickford for a 10m a GK of his ability for that price is as steal especially as he is only 24

Mario Pasalic was not interested in joining I did put a 30mill bid in for him but he had no interest unless I was in a euro competition so I have shortlisted to maybe get him later


So if we now look at the team sheet you can see where the new players fall in there plenty of room for this squad to grow into as a team and get stronger as the season progresses I would say that Michael Cain was a the one bad signing tho as the scout said 4 star PA turned out he just a average 3 star but he will still make a useful rotation option.

Harry Maguire and Rob Holding will be my main pairing this season both of Ball Playing Defenders in total both theses defender cost me 8.8m in total for there ability I would have wanted 15-20M at least for just one of them so I am very happy with these 2 now and I have 2 youngsters and the now senior Manicienne as rotation options.

I did bring in one new full back Mahlon Romeo a RB with room to improve but I also renewed Kyle Walker-Peters for the season I might try to sign him not decided yet.

Central Role So it seems Matty Cash is being a let down but Ben Osborn has grown a lot Chalobah keeps growing then getting injured :/ so it is looking like Ben Osborn and new signing Jordan Cousins with cash and Chalobah as rotation options with a chance to steal spot if they perform

Winger will be Ladislav Krejci on the Left with Izzy Brown on the right 

AMC will most likely be Zach Clough with Andreas Pereira on rotation depending on fitness  and what I feel the game need Zach for that extra direct penetrating punch Andreas for the passing though balls

Striker now this is a tough one so I will be rotating all season depending on form between Britt and Ben 


Now rated as a Wonderkid


Most like because of his awesome form in the u19 euro competition 


Pre-Season went well winning most friendly's training camp was in china and a Cohen Testimonial game where a bunch of ex-forest player returned for the game so I feel well prepared for the Stoke game I have made a tactic tweak of upping down the closing down as I felt to much space was given from lack of closing down of course this can be a risk of being drawn out of position but I felt leaving players in space was a bigger risk.

Well thanks to those who are reading :) I will update most likely at January window opening with how thing progress this season.


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So Times for the End Of the January transfer windows update on any new signing as well as form and any major developments in the squad so up first transfers


So If you compare it to the previous update there is only one new edition 


my scout updated me about this lad sitting in Leicester U23s squad and my current LB had reached his disappointing max potential and Cohen put in his transfer request so I made a decision to sign this kid for first team keeping other lb as a backup 12m I feel was as steal.

You may note Michael Cain being released on the free this was a disappointment for me as I thought I was getting a four star player potential wise turned out to be a 3 star and there was just no room for him in my squad and he got unhappy with no first team so I let him go bad bit of business on my part but it happens.


So here what the squad looks like going into the final slot of the season I think it looking pretty strong I am happy with the overall balance of the squad also noted by accident that I've kept mostly English squad as well but I actually think that more down to me not being in a European cup harder to attract some player on a decent wage if your not in continental cups I did go after Mario Pasalic again for 20m was accepted but he wanted 80,000 p/w If I qualify for a continental cup I'll try again as I think I would be able to get him on much less wage.


so there has been a slight change to the tactic wing backs being pulled back to fullbacks and turned on tighter marking option in team instructions apart from that it is pretty unchanged


Form since we last left it has been pretty dam good much more consistent season than last season so the areas I strengthen is paying off so I am on the right track as least :)


So league table I am sitting 3rd place with a game in hand would be nice to stay there but we will see some pretty strong teams coming up in fixtures.


Of course there has to be a update on my superstar wonder kid Ben Brereton who is now my best rated striker value has increase a lot has scoring quite a few goal for club and for the u21 even u19 he was a star but now a bigger update 


That right he in the Main England Squad I am so happy at this prospect one major concern is he has a 30 Million release clause for a champion league based club also I've had to make him a promise to qualify for a continental spot if I get a euro spot I will be offering a new contract straight away to remove that clause.


Well thank for those who are keeping track of my Nottingham Forest save next update will be at end of season wish me luck :)




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Well it's end of Season update time so soon I know but I out some hours in to finish this season off as I would quite excited about my teams prospects 


So we left it at FA Cup 4th round and yer that did not go to well but the game after went very well even winning the EFL Cup convincingly against Tottenham but them FM stuck form dived out of control result where not coming mistake being made by GK costing me wins and draws seriously had like two games where Jordan Pickford got less than 6.0 ratings :( manged to start getting some form back in the form of 2 draws then a win but then batted by Man City on of the 5.8 GK rated games so form toward the end was hit and miss still makes me think I've still not got the right keeper.


So end of season table show that I did manage to get a in the top four finishing positions so I will be in the Champions League next season :D  for a second season in the Premiership I am pleased with my overall performance but I know there still work to be done.


So end of season showing off the squad with some youth promoted as I did get my new youth academy batch in


Oh hell ya I was thinking that Matty Cash has not developed the way I felt he would but maybe I have his replacement in this kid he looks pretty dam good need some work.


I have this guy tutoring him on the metals side of the game as I am hoping his Determination that going up itself? but also some of his flair might rub off on the kid.

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Some end of season awards stuff :)

Well that is it for this Season I will be back with a update after preseason friendly's with any transfer I make until then thanks to those who are taking a interest :)



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So Preseason is done So time for the update before the first game of the season


So I spent my entire Budget I decided to sign Kyle Walkers-Peters in the end as he was listed for 2.9m half of his value

New GK Jack Butland for 11m Jordon Prichard will be backup

I got rid of a few right winger and brought in 2 replacement in Jesse Lingard And Reiss Nelson


Olivier Nitcham bargain at that price I fell he will do well


So this will be the Squad for the first half of the Season until January window provided no big bids for players form other clubs


So Preseason went well in friendly terms first game of the season is Man United away tough ask right form the start

So that is pretty much if I am hoping my signing make a impact and I can build on my performance last season and push again for champion league football again and maybe even a title challenge. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I skipped past the January Window to the end of the Season instead so let get into it

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Calum Chambers and Harry Winks where the only two editions I made 

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Form to opening of the windows was pretty good Improved from last season.  Until the end where after a Huge run of wins all flopped near the end going out of the Champions League losing in the FA Cup Semi Final and then scraping through ha few draw to finish the season off.


But I did Enough to win the Title so I have improved a bit from last season but there still much work to be done as I need to win back to back European Cups as well as a FA-Cup win to be able to call this save a success but winning the Title is still a feat none the less.

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To that end I've all ready made 2 new signings ready for next season to that end 

Abdou Diakhate is a Dam good Box to Box and Well Phil Jones will be a solid edition to my current cb


So here is the squad at the moment I do plan to move on a few players next season I am also in the market now for a world class striker as I am lacking one Ben Brereton has reached his peak but I noted a bug in the game if I train a player weaker foot even when it say successful it will revert from either footed back to left or right so maybe a bug?


Well thanks for those who are reading this career And I am hoping to push on now to win those Euro cup and another title win would be nice as well but let wait and see :)



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