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Club losing money every month

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I've respected every single budget given to me by the board, I even have 600k p/w unused in my wage budget, yet my club is absolutely haemorrhaging money on a monthly basis. How can I find out why we're losing money?  And why is this even happening? Surely everything should be fine so long as I follow the budgets that the board gives me.

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I raised this as a potential bug a little while ago and after investigating my save the support guys said there was no bug. Instead, they suggested that my board were being quite risky in order to hopefully push the club up the league. I think you just have to be careful and not blindly trust the budgets the board give you. They're probably fine all the while you're progressing and doing well but have a bad season and you may well enter a nasty spiral of financial problems.

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I endured 2 seasons of consistent monthly losses, selling a megastar each summer so that I'd have enough in the bank to last the season. The situation seems to have rectified itself this season though as we renegotiated our sponsorship deals (nearly a x10 increase) and cash flow is now much better.

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1 hour ago, mbsears said:

It is odd that I have a 1.3b transfer budget and 200mil salary budget; i'm spending only 100mil in salaries and im losing 2mil per month. explain that.

Maybe your board is taking annual prize money into consideration, such as the annual rewards for placement in the Premier Leagua and for participation in Champions League. Revenue is uneavenly spread during a season, so you can happily loose 2 mil pr. month during the year, if you top that up with earnings on season tickets and price money at the end of the year. Depending on how succesfull you are that could close the 100mil gap in your salary budget, and the 2 mil you loose most months during your season. -If not, then you board just seems to be running a high risk financial strategy... ;-)

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one year i choose to spend the massive transfer budget and really upgrade the squad big time and then I was so in debt the owner sold the club to a rich guy to balance the budget.  So the transfer budget is so big but I dont really have it.  I wish the game was better in this regard. 


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I for sure made a rookie mistake.  I have figured it out now I think.  I keep a closer eye on how much we are gaining/losing each month as a club and adjust my payroll accordingly.  I also now use one year deals at lower levels instead of trying to lock up a player forever who is overpriced and wont cut it anyway at higher levels.  I probably should have started with an EPL club my first play through instead of starting at the bottom of the national league.  


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some clubs at the lower level are still profitable even if you get close to using max wage budget (stockport county) usually you'd want to make minimal adjustments in year one then dump whoever you couldnt sell at the end of the year and go into year 2 with a more money friendly squad

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