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Vulnerable down the flanks and careless in posession. Help needed

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Hi everyone. I'm currently managing Coventry in the Premiership. I got us promoted easily the previous season and have played three matches so far in our maiden top flight season.

We've had a tough start, Chelsea (h), Spurs (a) and West Ham (h), with Man utd (a) coming up. We drew 2-2 with Chelsea, beat Spurs away 3-2 late on (get in!) and lost 2-1 to West Ham. It's a decent return as all three finished in the top 6 last season. The squad is decent enough, overall from the team report, we should be looking at a lower half finish and that's what I'm looking for, if not higher really. I'd settle for survival, of course. We are predicted to finish 19th.

I like to play a fluid pressing system, I guess I've adapted some pressing systems from here. We look great going forward, the CF (s) is the focal point with some great support from the IF (a) and IF (s) and the onrushing CM (a) who is a constant threat, the WB (a) also features prominently, pinging crosses in. We are good on the counter and when in possession in the final third. They're the positives.

On the flipside, I know with this kind of formation makes us vulnerable on the flanks and we're really vulnerable to another side's counter. We look like conceding a lot and give up a number of chances. I feel that the two IFs don't give us any defensive coverage but I'm loathed to pull them back or change into wingers as I love our forward play at times. I just don't feel any of my midfield trio are helping out the flanks.  I pulled the inside forwards back into the midfield as one defensive winger and one wide midfielder in the 2nd half against Spurs when we looked more solid, however we offered nothing going forward with really the only outlet being the lone forward who'd have to hold and hold and hold the ball up to get the support but at that level, he'd get closed down fast and attacks come to nothing.

Basically, the AI when we lose the ball (which can be frequent) play it to the flanks immediately, with our wing backs one on one and exposed due to lack of cover. They then have crossing options or pass it centrally to create umpteen chances against our porous system. We are lucky to have Woodman as a 'keeper, he's kept us in every game so far and we're lucky to have only conceded 6 from 3 games.

Part of the problem is our passing. Our centre backs have about 55% pass completion as they're just booting it into midfield or to my CF (s) who's good in the air but not that good, even though I've set them to play fewer risky passes, same as the keeper who in one game got 7% completed passes. The midfielders only average around 75% too. Basically I don't want us to keep going for the direct option. Maybe it's the system fluidity, I'm not sure, like I say I think it might be, but that fluidity helps us as a very stylish attacking unit. I want to us to play a dynamic short passing game, not tiki taka, I don't mind us going longer on occasion if the option is there but I do want us to get better possession stats (average around mid 40s) and pass completion which hovers around the 70% mark. Ideally I want us to be having over 50% possession and 75-80 for pass completion.

I've attached the photos of my system and instructions. Let me know if you have any advice to shore up our flanks and pass it from the back better!




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My first instinct would be to bump up the defensive line to restrict space. That can be a key component of pressing. Also, not to run at defence, as that may be part of the reason you're losing the ball. Especially with players that are likely not as good at this level. I think those two changes are fairly logical and don't blow up the whole system. Worth a try.

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If you're trying to play a passing game I'd take out all attack duties where possible. Your Full Backs, IF and CM will be direct and busting a lung up the pitch as soon as you get the ball, immediately reducing the options for playing out from the back. 

Players on support duties WILL go forward in the attacking phase, but will also be available for the pass in the transition phase. IF on support duties will tend to track back a slight bit more which may reduce your woes defending the flanks.

Run at defence will lose you a lot of the ball needlessly. If you want to keep the ball, you need players looking around for options, not trying to take on players automatically. 

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39 minutes ago, bamb00zle said:

I feel that the two IFs don't give us any defensive coverage but I'm loathed to pull them back or change into wingers as I love our forward play at times. I just don't feel any of my midfield trio are helping out the flanks.  I pulled the inside forwards back into the midfield as one defensive winger and one wide midfielder in the 2nd half against Spurs when we looked more solid, however we offered nothing going forward with really the only outlet being the lone forward who'd have to hold and hold and hold the ball up to get the support but at that level, he'd get closed down fast and attacks come to nothing.

What duties did you give your wide players when you did this? Because I know, from personal experience, you can tailor wide midfielders to play very much life inside forwards.

46 minutes ago, bamb00zle said:

Basically, the AI when we lose the ball (which can be frequent) play it to the flanks immediately, with our wing backs one on one and exposed due to lack of cover. They then have crossing options or pass it centrally to create umpteen chances against our porous system.

2 suggestions. Either try using wide mids as opposed to attacking mids and use a defensive mid, or raise your defensive line a bit. Either one should help you limit some of the space you are giving up to your opponents. Actually I'd definitely suggest a DM either way. At least based on the tactic you showed in the first picture.

If you're actually using the second one now, I like the use of a defensive mid. I'm not sure how I feel about both FBs being on attack. And I'd still suggest raising you defensive line especially if you wanna press.

55 minutes ago, bamb00zle said:

Part of the problem is our passing. Our centre backs have about 55% pass completion as they're just booting it into midfield or to my CF (s) who's good in the air but not that good, even though I've set them to play fewer risky passes, same as the keeper who in one game got 7% completed passes. The midfielders only average around 75% too. Basically I don't want us to keep going for the direct option. Maybe it's the system fluidity, I'm not sure, like I say I think it might be, but that fluidity helps us as a very stylish attacking unit. I want to us to play a dynamic short passing game, not tiki taka, I don't mind us going longer on occasion if the option is there but I do want us to get better possession stats (average around mid 40s) and pass completion which hovers around the 70% mark.

Fluidity increases how much creative freedom your players have. So it can definitely give them more freedom to ignore your instructions and pass the ball how they want to. You don't have to use fluid to play a stylish, attacking brand of football. Which brings me to my next point.

58 minutes ago, bamb00zle said:

Ideally I want us to be having over 50% possession and 75-80 for pass completion.

Are you sure you have the players for this though? You've just been promoted so I imagine your squad isn't exactly one that will do everything you want them to especially against top league opposition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after making some changes, including raising the defensive line, going to flexible instead of fluid, getting rid of run at defence, we became more solid and are currently in 8th (see pic) which you'd think is a great return to the Prem after 20 years outside.

However, we've won only 1 in the last 10 and we're struggling at home a lot. Don't score much at all and need to create better chances against the lower teams who come here and defend in numbers. It hasn't helped that our main forward (pic 2) has been out most of the season and we've had no one to fill in the CF (s) role that was causing havoc early on in the season. We signed Mitrovic, who is a good target man and defensive forward but the latter role is doing nothing in home games but is effective away. I'm also disappointed in my Inside forwards who've been very inconsistent in terms of both creating chances and scoring.

I've included my home set up I've used most of the season (433 pic 4) and a new version I'm trying out now with an RPM and raumdeuter (41221 pic 3). We're keeping much better control of games (played 2) with that but still not enough good chances created against lower sides and drawn both games 1-1. Anyone have any advice for this kind of setup?

Maybe I'm a little impatient and expecting too much from my newly promoted side but performances have tailed off and we'll be lucky to finish top half now after a great first half to the season. Basically, I'm looking for my side to press high up the pitch, my CF (s) as an attacking focal point, dropping off slightly and the inside forwards/raumdeuter and B2B midfielder making runs ahead but we don't seem to have that telling ball or bit of nouse in movement, it's all nice and pretty but little real penetration. Is it the tactic or players? I have enough players rated as 'decent premiership player' but nobody who really stands out at that level. maybe I just need better quality players to carry out my desires in terms of how we're going to score goals or could it be the system that needs fine tuning?

Any feedback is massively appreciated.


Cov table.png


Home Cov.png

Tactic layout.png

Cov home setup.png

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Overall, pretty balanced tactics i would say. Few things that you may want to have a look at...

  • You went from Standard to Attacking while playing a newly promoted team. Why not going for the middle option and using control? Will reduce risk a little bit which will make you less vulnerable.  Your players may not be able to play the rushed attacking play you want from them. 
  • I like the first tactic with the RD, but there are two things you may want to have a look at in my opinion.
    • Is the DF creating enough space for the RD and the IF? Maybe try a DLF or a F9
    • Is the RPM running into the space of the RD? Maybe try an AP (S) who won't be dribbling as much and doesn't move around as much either. 
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