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Small circle in tactics


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Ok so basically what I want to know is whether the small circle in the tactics screen on the player, has anything to do with that player's natural position. For instance, Reus is an AML (A) but if I use him as MR - Winger, he losses about 2 slices of that round pie. Does that mean that he losses parts of his attributes (17 instead of 20 for...crossing, for instance? - yes, i realize this sounds idiotic, just asking), or he's just not that suited for that position?


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No, the only potential impact on attributes if somebody is played out of position is on Decisions (although you won't actually see a change).  And when I say out of position, I refer to whether the player is Natural, Accomplished, Awkward etc, which you can see on the player profile screen (the red through to green dots on a pitch) and is different to that pie on the tactics screen.

The pie is looking at role suitability, not position suitability.  No attributes are impacted if a player is given a supposedly sub-optimal role.  Move your striker (for example) to central defence and give him a defenders' role and he'll have a very poor looking pie, but his attributes will still look the same.

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Ok, seems fair. Appreciate the quick reply :) 


How much of a difference is between Natural and Accomplished? Is there a chance he'll play better in Accomplished in a certain formula and worse in others?

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