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Difficulty in hiring young people / Difference in attributes


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Once again congratulations to all your team for the work. This is the only game I bought from the beginning.

This year, and despite some mistakes that have cropped up over time, which you have been correcting, I think it is the best FM ever. However, here are some ideas that may or may not work in game development.

One of the mistakes I've come across over the many hours I've played, is the great difficulty in buying young prodigies (16-17 years old), even though they play in small, unfamiliar and unremarkable teams. Sometimes even with 20 Million euros I cant buy them ?! young people worth € 50,000 ?? 250 thousand € ?? I think sincerely it should be easier to buy players, Even when they are unknown and of clubs unknown. ...

Another thing I noticed is the renewal of contracts. Young players that I am developing, who initially had a contract of 50.000€ monthly, after 2/3 years and that they value 30/40 Millions ... they soon want salaries of 600.000... 700.000…1 Million €?? ... don’t you think it’s exaggerated?

I also think that you should improve the attributes of many of the young people ... because it is not because they are 17/18 years old that the physical and technical attributes are bad ... there are many young people who are extremely fast, strong, technically good in real life and start with attributes of 11/12 ...? Is the diference so huge between them and the older players? In my opinion the Difference is greater in mental attributes than in physical ones.  

Another idea that I have Is regardind the eight. From 15 to 22 the young players could grow, gaining weight and muscle ... for example.

Another idea I had is about the stadiums. You could improve the construction or increase of the stadiums. We could have the choice of 3D visualization and choose the type of Design or architecture.

Best regards, and continue the excelent work

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