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3D match engine annoyances

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I recently changed the view from Data Analyst to Director and I've noticed some really annoying animations and I wonder if they represent something or if they simply are annoying.


1. The "holding the ball and refuse to pass it to a team-mate and instead lose the duel"-animation. This is probably the most frustrating thing I see in almost every match. It's usually a defender who got the ball, turned towards his own goal and an opponent trying to take the ball meaning the defender got an opponent on his back. The defender always have 1-3 passing options, either just straight back to the goalie for safe distribution or to a deeper standing defender or DM. There isn't a single opponent anywhere close to cut of these easy passes. Instead they just stand there for a while until the opponent manages to take the ball and often end up 1 on 1 with the goalie. So according to the animation the defender got control of the ball and could make that easy pass back to one of his team-mates at any time, but instead he waits until the opponent manages to take it. "JUST PASS!" is a frequently screamed phrase when this happens.

2. "The pirouette"-animation. Oh, for the love of Fowler, why? This animation happens A LOT and it's basically a piroutte directly after the first touch and everyone does it, even my centre backs recieving a pass back from midfield does it. Even if there are no opponents to dribble away from. They take the ball, they piroutte on the spot and pass it on. I'd say 50% of the first touches I see include this animation. It's horrible.

3. "Goalkeeper with an imaginary giant goal"-animation. This one is also more noticable now when I use the Director view. The goalie keeps making saves up to a meter outside of the goalframe, creating corners from nothing!  Please, Szczęsny, STOP!

4. "The ball is so heavy"-animation. This often happens when a defender recieves a ball and actually gets pushed back by it, as if it was super heavy. So the ball stops on the spot where the defender was and the defender moves back 2-3 metres giving an attacking opponent plenty of time to take the ball without issues. Now this one is probably obvious, lack of balance and poor first touch maybe. Still, the way its animated is causing frustration because it looks like something pushed the defender back and then put a "stand still until the attacker gets the ball"-spell on him.

5. "I love throw-ins"-animation. Often happens after an attacking set-piece. The ball goes out towards the side and you obviously have a player that can take the ball and keep the attack going but instead the player let the ball go out for a throw-in. Happens VERY often, and the player is not offside. So most of the team is in the opponents penalty area desperately trying to get a goal and this one bloke who could take the ball and either cross it in or make a run for goal himself decides to just relax and let the throw-in happen. I've sold players for less. Maybe not an animation when I think of it...

Any explanations for these? Something that could ease my mind? Or do you have similar animations that makes you want to replace every player every game?

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