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Help to get past 2 DMs

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Hey everyone, as the title says I'm in dire need of some help in understanding how the hell you get past 2 DMs.


I've currently started a Journeyman save and find myself in the Ukrainian second tier (previously been in the second tier in both Sweden and Finland) and in all those league i always seem to come up against a 4-2-1-3 formation with 2 DMs and i can never get past them and i don't believe i've scored passed that formation yet.

I'm not gonna post formations as i've tried quite a few different ones with no success. Plus i'm struggling to find a formation for my teams anyway.


All help would be appreciated 

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Ok, well what is your formation? is the familiarity full?


The fact you have struggled to find a formation indicates why you maybe struggling.

Why dont you try this,








CF (S) 




you could put the two CF (S) out to the wings too. focus on Wide play.

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I'll give it a try thanks.


Never tried a journeyman save before and so far I've been sacked twice.

i just can't seem to get the teams playing, no matter what formation I play the opposition out play us regardless of who's favourites.


i always end up with less shots than them and get over run and caught out by their attacking play even when I pack the defense or midfield and my players can't seem to keep hold of the ball or make a pass.

And another big issue I've noticed is that only the opposition seem to be aware of rebounds, the amount of goals I've conceded by the opposition reacting to the keeper parrying or it coming back if the post/crossbar

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I always check where the opposition's defense has it's natural weakness(es) to defend and I field my playmakers there. So in this example the space that can be exploited is behind there strikers and their DM's so I would field a DLP or Regista

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22 hours ago, Bjick said:

I always check where the opposition's defense has it's natural weakness(es) to defend and I field my playmakers there. So in this example the space that can be exploited is behind there strikers and their DM's so I would field a DLP or Regista

This is good advice, and to build on it, you might then want to think about how your team gets the ball to your playmaker/creator, and how your playmaker feeds your goalscorers. Does it all hang together? There's no real science to this; just good old common sense.

To give you an example, if you play a DLP/Regista, you maybe don't want to play Limited Defenders or tell your team to hoof it long (think about mentality too).

Who, then, is your DLP playing the ball to? Where is the space? Sounds like if the opposition is playing two DMs then it's going to be on the wings, but if you play people in the AML/R slots, and the ball is coming in from the DM position, there's a good chance they'll receive the ball with their back to goal. Is that what you want? I'm a big fan of having players running on to the ball, so maybe you want WBs or FBs providing the width? In which case, this perhaps starts to look like a 5-3-2 or a 4-1-3-2. Ball into the DLP, out wide from there for FBs/WBs to provide crosses to CFs and midfield runners.

Or... you overload them in that area, with, say, a 4-2-3-1 Narrow.

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Make sure your using all the pitch.  Don't flood an area but don't ignore it either.  

If your tactic is too focused on getting in behind or coming inside your making it easy for a formation with multiple DMs shielding a backline sitting deep.  If you have width and depth they'll get pulled out of position, then you can exploit the space but you still need player(s) in those areas.

If you just start swinging cross after cross in from the flanks because thats where you can keep possession easily your playing into there hands unless your players are really good at it, but crossing into an organized defence is a very low % completion rate nevermind conversion rate.  In the same way, trying to brute force it down there strongest area will just keep bouncing back off there wall.  Stretch them and if you have players will the right attributes you'll create chances.

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