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Online turtorial how to play game


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some months ago downloaded the free demo for 2017. first time player. have been playing EA sports fifa game for a long time. thought i give thia a try. i believe i have spent more time trying to learn how to play the game, than actually playing the game. its getting real difficult to understand how all these little things work together. for example, i am now looking for a time table to find out how long, more or less a player should be able to learn a new postion.  again i am a first time player. i am very cabable of understanding all the ins and outs of a game, sure.... but this is getting a bit out of hand. i have made even became a member of this site to be able to ask a question (thanks to a user i got some questions answered) on home grown status and eligbility. 

i am honeslty loving the concept and depth of the game and really wanna be able to play it... but time and time again i keep coming to a point where i would like some more clarification and boy have i searched the web for answers.... seriously as a gamer who reads manuals?? i saw the manual yea... and its sooo extensvive who knows where 2 start to find your answer....

at which point i highly - hugely - despretly (lol) am asking for SI to make a very comprehnsive turtorial. taking a player who has never played the game and teaching him/her screen by screen all the ins and outs...

not to menion some video examples of what a player would play like given a certain role and position under diffrent formations and instrutions. as a first time player im looking at this stuff like what??? i play fifa i watch soccer i like barcelona style of soccer tiki taka... ok im able to play a lil bit like it in fifa.... ok with tbis game i dont even know where to begin...

honestly it almost may turn new players away... but if SI could provide video turtorials for a new player to learn how to play and describing all the little things one can do screen by screen... would make a world of a diffrence.

guys i used to dabble in stocks and at one point joined a firm to trade stocks. trust me when i say the level of sophisctiaion to this game is immense.... needs to be broken down and taught... too much going on.... cant leave aspiring new gamers hanging.... heres the game heres the manual.. good luck...lol... just kidding, i actually do see SI staff doing alot in these threads and stuff but man... a video turtorail would so much better for everyone... 

thanks for the game... im really loving the concept and depth, just trying to learn all the little things... 


PS pardon the spelling.... 

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thanks Knap.... i probably would take a look at it... but i'm just sayin... its kinda a lot of work to read through all this stuff...

would prefer an online tutorial… some1 going screen by screen with a voice over explaing all the little details…. there are guys probably intrsted in playing the game that have never played it before and that would just be perfect for them… they probably wont have a clue this forum exist… in fact i actually gave up on the game because i was finding it to difficult... but for some reason i thought about giving it another channce… and if i have to read through pages of pages of stuff i might have just said,  no thanks… but for some reason im looking past it and trying to see it through but i could imagine other gamers saying no thanks i just play something else i dont need to read a book to learn how to play….

but if there was visual with voice over… im telling you almost any1 would be willing to watch some vids to get basic understanding…

on the other hand i dont wanna sound like im coming down to hard on the game devolpers and co… i could imagne this game is a huge endenvaor and im sure there will be alot of things that will go over seen untill i guess they finally get the game working on all cylinders….   but im jus hoping these threads help them see where they can make some improvments on….

nonetheless dude  thanks for the guide … i probably will check it out sometime soon and if i think it was very helpful i will try to put a tag on this thread for any others looking at this thead…

again thanks knap

best of luck gaming to u!!!

cheers mate

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Have you tried turning on the help system? (Should be on at the start unless you turned if off), you can turn it on by clicking the ? icon found in the header (or use the dropdown to set it back to beginner) you'll then get yellow dots you can click on to explain various parts of the game.

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