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include overall rating


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imo.... i dont think one should have to look at all the atributes and kinda do the math in their head to figure out whos overall a better player given the role and position ... i just feel if u can put a number to a players dribbling and crossing, then there should be a number to how good a player is given the role and position.... tbh

i assume one can make a formula like....

--------complete wing back:

attributes heavily hightled... crossing, work rate, teamwork, off the ball, work rate, decesions, aceeletaion, pace.....   add them all up and then divided by the number of attribues heavlily highlited ( in this case 9 ).... then you should have a number....

do the following for the semi highlighted attributes and then the same for the non highlted attribies ... then like u are going to come up with some very meaniful numbers....  then take into account how familar the player is with the role and there u have it.... 

player A,  has a higher overall average of heavily highligted attributes and semi high lighted attributes than player B, but player B has slightly higher overall average of non-highigted atrrributes.... ok well obviosly player A is better, if they are equally familair with the role....

but as of now i have to look back and forth, back and forth and do all these mental cacluations in my head which i find arent necessay... the formula above is pretty much the calculation that is being done mentally while we  bounce back and fourth comparing stats... man i dont wanna have to bring a calculator out man.... although i will if i have 2 :D... but seriously...

i understand its a bit realstic but at the same time... i should be able to quickly analyze some of this stuff like a good stiker vs a OK stirker.... you should be able to get a quick impression of whos probably the better stiker given their role without having to  bounce back and fourth....

appreciate the effort nonetheless of making it pretty realstic like no 1 really knows whos the better striker its all up to your opinion.... ehh but maybe too much on the anomosity side.... like if u can put a number on how good he shoots and passes then maybe there should be an avergae number for how well he can play the position and role... perhaps including tactics.... like ok jamie vardy would be a better counter attacking stiker than possesion...  

all of this should fall perhaps under a scout or coaches opinion... so depending on how good your assistant coach or scout is tactally and judging players, he can give u number to work with for how well a player can play the position role and style you would ask him to play.... and then you can futher inspect their attributes and decicide on what attributes mean more to u... 

just sharing my thoughts on what i think may make the game better... totally understand y it is the way it is now and its cool as is....thanks for any consieration and anyone's thoughts...


good luck gaming yall !

PS ... pardon the poor spelling and grammer... 😊


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This is already in the game - you have the green pie/bar chart that gives them a rating depending on the average of the key attributes for the role, your staff also give star ratings for the role. Then on the tactics screen in the position drop down you can sort the players by role suitability or staff rating, players are also rated and ordered on the report screens.

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i see.... well the thing is i am rather new to this game.... first time ive played FM.... so yea... thanks for that... makes some since.... 

but i will say this.... perhaps i should read the manual... but indeed it is a rather large manual... and i for myself and perhaps others may not feel like they would want to... i mean it is a pretty huge manual... perhaps they may feel like they will just try to make sense of it themselves... and sometimes manuals arent all too clear so they would feel like im not gonna bother because it might just be a huge waste of time anyways... altough, im feeling more and more, that i might as well have to at least skim read it....  :rolleyes:    lol

thats y i did mention somewhere else in the "FM feature request".... that online turtorials with screen by screen visuals and voice over would just be fantastic, esspically for noobs like me...lol .... 

heres the topic i started FWIW...


thanks though michaeltmurrayuk... very helpful... sorry about the noobish question there... but glad you helped clarify that a bit

cheers mate...



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