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Become director of football


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Having played football manager for over 20 years now I'm not sure if it's my age or something but I find myself during the in-game seasons longing for the transfer window to open, I get so excited searching for talent myself and tend to spend whole days in a transfer window just looking around. I recently started a new save in holland as SC Herenveen and have found that I am getting much more satisfaction from watching my players develop than I am with winning matches. I am currently about to start the 2020/21 season and we have won the title 3 out of the 4 years played so far, the fourth season being by far our most impressive as the youngsters bought in the first season have really blossomed. This got me wondering what would happen if I went on holiday during the season and let the assistant take charge using my tactics, the answer was we won the league by 8 points, then a flurry of offers came in for my strikers and midfield, defenders being tracked by the likes of PSG and Sporting etc. 


I made sure that my assistant had excellent tactical knowledge and good man management which gave me the confidence to let him take the reigns, using the system with the squad I had scouted and bought.


what if there was a DoF mode in which you have a say on who is hired as the manager, what formations and tactics can be agreed upon and what player positions if any do they have that need to be filled. You could also be responsible for the scouting staff hiring/firing etc and the manger of the club can also recommend scouting staff to you or player recommendations. This would really give us the understanding of the working relationship more and could ultimately decide whether you get along with said manager or see who would get fired first.

then as the DoF you can spend the season scouting for players that align with the philosophies developed by the chairman/board. I really have enjoyed my Dutch save so far and have created quite the little football factory so to speak. I am aware that this game is called football manager for a reason and I do enjoy playing the game but I would love to have a mode like this available. You could even be hired by other clubs that have been impressed with your track record.

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sounds pretty cool... why stop there?.... perhaps president and maybe even a owner... David Becham and Co. are looking to owning a team in MIA....

personally would wish they focus on making the game as is, as flawless as possible... before incoorperating new features... feel like theres a couple bugs here and there....

but totaly would be awesome.... maybe if they propose a timeline, kind of a teaser in a game magzine that they are looking to expand the game in that direction would be awesome, as they focus on cleaning up the game making it as smooth as possible....

totally think thats a great idea nonetheless mate...

good luck gaming ..cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its a great idea too. FM needs a new game mode that isnt about fantasy leagues. And looking back on last season in the Premier League the most important transfer of the season was that of Antionio Conte. It would have been great to play as a owner/chairman/ director of football and manage a similar success. 

In theses forums some people say that it shoudl not happen because it is a manager game. For me it is a game about leading av club in football and that you can do in so many ways. There are a lot av people playing this game that for the most part like the buying and seeling of players etc. There are also gamers that dont have alot of time to play. And instead of making a more faster and easier gamemode for managers with less things to do. Why dont offer another perspective to leading a club. 

And for the arguments that you wont have alot to to, you can do :

Buy and sell players, give them contracts

Set a budget depending on what you want. Long term sucess with financial stability or a strong push this year

Hiring manager. Look at the managers stats and what he has done before. Will you bet on a young newcomer or go for a more experienced one. And how will you make your target come to you? Will you offer a big transfer budget? Will you give him a big salary? And when thins go bad, will you fire your mager for a quick fix but risk that future managers see your club as unstable. 

When things go bad, will yo talk to the manger and ask what he has in plans?

And many more things! 

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On 6/7/2017 at 23:27, micpus1980 said:

what if there was a DoF mode in which you have a say on who is hired as the manager, what formations and tactics can be agreed upon and what player positions if any do they have that need to be filled. You could also be responsible for the scouting staff hiring/firing etc and the manger of the club can also recommend scouting staff to you or player recommendations. This would really give us the understanding of the working relationship more and could ultimately decide whether you get along with said manager or see who would get fired first.

then as the DoF you can spend the season scouting for players that align with the philosophies developed by the chairman/board. I really have enjoyed my Dutch save so far and have created quite the little football factory so to speak. I am aware that this game is called football manager for a reason and I do enjoy playing the game but I would love to have a mode like this available. You could even be hired by other clubs that have been impressed with your track record.

An entire game based on that? Oh god, please no...

This request bumps here on these forums any now and then, every year. I struggle to understand how can be exciting to play "burocratic manager". So once you scouted players, once you choose your manager, once you renewed contracts...  you just click on "continue" to begin scouting players and.... that's all because you've already renewed every contracts and hired already a manager. Wow that's exciting really. An entire savegame playing as DoF. Oh man...

I think there's enough to do at the moment if you don't ask your DoF to take care of this stuff, adding more in my opinion would be just horribly tedious, putting no kind of benefit at the game at all.


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well in real life there are players... managers and also directors of football and presidents and stuff.... i think looking to be a diretor of football and or moving up to president and maybe even partial owner or something... u would be more in control of youth facilites... budgets... sponsors.. building a new staduim... basically more business minded kinda stuff vs mangaing what goes on, on the pitch... i personally enjoy the building up of a team finacally and setting a course of direction equally as much as i do trying to build up a team from what happens on the pitch.... but lets take pep from barcelona as an example... he was very successful and felt like he did it all and choose to retire.... i wonder if barcelona would have gave him a higher title and a bigger responsibilty... as well as maybe even a percentage of the club... giving him the responsibilty / challange to not only manage the team - but to set a direction for the whole club for the future... and select his prededessor and work with him so when he does choose to stop managing (which is a lot of work) move to a DoF positon but leave in place a manager and a succesful model for the team to follow... while then he starts focusing on like explanding the club world wide... improving youth facilitys working with and building relarionships with other clubs etc.... i persoanlly think he would have accepted the title and challange of a manager / Dof and kept managing barcelona for a couple more years... while hand picking his predessor as a manager with also the oppurtuity to be a DoF and next in line to be president of the club with perhaps even a small percentage of the club so to also be considered even a owner - perhaps he would have to buy in using the money he has been earning during his time as a manager - but it would be a piece of ownership the club would be comfrotable selling to no1 else but pep for his time and dedication to the club as well as a goodwill gift for leading the club to be succesful even after being a manager giving him more incentive to stay at barca by allowing him to buy in the club perhaps maybe at a slight discount, but of course only if he stays on board and helps the club grow and eventually once the slot is open for him to become president perhaps after 5, 10 years of expericne as a DoF he then will be presented the option of becoming a president / owner or barcalona... 

so yea Federico... totally understand y u think perhaps a game like that might be boring to you... but given like what i explanined above perhaps u can see how others might find it pretty enjoying... and its not to say the manager side of the game should go away... but hey managers are sometimes presented with the oppurtinty of becoming director of football and ex players becomig managers... so yea i think it would be a cool addition and also should be part of the game... or at least considered... because i think as a manager some do aspire to be more than just later in their careers... and have more say than just what goes on, on the pitch, but have a say also in club direction in general.... but thanks for saying you might not like it... think thats important also.. i personally prefer FM takes steps into making the game as is more player friendly and minimize on bugs and just focus on making the game as smooth as possible before incooperating new ideas... but like after they really make a super flawless game as far as easy to play and navigate through screens etc... i think this is one of the ideas they should first look into, if they want to add a new componenet to the game

cheers Federico and martin... and every1 else...

best of luck gaming...


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sorry I would rather they focus on the manager game, I want to play a game where I am a football manager.....i don't want to play football director of football, football chairman, football director, football scout, football sports scientist, football physio to any of that. I play football manager cos I want to play as being a football manager.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You my friend just said everything perfect. This is exactly what this game need to stop being so boring and annoying. All they are doing there is putting bunch of tactics options which doesn't matter at all cause the result are all random. If I need to constantly tweak tactics before game with my Real Madrid something is broken. Madrid should crash most of the league with any tactict they play with their players. Its annoying. It isn't realistic. And its annoying af. And graphics... Al you do is tweaking the graphics, new animation etc. nobody gives a damn about that. I play only commentary for 15 years. And most of us, just hit continue until the transfer window. So just give me an option to hire/sack manager. nothing more. You can choose basic tactics as a Chairman also, You buy player of your choice just like PSG bought Neymar and you giver order to your manager where to put him. Leave everything as it is, just give an option to sack/hire manager, adjust budget just like you can now, and to choose if or when to expand or build stadium. You have all this in game already, cause the game itself is more close to DoF or Chairman than the Manager. You think Mourinho and Pep discuss wage with players, and make bid for them???? C'mon. Arabs from PSG just splah cash for Neymar and manager know what his job is now. You already have everything done. give this beautiful option of hiring Manager. You already have attributes for them and everything. Its just so sad. People are hitting continue button from transfer window to transfer window for years now. Give us just this option to get rid of tweaking tactics that doesn't do nothing, just gives you a feeling that you are doing something. And that is proven fact. Cause I load one game for 10 times with the same tactics and got random results from 5:0, 0:0, 0:3 etc.

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FIFA is for those who want to play at being a player, FM is for those who want to play at being a Manager, the tactical and coaching side are the most important aspects of his duties. FM goes back to an era when managers would be given a budget and then left to get on with it. To keep the game interesting FM has kept the financial aspect of buying & selling players they also go further and allow you to request facility updates etc which is quite interesting but not as interesting as the Football side.

There are some avenues of being a coach and removing the financial side such as ''B'' team manager and International coach available in FM. Where it draws a line is letting the game become something other than Football Manager. Their aren't any Football Chairmen games(worth playing) ,Their aren't any Football Director games, there aren't any football Scout games. The reason they would be too shallow and boring. If anyone wants a financial management sim then their must be plenty spreadsheet games out there.

So until FM has the capacity to allow introducing other roles into the game then I want it to concentrate on being a Football Manager sim.

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