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The man they called... Nenê


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Ok, I've been meaning to write this short story for a number of years, and was finally inspired to do so earlier this evening (or morning as it is now) having read a thread in one of the other forums concerning 'best ever debuts'... Having written and posted this story in that thread, I suspect it is actually better suited in here... so, here it is...

It's going back a bit but, in spite of all the different CM / FM games I have played over the years, without a shadow of a doubt there is only one debut... and indeed player that sticks in my mind... let me set the scene...

Back in CM03/04, I was in my 3rd season as manager of Stevenage Borough... somehow, after shrewdly investing in youth during my first year in charge, we'd since managed two successive promotions. But the jump looked like it might have come too quickly for the young squad, and despite a sprinkling of lower-league quality throughout the side we lacked a real goal scoring threat up front. Sure enough only three or four games in, and in spite of some valiant defensive performances, we were bottom of the table - won none, scored none...

Desperate times called for desperate measures, and with no transfer money to play with (and a bank balance so negative that the chairman didn’t so much have his bank statements delivered as developed), I found myself staking what little reputation I had by agreeing a deadline day deal to sign a want away striker from Brazil, who I hadn't scouted (other than my assistant saying I should sign him at all costs - and his history suggesting he would be pretty handy in front of goal)... and to top it all... he wouldn't arrive until January...

Over the course of the following four months we were pretty abysmal to watch... defensively solid, but with no one to put the ball in the back of the net things were looking bleak... slowly however we started to gel as a unit and, thanks to a few lucky wins here and there, by Christmas we had begun to climb off the bottom of the table... but things were about to change at Broadhall Way... oh my would they change...

On the 1st January, one Anderson Luiz De Carvalho... or Nenê to his friends... arrived at Heathrow (probably) and slowly made his way round the M25 and up the A1(M) to his new home... The buzz in the dressing room (alright, in front of the PC) was electric as the squad (and I) took their first look at their new teammate... a glimpse that would prove short-lived due to the impending match against the league leaders...

When match day finally came, the ground was full - no doubt the residents were keen to see their new samba sensation make his debut... but could he cut it? That was the question on everyone's lips... (well, everyone excluding the wife, who was rather more interested in whether the volume could be turned down any lower, and whether the Stevenage gaffer could shut the hell up for a bit so she could get some sleep).

The whistle blew to start the game... the opposition kicked off... but no sooner had the clock started ticking than Nenê nonchalantly stole a wayward pass - skipped through the midfield, then the defence, and curled a screamer past the gobsmacked opposition goalie... the team surrounded their new teammate, the fans cheered a new hero, and I simultaneously woke up the wife and the neighbours... 90 minutes later and Nenê had put the opposition to the proverbial sword - terrorizing their defence with his pace and trickery to finish the game with a hat-trick and the match ball... it was a scene that the Boro fans would soon become accustomed to...

In the remaining months Nenê ended up top scorer in the league - knocking in close to 40 goals across all competitions... all despite having played only half the season... The team ended up just missing promotion that year, but only the next season (having rebuked big money offers from several clubs) Nenê inspired the Boro to promotion as league champs...

Yet even this feat wouldn't prove to be the highlight of his Boro career... that moment had arrived mid-season when he single-handedly inspired the team to the 3rd round of the FA Cup... and a date with destiny at Old Trafford... This was a game that the Stevenage Manager (err... I mean me) was simply proud to be involved in – only hoping that the team could avoid a demoralising drubbing, never daring to contemplate a shock upset... indeed it seemed that everyone else was of the same opinion...

The only problem was that Nenê obviously hadn't read the script...

...When the dust settled on the match, the fans sat silently in their seats. Sir Alex no doubt tried to convince himself that what he had just witnessed wasn't real... it couldn't be... could it? Could his team of internationals, who had dictated most, nay all, of the play, really be staring down the wrong end of a 4-1 defeat..! As it turns out, yes they could... and all 4 had been scored by the man the Boro fans call Nenê...

Nenê's glorious Boro career, during which time he had shattered so many of the club's records, finally ended the following summer... He had outgrown the club... he needed to move on, to show his skills on a larger stage... I knew I couldn't match his wage demands any longer, and there were rumours afoot that a big club may be interested in his services. In the end the man that came calling was the very same that had seen his talents first hand only 18 months earlier... yes, Man Utd came in with a sizeable bid that couldn't be ignored, and with that he was gone... But his parting gift to both the fans and the club, was not only the memories of his incomparable performances, but the financial security that his transfer fee provided... the fans wept... the manager sobbed... the wife walked out...

The club would, in time, move on to bigger and better things... but no one player could ever make the same impact at Broadhall Way as Anderson Luiz De Carvalho... the man they called Nenê...

As an addendum to this heart wrenching story, I acquired Nenê many times since our first meeting (in subsequent iterations of the game)... but he has never been able to replicate the impact he made at Stevenage.

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Excellent short work. This might be an anecdote or a short story. Maybe one of the mods can edit this or you can list what kind of work it might be in the first few words of your opening thread. That way, readers will know it's a short piece with no additional posts related to it.

It's great to read when a signing goes so well. I've had a few players I've signed who've revived careers with me and that's special. But a single player doing what he did, especially to Man United. Loved it!

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It's an excellent anecdote of a CM game that could easily be worked into a very good and memorable short story about the effect of a player upon the club.

Your quality of writing suggests that a future as an FMS regular is within your grasp and I can only hope the reaction you get here encourages you to join our community and work on future stories to entertain us.

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Thanks for the positive feedback guys... This is the first time I have tried my hand at 'creative' writing (short though it is) in any kind of public domain - so your kind words are warmly received.

I have often contemplated writing a 'full' story around an FM season... who knows... this may even prompt me to do so!

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