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Getting consistency out of a 4-2-3-1 Narrow

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During my long running save I found myself with a pile of world class AMCs.  So I have been trying to get a 4-2-3-1 narrow formation to be reliably productive.

It looks something like this:




     DM  DM




I have experimented with a lot of different roles.  I've had the WBs set as CWB A/S.  I've had the DMs as DM(S), or one as a Regista/Roaming/DLP(S) and the other DM(S) or DM(D)

As for the AMCs, I've done a bunch of different AMC/AP/SS/EN combos.  And for striker I've tried pretty much every role.

My big issue is that like %85 of the sides I play use two DMs, or a 4-4-2 ultra defensive, and the middle is completely clogged.  I can't seem to generate enough space/movement with the AMCs and the WBs providing width.  The WBs often end up double teamed in the corner or blasting a cross on that no one is on the end of.    I had some success for awhile using the 'shoot on sight' shout but its obviously inconsistent.  Meanwhile, my defense has been insane, leading the Premier League in fewest goals.

I've searched around for advice and most of the tactics I've found seem highly questionable (ultra attacking with 11 shouts and so on).

Thoughts on how I can create space against packed in sides using this formation?



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It sounds like you're trying to put a square peg into a round hole. How about trying to train 2 of your AMC's to play on the wings and play a 4-2-3-1 DM wide? Another option is to try a 3-1-2-3-1 with 1 DM, 2 wingers. This will give you more support on the wings compared to WBs. But it requires 3 at the back of course and you may not have the depth at CD.

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