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Mega Super Ultra Sugesstion, SI staff please read.


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Mega Super Ultra Sugesstion, SI staff please read... 

OK so i was thinking... alot of suggestions keep getting repeated...

would be cool if you guys can think of a way to make a list of Most popular suggestions and, and make sub menus to them....

So for example... one would go to make sugestion page...  and then one would see "please read this list of popular suggestions to see if your suggestion has already been posted" if so you can give a comment a thumbs up, or add a thought of your own within the suggestions thread...

So will have something like (in short)


1. game-play

          A. players and roles

                 - movment for players

                          ---- wingers

                          ----- strikers

                - new roles

                          ------ CB that goes foward to get equaliser

         B. Formatons

                - fomation changes when team has the ball and when it losses the ball

               - allow more slots for players


2. youth team, development, intake etc.

          A. Imrovments to youth intake

                 - youth intake scouts

                 - youth academys

                        ----- training focus

                       ------ marketing/attracting young players

                       ------- coaching staff for youth accademy

          B. U23 / U18 changes

                     -ability to manage u23 & u18 squads

                    - make prefrences or set of orders for head coach of u23/u18 squads to follow under different circumstances during the game 

3. training

       A. ________________

              -  _____________

              - ______________

       B. ______________

               -  _____________

               - ______________



so pretty much anyone can just go tbrough this list and click on any of these suggestions... and then it would open up to a small summerization of the improvements on that specific catogory... and then anyone can add there own thoughts to it.. and also anyone can give the summerization or any of those thougts a thumbs up....

perhaps you guys can compile some previous threads into thoose thougts.... 

that way folks can find out quickly if there has been a suggestion already made and they can also give it a thumbs up for you guys to get a feel of how much in demand is the suggestion ... maybe even a rating stystem like... 1 thumbs up is for good idea... and then a exlmation mark button icon if its like very important... soo if a player feels like the suggestion is urgent not only will he give it a thumbs up but also an exlmation mark....

hope that makes sense...

if not... at the very least perhaps... make a post of some of the most popular suggestions and requests and try and get most or all releveant posts on those topics bundled in one thread... along with a summary or re-occuring theme of what you guys are hearing from the posts...for thoose sugestions.... 

and it would be also nice to know if you guys are looking into any of them... that way it would probably save someone for trying to add a post....

anyways... thanks guys for all the help

know you guys are trying hard to get the game going... love the concept... know its a work in progress hope you guys really get it going... try and convince sega for some more support ey... tell em EA spots FIFA video game sales is rising year to year and seems to be growing in the US... think we can capatalize from this...soccer is most played sport... think this game has a chance on being an incredible seller... well thats the pitch i will give sega 😉plus its also my opinion... 

best of luck to you guys...

and thanks for the game... really appreciate it...  despite the many of frustraions... LoL 

keep it up guys.... thanks for all the help in these posts also....



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