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Hi..I understand many guys haven't interest in international management but other guys have..For me and my saves is very important.SI must upgrade international manager role but they could easily say no one suggest something specific so here are some suggestions...More talks with your players(national pool,squad),train national team and take them in training camps,talks with FA and building strategy,asking for better facilities and staff,more specific goals for quilifiers,main tournaments and develoment of football in country,staff member must have biger effect in national team,talks with international player's clubs and with clubs in country..You are the coach of a whole nation it must be important..

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Given I spent a long, long time in International Management, I'll take these one-by-one.

More talks with your players

- Fair enough I suppose, but it doesn't really add a huge amount.  What would you tell them?  What would there be to talk about?  Presumably you'd be limited in how often you could talk to them given they're not your players, so would you really get much benefit?

Train National Team

- Said in the other thread, not sure how much this brings.  International managers realistically get about, what, 4-5 weeks with their players in a year?  Longer before tournaments, but not a huge amount.  Given the training module is already pretty basic, do you get a massive boost from organising training?  If it was bundled in with an update to the training module in particular, fair enough, but don't really see the benefit to this

Talks with the FA and Building Strategy

- Beyond fleshing out expectations to be a bit less stark, what would you talk to them about?  Again, comes back to whether or not managers are really responsible for long-term strategy.  You're there to manage the team, and I'm not sure any figure, even the appointed FA ones,can really dictate what happens at a club level.

Asking for better facilities

- Not really the domain of a club manager, but definitely not of an international manager.  What facilities would they want anyway?  Any training is usually done at external facilities or on away trips.  Scotland usually meet at Mar Hall, an upmarket hotel on the banks of the Clyde.  You could request something like St George's Park, but again I'm not sure any England manager was particularly involved in that in any great deal.  They'll get the benefit, but it's the FAs responsibility.  

Specific Goals for Qualifiers

- More interested in this.  But what do you mean by it?  What specific goals?  Just more fleshed out expectations?  As mentioned before, I'd be up for that, but not sure what other goals you could have.  

Development of Football in Country 

- Isn't the manager's job, nor should it be.

Pretty much every point comes back to whether they are the manager's job.  I'm not against a lot of them being in the game, but being responsible for them just seems wrong.  Perhaps they could be added but be more FA-led.  I wouldn't be entirely against these National FAs doing more things like this.  Decisions on National Stadia or facilities etc, but the wide notion of "Development of Football" has to come from the clubs in an FM world, much like it now has to in real life.

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I'm happy you interest in this. 1st)About talks with international players.I meant a conversation about his playing time with his club or try make him choose your national team if he can play for 2 nations,talk with team before a new qualifying campaign start,something like this..Of course you can't talk all the time with a player or a national team but sometimes in a year should be realistic..2nd)About training I understand what are you saying but like IRL even a few days you can train them and I don't think is too difficult for Si add national team  training in fm,they had it in last versions and for example if I play against Italy maybe I want to work on defence and playing against Malta maybe I want to work in attacking game..3rd)In facilities maybe I meant asking to change standard training facilities national team use with other in country but of course it isn't something important..4th)In specific goals in quilifiers I meant something like avoid last place or finish higher than Moldova for example or collect more points than last campaign,score more goals or take at least 10 points.Not always the same goal:Be competitive or reach play of..5th)In development of football and in a many of the things i said before i totaly agree with you i will be happy if them just exist in the game and not be manager responsibility.. If you manage national team  you get me.All the point is this:I want to be more "energetic" as manager of a nation and not just make the same and the same thinks again because i have to make them..:)

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On 8/11/2017 at 20:03, Sheriff7 said:

I'm happy you interest in this. 1st)About talks with international players.I meant a conversation about his playing time with his club or try make him choose your national team if he can play for 2 nations,talk with team before a new qualifying campaign start,something like this..Of course you can't talk all the time with a player or a national team but sometimes in a year should be realistic..2nd)About training I understand what are you saying but like IRL even a few days you can train them and I don't think is too difficult for Si add national team  training in fm,they had it in last versions and for example if I play against Italy maybe I want to work on defence and playing against Malta maybe I want to work in attacking game..3rd)In facilities maybe I meant asking to change standard training facilities national team use with other in country but of course it isn't something important..4th)In specific goals in quilifiers I meant something like avoid last place or finish higher than Moldova for example or collect more points than last campaign,score more goals or take at least 10 points.Not always the same goal:Be competitive or reach play of..5th)In development of football and in a many of the things i said before i totaly agree with you i will be happy if them just exist in the game and not be manager responsibility.. If you manage national team  you get me.All the point is this:I want to be more "energetic" as manager of a nation and not just make the same and the same thinks again because i have to make them..:)

Fair enough, hadn't considered the 2nd nation chat, and given Scotland's penchant for getting anyone with a granny, it would be quite useful.  At the moment it's quite opaque - they either accept a call-up or reject it, there's no colour there, no detail.  Would be nice to be able to talk to them about it.

For training, I'm not saying it would necessarily be hard, but if it was down to difficulty then the list of features would be double the length.  They need to be concentrating on the things that add value, not just adding more busy work.  I'm just not really sure this adds an awful lot to the game.  

Your last part, totally agree.  There is definitely something missing from being an international manager, and it definitely ends up feeling like the poor relation of club management, like it's been tacked on rather than being something they've really concentrated on.  Understandable I guess, given it's probably going to interest a minority, but would still like to see them flesh it out in some way.

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My first request would be that SI pay some more attention to fixing some minor but very annoying bugs that I've reported, like players being angry at being left out of squads they're ineligible for and not being offered your existing captain in the annual "you must choose a new captain" screen

More talking to players (the standard options to praise a performance, proactively tell a player he's being "rested" from a particular squad, possibly beg a young dual national to join your team) would be nice. There could probably be reasonable interactions with club managers too even if they're mostly cosmetic (e.g. asking opinion of whether a young players are ready for international football)   and the useful-in-the-unlikely-event-they-agree options of suggesting a new position/role for a player to be trained in or suggesting a player gets more game time or a loan.

SI also made a decision to hide tactical fluidity for international managers. Possibly this is for the logical reason tactical fluidity is never going to be that high because matches are spaced a long way apart, and there's nothing international managers can really do to influence this, but you still get assman pre-match warmup notes that some of your players need "more time in the middle"; if there are still calculations going on behind the scenes for this it'd be nice to get some indication which players need more experience or find your tactics hard to get to grips with outside the game.

Lastly, it'd be nice if they changed the fitness model of international squad members players in inactive leagues when you're managing international teams to match that of the players in active leagues (at the moment players in inactive leagues appear to revert back to near full fitness very quickly unlike players in simulated leagues who stay tire and have a "match fitness" which appears to be based on their status at their club rather than whether they've played all tournament or sat on the bench all tournament)

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It's nice see other members here interest in this.. Interactions with clubs and managers could be a nice new feature in game, also media of a country could show more interest when national's team call ups approach and be more realistic(I can't read in Gibraltar media believe they can win game against Belgium)or when games approach,using national team's staff more for example send your Assistant Coach watch a specific international player and make you a report about his fitness level, if he played well or if he had any progress and can help national team.In World Cup or European championship quilifiers most times you have 2 games in 4 days with no training and no option to rest team after first game and then you have to play second game after 3 days with a very tired squad who can't stand even for a half.... Also the converations with your players,conversations before or after games, quilifiers draws are always the same they could Change something there too,Men's coach could have  interactions with U21 and U19 coaches asking them about younger players progress,Clubs could take money from Uefa or Fifa for the days they missed their international players like IRL and fixing the bug with  International player's who can't find new contract and retire very young...Let's hope Si will show more interest in international management in next versions..:)

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