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Target Man

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Target Men are strikers with good heading and jumping reach. The sort of players you want finishing crosses, culminating your attacks with dangerous headers rather than finishing with their feet. So can someone explain to me why Target Men, even with an Attack duty, trail back in the box in an area from where their headers are unlikely to find the back of the net? Haven't seen mine run into the path of the ball, and they generally aren't awfully fast either. How do you get your "target men" strikers to do what you want them to do most, be in positions to score goals with their heads? I've been trying to play them as Poachers, which ironically don't even have heading as an important attribute at all. A rather pathetic situation.

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A target man is not really someone you want to finish things, he is a big lump of a man who you target with the ball and who has the job of linking play and creating chances for a player. 

For example, if you want a player to get on the end of crosses, you can use an advanced forward. I had great success with a striker who was very good in the air as an AF in a 442. 

In general here I think you are limiting yourself with how narrowly you are thinking about players roles. You want to see what your players are good at, and work out how you want to use that player. So pairing a winger with good crossing, and an advanced forward who is good in the air is likely going to create a lot of goals from crosses and headers. Not a target man in sight. 

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I want the big lump of a man to use his head to finish, not to just build-up my attacks by chasing possibly inaccurate long balls and trying to head them down to players behind him. I obviously already know how the role works. The advanced forward is also involved in building up attacks but uses his feet, which can be tough for one of these big lumps of men. That's why I'm trying to use the Poacher role. TM and AF even seem to have these men hold the ball at their feet, which can often result in losing possession. Don't worry about how I limit myself and narrowly think about player roles when you don't seem to be on top of them yourself. My point is two-fold. Why is there no role for these players that emphasizes finishing with heading? Why is there no Target Man that aims to head down the ball in attack build-ups but aggressively looks to score in the box in the final stage? Is there something I'm missing about trying to work with this match engine to get these players to finish with their heads?

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I am gonna assume that you don't use the following, that's why you have a problem.

Primary Team Instructions:
-Float Crosses
Primary Player Instructions (for wingers and wingbacks):
-Cross Aim: Target Man

Secondary Team Instructions:
-Exploit The Flanks
Secondary Player Instructions (for wingers and wingbacks):
-Cross More Often

The primary instructions are a must, the secondary are somewhat useful.
Also, the TI "Work Ball Into Box" reduces crosses, so, if enabled, you'll see less crosses towards your Target Man.

Now, If you do use them and still have a problem, somebody else has to help, cause I (obviously) couldn't...

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I have used these from the start. Cross more often I think is there by default for my wingers and I have tried exploiting the flanks as well. That's actually a rather strange one as in watching full matches I don't see it making that much of a difference. I have not been using work ball into the box. I have observed the target man just trailing the play too far back as wingers get into position to cross, not to mention his role in building up attacks being detrimental as he holds up the ball and ends up getting dispossessed and getting out of position without aggressively pushing back into the front. The support duty description might indicate that the target man would get rid of the ball quicker but why would I use it when I'm trying to get the man to finish with headers.

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as far as i know getting a player to finish with his head has nothing to do with the role you give him. the only thing that can effect how he finishes is where the cross is put

the problems with the player not being able to hold up the ball suggests he simply isnt good enough to do so, or you are asking him to do too much. although a target man obviously can finish with his head, that is not the point of the role. the closest you can get is a poacher i guess. even then nothing will ensure the delivery to the head EVERY time. you can increase the chances, that is all

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The role determines the behavior of a player and I certainly haven't been asking my target men to do more in terms of holding up the ball. "Big lumps of men" aren't generally technically proficient. Where do you suggest I put crosses?

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What PI's do you use for your Target Man?

1 hour ago, serif said:

Where do you suggest I put crosses?

If your striker's role is "Target Man", then, obviously, you should select "Cross Aim: Target Man".
If you select a different role for your striker, I don't know, leave it blank, let your wingers decide...
"Float Crosses" TI is a must though (if you want your striker to use his head more often), because it says in the description:

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me personally, i leave crosses type empty. he can just as easily use his strength to win a cross as his height. if you just float crosses, it doesnt necessarily mean he can win them against central defenders that are naturally able to compete against him. it doesnt mean he can stop a keeper claiming the ball. leave it up to your wingers or whoever is crossing to do what is best for the situation

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40 minutes ago, lemeuresnew said:

me personally, i leave crosses type empty. he can just as easily use his strength to win a cross as his height. if you just float crosses, it doesnt necessarily mean he can win them against central defenders that are naturally able to compete against him. it doesnt mean he can stop a keeper claiming the ball. leave it up to your wingers or whoever is crossing to do what is best for the situation

You seem to be missing one big reason for using floated crosses.

It gives your striker more time to get into position, and when you're trying to use a relatively slow target man that extra time can make all the difference.

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20 minutes ago, mack4ever said:

You seem to be missing one big reason for using floated crosses.

It gives your striker more time to get into position, and when you're trying to use a relatively slow target man that extra time can make all the difference.

i understand that. but again, that is situational

for a start, the striker will not always need more time. the cross could be from a set piece where he is already forward, or from a poor clearance for example. many reasons he will not always need time

then there is the fact the cross will not always be for said striker. if you only have 1 target in the box to aim at all game, you are regularly going to struggle. your smaller wingers or more technical midfielders won't necessarily appreciate the ball being in the air...

if you trust the players to pick there own crosses, they should be able to read situations better without you limiting them i think

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I typically will use the instruction to hold position for my target man. I don't like my AF chasing balls into the corners or moving to the wing to anticipate the ball or to help build attacks. Dunno if this helps you but I find my TM will remain central and wait for the ball to come to him.

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