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Few ideas:

1. Allow GK/Fitness Coaches to get coaching badges, not sure why this has been removed recently.

2. Accurate Boardroom job titles and responsibilities. Different structure are clubs will require different interactions with manager. I.e. Chief executive deals with manager, chairman is absent and deals with things thru media. When ownership changes structured change/board room tussle's etc. All can impact the managers position/budget/expectations.

3. International Management, make contracted terms enforced, I.e they go onto end of a term and a renegotiating needs to happen for them to stay. On FM2017 Gordon Strachan stays perm even though it shows he has a contract that expired previously.

4. More international management creativity around requests for greater grass roots development and centre of excellence which boosts some elements of domestic league football over a long term (regen improvements).

5. Accurate chairman/board of FA'S, who move and change with similar impacts as club management.

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