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Help! - Recreating Real Madrid Tactic

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Without being a fan of Real Madrid, or even close to it (I'm more to the Premier League), i'm simply amazed with their play at the moment, and had the idea to create this tactic for my Everton save.

I'm currently close to begin my 5th season, so a few changes have been made, but not many. Bought a few talents in season 1 (regens) and just bought Rabiot from PSG (24 years old now) and Danilo Pereira from Real Madrid (28 years old now).

i have decided to run a 4-1-2-1-2 Dimond. It seems Real Madrid set up more this way now, with Ronaldo getting older, and putting him on top, rather than on the wing (Inside Forward).








What kinda roles would you guys think to give the players, based on the Real Madrid Tactic and the way they play. Is one to go with the a DLP or a AP? It seems like Modric is playing like an AP. What about Mentality and Fluidity? Should the WB be CWB instead, and maybe even moved up besides the DM?

Any help is appreciated.

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Slightly different as when you watch them Casmero is the deepest midfielder but I wouldn't say he was as deep as a DM. The link above is a good representation of it although I would say modric is more of a roaming playmaker as he dribbles a lot with the ball and Kroos is more of the passer.



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My 1st attempt



This is my take on their formation, with "Casemiro" dropping a bit deeper than "Kroos" and "Modric". Performing defensive duties, alongside being a presence in the midfield. I have chosen AM-A for my Isco role, not seeing him as a playmaker, and more as a supplement for the attack. With the attack duty he will also be a presence in the box, wich I think is true seeing some of his goals. In this formation we have the Ronaldo role as a CF-A and Benzema roie as a CF-S. Theese two roles, are the ones I have my biggest doubt. If I was playing Ronaldo, I would properbly play him as a Trequartista, but i'm playing Lukaku in that role, wich makes me deciding on the CF-A. The CF-S for Benzema is close enough tho I think, but im still doubting about making their partnership work in front.


Team Tactics


Looking at their play, and statistcis from the matchers where they play the above formation, it looks like the prefer using the flanks for attack. Also, they prefer to play it from defense rather than clear it long. I have my doubt regarding tempo. I do think they play higher tempo, but for now I leave it on normal. The defensive line and pressing also leaves some trouble, seeing that they dont press that much, but on the time they run a high defensive line most of the time. If they dont conquer the ball quickly, they fall back, leaving me with the choice above. Dribble less for obvious reasons.


Player Instructions

GK: Fewer risky passes, Distribute to centerbacks (for more options playing from behind)
CWB: None
BPD: None
CD: None
MC-D: Fewer risky passes
MC-S: None
AM: Roam from position, move into channels (taking from heatmaps, and seeing Isco in matches)
CF: None

Im still looking for all the help I can get. Please share your thougts on the subject, i'm sure I can learn alot from you guys :)

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16 hours ago, Jean0987654321 said:

You also need to remember that in defense, Isco drops back as a LM in order to defend making the shape a 4-4-2 in defense. If I were you, I would shift Isco on the left as either a WP (a) or higher up as a IF (s) or AP (a) with sit narrower PI in order to emulate his position in attack

If you gave Isco an attack duty in the AM strata surely he wouldn't drop back and create a 4 man midfield?

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