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adding more widgets to manager home screen


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hey guys I am not quite into FM modding but quite advanced in programming languages but this is very different from what I am used to. I was wondering if any of you knows whether it's possible to add more widgets in terms of numbers to the 4 allowed by default (ie. making the current widget height decrease of 50% and adding an additional widget on the bottom so to have space for 8 widgets).

I found the "manager home sector panel", played with it but I couldn't see any option to allow room for more widgets

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You should be able to add more panels by duplicating this code:

    <container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos1" file="human/manager home selector panel" default_width="-1" minimum_width="300" priority="1">
      <integer id="default_for_club_teams" value="tlta"/>
      <integer id="default_for_international_teams" value="pssu"/>
      <integer id="default_for_international_youth_teams" value="pssu"/>
      <integer id="default_for_no_team" value="mnew"/>

But changing the highlight id to something else - each id needs to be unique, however it has been years since I played around with the home screen and I seem to remember on earlier versions the game wouldn't read these other panels (even though the same thing worked elsewhere) so it may not work.

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