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[Discussion] Causation for training

Guest El Payaso

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Guest El Payaso

The training system for me itself has been really dull ever since the sliders were taken out of it. I basically always do the same things by bringing in better coaches and then setting up individual training regimes for every player and do quite well by just doing this. Sometimes I get crazy and start a save where I decide 'okay I'm going to give a big effort on this' just to see no clear difference (or difference at all) compared to my normal way. What I suggest with this is that it is really hard to make a big difference with your own decisions and for me: impossible to be really good at this or really bad. 

What I would bring to this (along with a total overhaul) is a bit of causation. With causation I mean that if you make a certain decision on training it should make a big difference on players' attributes and based on your decision this difference could be negative or positive or to work both ways. 

In real life if we for example look at two strikers: Gabriel Agbonlahor and Mikael Forssell. I know both of these cases quite well. Forssell lost his pace through knee injuries but also one of the factors in his decline in mobility was his decision to bulk up. With bulking up I mean that he decided to build more muscle which definitely increased some of his physical attributes significantly but this also had a knock-down effect on his agility, acceleration and pace. Same goes with Agbonlahor who used to be known of his blistering pace which he lost as he started to bulk up. 

More of these kind of causation in training exist in real life and they should also in the game. If for example you put a player to train a specific attribute, for example stamina, for a whole season the cause should be that this particular attribute will likely increase a lot during one season but it should also have those knock down effects such as player losing some of his strength, pace etc. due to loss of muscle as the stamina builds, also this also could and should make the player question your methods more and making his effort in the training getting lower as he loses trust on you. 

"Putting me to build stamina for a whole season. What is this guy?!?" 

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