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Which currency used here?


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Which currency is used in this field called 'Television money (per club)' [attached pic 1]


Because isn't possible to choose a currency (like in others fields), and i put an amount (in u.s. dollar) but in game the value isn't correct!

For example:


Instead of receiving  $4.375.000 (U.S. Dollar) for the TV , the club receives only $428.498 (also in U.S. Dollar) in the beginning of the season. Is there a difference with the currency or what's the problem with this? Why the amount is different that I put in the editor?

When i'm editing i used the U.S. Dollar as currency, and in others field (like 'prize money' in the end of season) the amount received is correct. 



Or this field isn't the amount received for each club when the season begins? Maybe I am wrong!?

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