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Improving my FM understanding

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I have played FM for a 4 years now, and the part of the game I enjoy the most is tactics. Thorughout my saves i have been able to make several tactics which has brought me succes, but i have never gotten a fuller understanding of why my tactic works, and whether, it is down to my squad building, that has led to a so good team that its difficult to lose, or I have actualy been able to make solid tactics. Hopefully i will get a better understanding and I can get a proper grip on tactics for when FM 18 comes out.
So now i will be starting this thread, where i write my thoughts about a tactic i will be trying to make, and hopefully you guys can help me if you see anything you find to be wrong. Or has any ideas that might help me improve the tactic.

(Sorry if there is a lot of spelling mistakes and such english is not my first language)

So first of all I will be using Arsenal, on a transfer update, for this, as it is the club I support and I think I have a quite good understanding of the players' abilities.


As you can see I have chosen the 4-1-4-1. I have chosen this because the formation screen as far as i know is how we will be defending, and i find 4-1-4-1 to be one of the most solid formation defensively. I honestly as an Arsenal fan throughout the last many years have just wanted to see is us consistently concede few goals, and hopefully get alot of clean sheets. Hopefully i will still be able to produce some nice attacking play.

I have Pi's on and here they are:

GK: Distribute to CBs

RB(Wb-s): stay wider, cross from byline

CB: none

LB(FB-s): stay wider

DM(DLP-d): more risky passes

CM's: both have close down more

RM(WM-a): Mark tighter, roam from position, more risky passes, sit narrower, cut inside with ball, cross less often, close down much more

LM(WM-a): Mark tighter, roam from position, more risky passes, cross from byline, stay wider, close down much more

ST(DF-s): Move into channels, hold up ball

Okay now with that said i can explain what i am trying to do, and hopefully will see ingame.


Transitioning from defence to attack i expect the ball to go into the DLP who will distribute it from there, or to one of the attack duty players who will drive forward with the ball, and hopefully having my striker moving to be a passing option, to further the ball up the pitch.

When transitiong from attack to defense, i am looking for a quick press from my front men, and if the opponents pass that press, fall back into our solid base formation. I expect to achieve this with these Oi's


When in attack i expect the DLP to be a constant passing option. Then i hope Alexis can move from his wide position and find space hopefully avoiding his marker and causing alot of trouble. I want Özil to move in from his wing and either put a great pass through or create some movement which can be used by Bellerin who will strecth the field and hopefully be a wide passing option.I want the attacking CM get up close to the striker and make runs inside, generally alot of movement moving between lines. The supporting cm i hope will stay as a passing option and become more aggresive as our attacks keep on going. Mean while lacazette should be looking for space, and be available for one-twos and making threatening runs inside the box.

When defending i expect all of my players to contribute, especially my strikers and wingers need to close down aggresively, and i want my CMs to be work horses which in turn makes it possible for my DM to shield the defence.

This is the first post and now i will be playing some games, and analysing them to the best of my ability, and hopefully be able to find things to improve. If you have any suggestions or questions please ask, because i am probably likely to learn something from it and i am just trying to learn about this game.

Thanks :D




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